Chapter 655

Long Yi looked at the orcs in the room, Bai Yue thought of something, and asked again: [By the way, why did you go to that restaurant? 】

It happened that there was a snake disaster there, and now a snake beast has been attracted, which is not normal no matter how you think about it.

Sure enough, Long Yi replied: [Snake Qi received a message from an ordinary snake on the road. He said that there are snakes and beasts here, and he insisted on taking a look, so we came with the snake. 】

[So it's like this...] Bai Yue nodded, and looked at Sheling inquiringly, without opening her mouth, she just stared at him.

Thinking of the situation that day, Pegg couldn't help laughing.

She Ling felt guilty, and explained concisely: "I just teach them a lesson."

Bai Yue rolled her eyes, "The store is going to collapse, it seems that the proprietress was the one who was injured, and she is still lying in the hospital."

She Ling nodded in satisfaction, just in time, he did what he wanted to do but was afraid not to do.

[How is Snake Seven? ] Long Yi asked suddenly.

Bai Yue said: [We went to see him, he is still safe for the time being, when the military personnel come, Lang Ni said that he will go to rescue him. 】

【Thanks. 】Long Yi said excitedly, meeting orcs outside was already a pleasant surprise. These orcs are still very powerful, and they can help him. This can be said to be the luckiest thing he has encountered since he was living in this continent.

"What are you talking about?" Lang Ni asked, frowning, dissatisfied with their English.

Bai Yue told Lang Ni the conversation he had just had with Long Yi, and then said to Long Yi: [You will come back to Asia with us in the future, you must learn Chinese, I will buy you a set of Chinese textbooks later. 】

Apart from being grateful, Long Yi was still grateful.

While talking, Xiong Yao's porridge was ready and served in a large bowl.

Long Yi's eyes lit up when he smelled the aroma of the food. After eating the food, he couldn't lift his head up, and buried his head in there, eating and drinking.

Long Yi fled for many days, mentally tense, and didn't sleep well. After he finished eating, Lang Ni arranged for him to sleep in a corner outside the bedroom.Originally, I had to find some soft things for him to cushion, but Long Yi had already curled up there and fell asleep.


The people outside just fell asleep, and the little bear in the house woke up and wanted his mother with one mouth.

Bai Yue opened the door and went in, went to the bed and sat down, touched their little heads, and said softly, "Are you awake? Do you want a drink?"

"Aww~" Xiao Wei hugged her mother's hand on her forehead, her cry sounded uncomfortable.

Bai Yue touched her mouth, and suddenly found that her mouth was as hot as fire, her face changed, and she said to the door: "Xiong Yao! The baby seems to have a fever!"

Xiong Yao walked in quickly, and Lang Ni, Hu Mitian and others also squeezed in.

"Looks like it's going to transform." Lang Ni said calmly, lifting the two cubs.

Bai Yue suddenly became nervous and frightened. She always knew that transformation was a hurdle for orcs. If they crossed it, they would be a real orc. If they couldn't, they would always be in the body of an animal. Of course, they wouldn't grow or move again. .

"Don't be nervous, the bear is very strong, there will be no problem." Lang Ni comforted.

Apart from Bai Yue, Xiong Yao was the most nervous here. He felt that the atmosphere here was not very good. Little Xiong couldn't let go of his hands and feet, and they couldn't mobilize their emotions, which had a great impact on the transformation.

Xiong Yao thought for a while and said, "Guoguo, where do little bears like to go most? Let's take them there."

(End of this chapter)

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