Chapter 696
The bone vine couldn't bear Bai Yue's suffering, so he suddenly stepped into the lake.

His body was not resisted by the water, and he fell into the water very quickly.

Bai Yue didn't stop her, and put her hope on the bone vine.

However, there was a sudden wave on the water surface, followed by a white shadow rushing out of the water, quickly throwing Bai Yue down.

"Ah!" Bai Yue yelled in shock. Immediately afterwards, a sharp mouth held the cloth on her chest, and she threw her head into the air with a flick of her head. It tuned until it fell on the fox's back, and finally stopped after a muffled grunt.

Bai Yue lay on the fox's back, her center of gravity was unstable, and she instinctively hugged his stomach.

The bone vine immediately rose out of the lake, and with a flash of its figure, it blocked the way of the snow fox. Its black hair danced without wind, soaring out of thin air, and hit the snow fox like a waterfall.

Hu Shuihan slammed on the brakes, causing Bai Yue to almost fly off his back. Fortunately, she hugged the fox's neck so that such a tragedy could not be avoided.

Hu Shuihan turned around and ran back, with Hair following him closely behind him. At the same time, the water in the lake flew up with countless black balls, rushing towards the bone vine.

In front was the lake mixed with black balls, and behind was the hair of bone vines. Bai Yue was bouncing in the middle, and after a while, she came back to her senses and shouted: "Stop! Stop it!"

The white bone vine was the one attacking, so it stopped first.

Hu Shuihan felt that the danger had subsided, so he ran a few steps forward, turned around with Bai Yue on his back, his beautiful peach blossom eyes narrowed into dangerous narrow outlines, and the blood in his pupils tended to deepen again. Emotions of destruction linger.

He won't let Yue'er out!Since Yue'er didn't want him to be her "husband" like them, there was no need for him to go to their house.

Get it or destroy it, this is his survival attitude!

Bai Yue took a breath on Hu Shuihan's back, climbed down softly, and was about to walk towards the bone vine, when Hu Shuihan turned into a human form, and his cool big hands tightly held her wrist, holding her footsteps.

Bai Yue turned her head to look at him, and she was stunned by the face that caught her eyes.

In just two days, Hu Shuihan lost the humanity he acquired during this period, and returned to the indifferent and bloodthirsty aura when he first met.

No, he is worse now than when he first saw him, and the hatred in his eyes is deeper.He used to hate orcs, but now, Bai Yue felt that he seemed to hate her?

"Hu Shuihan..." Bai Yue called out his name, but didn't know what to say.

Make him give up on himself?Saying it is tantamount to saying nothing, facing such Hu Shuihan, she can't open her mouth, she can't bear it.

But besides these, what else can she say?
Maybe Qiuqiu didn't care, but when she thought of Lang Ni, and Xiong Yao, she immediately threw out the thoughts that just popped into her mind.

As long as he thought about the possibility of accepting Hu Shuihan, Bai Yue didn't dare to face it, and didn't dare to imagine how Lang Ni and Xiong Yao would react.

After all, she is still used to the monogamous system. If she wants to cross this boundary, her worldview will be the first to be impacted.

Being with Langyan is because of love, and Langyan is the sunshine that takes her out of the haze, and is the object she relies on;
With Xiong Yao, it was because of the child. When she thought that the wolf was gone, the child almost died because of her incompetence. In order to ensure the healthy growth of her own and the wolf's flesh and blood, she chose him without hesitation;

(End of this chapter)

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