Chapter 785 Who is the father of the child 2
【I ask again, Sandy, is the child yours? 】 Bin said coldly.

Sandy was about to speak, when she tightened her grip on his arm, Dai'er begged in a low voice: 【I will raise the child, you don't have to be responsible, just admit it. 】

A look of hesitation flashed across Shan Di's face, and at this moment Bin spoke again: 【Messing up and killing people during the mission time, you should know how to deal with it according to military law. 】

According to the law, he should be dismissed from the army, fined heavily, and never join the army.

The hesitation on Shan Di's face dissipated again, and he gave a military salute to the guest, sonorously and forcefully said: [Return to the officer, the child is not mine! 】

Dai'er immediately knelt down to him and cried, "I beg you, you can't do this!"They're gonna kill my kids, that's three lives!You can't be so heartless! 】

Sandy was frightened, and pulled Dai'er while backing up. Instead of pulling up, she just dragged Dai'er on her legs for a few steps. The picture looked very miserable.

Bai Yue was also taken aback by the fright, and hurried over to pull him back, but he couldn't pull him up no matter what.

Sandy looked at Dai'er apologetically and said: [I'm sorry, I want to be a soldier, so I can't help you, I'm sorry. 】

[The child is yours...] Dai'er knelt on the ground and murmured with tears. The matter has developed to this point. I believe that as long as there is a little conscience, the child's father will not deny it. Sandy has always denied it. It can be seen that he is really innocent.

"Get up first." Bai Yue didn't know what to say, so she said to Dai'er in Chinese.

Dai'er was about to get up when an electric bell sounded from her pocket.

She looked flustered for a moment, and she was about to hang up the phone when she took it out, but Bin said in a commanding tone: [Answer, press speakerphone. 】

Dai'er paused, and Bai Yue realized that the caller was most likely the child's father.

Glancing at Dai'er's mobile phone screen, the caller ID is "delivery boy", but only the mentally retarded will believe that it is really the delivery man.

So it's really not their orcs?
They didn't have many orcs in the first place, and they were all well-informed, and they were basically here, and the orcs in Asia couldn't call.

Thinking of this, Bai Yue looked back at her group, and really missed one.

Wind Fox!

He went out early this morning, no, he often goes out, so he didn't go with them this time.

Bai Yue's heart tensed up again, feeling that the child most likely belonged to Fenghu.

During Bai Yue's analysis, Dai'er pressed the connect button and tried her best to control it, but her voice was still so hoarse that she knew she had cried when she heard it: "Hello."

Sure enough, a worried voice came from the other end of the phone, "Crying? What's wrong?"

Undoubtedly, it was Fenghu's voice.

Embarrassed, he still coaxed over there: "I bought you the lipstick you've always wanted, and I'll deliver it to you at night."

"Cough!" Bai Yue couldn't take it anymore, and coughed forcefully.

Ma Dan, the embarrassment coming from the phone is already so strong that it is about to explode, can't that stupid fox restrain himself?Sending it at night is really an unresolved and licking crime.

Fortunately, Bin could not understand Chinese, so he did not respond.

Fenghu finally realized something was wrong, and his voice sank: "Guoguo? Why are you by the side?... The matter between me and Dai'er has been exposed?"

He was quite clever, and he finally lost the embarrassment of the secret system.

"Well, Dai'er was pregnant, so she was discovered. We're in Bin's office." Bai Yue said concisely.

"I'll be right over." After Fenghu finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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