Chapter 1501 A Catastrophe
Yeran and his family left Wangyue Tower, and everyone gradually came back to their senses.

"Shopkeeper Su, the husband who is in charge of the night, is the son of which family?"

"Is it from Zecheng?"

"Isn't Ye Guanshi from Xiaoze Town? How can such a small place produce such a noble son? Could it be the Xiao family's son?"

Everyone was chattering and discussing, shopkeeper Su didn't know which one of them should answer the question first, at this time, the old shopkeeper of Daoshan Town muttered in his mouth.

"I seem to have seen that young master..."

"Where did shopkeeper Miao meet?"

"Is that young master from Daoshan Town?"

"Yeah, Daoshan Town is remote, not as good as Xiaoze Town, how can there be such a person?"

"It's in the state capital, next to Mr. Gu!"

Shopkeeper Miao murmured, "Boss Gu called him master..."

Shopkeeper Miao used to sit in the herbal medicine hall in the state capital, and later the herbal medicine hall spread to Xiling Prefecture. The first batch of doctors in the herbal medicine hall in the state capital were dispatched to open clinics and pharmacies in various prefectures and towns.

Manager Gu is the most powerful person around Gu Sanniang, so if you call this man a master, what is his identity?
Everyone was shocked and looked at shopkeeper Su.

Shopkeeper Qiu was the first to attack: "Su Changshun, you are really good at it. You know that Shopkeeper Ye is Gu Sanniang's daughter-in-law, but you keep silent and let us make trouble!"

"That's right, shopkeeper Su, you're too unkind to keep this kind of thing a secret!"

"It's no wonder that Director Gu sent a cashier with a gold inlaid jade token to stand next to her. It turns out that the night steward has such a big background!"

Su Changshun was reprimanded by everyone, and he slapped the table: "You say, Steward Ye is the owner behind Baicao Yaozhuang, and she has made great contributions to the control of cholera. Even if she doesn't have such a status, is she the chief steward of Zecheng? return?"

"It deserves its name, it deserves its name!"

"Ye Guanshi's medical skills and acupuncture techniques are beyond my reach."

"Baicaoyaozhuang can develop and sell finished medicines, and the herbal hall no longer needs to be suppressed by Tianyitang and Renxintang everywhere. The night stewards have worked hard!"

The direction of the wind has completely changed, and shopkeeper Su said: "The night steward is a low-key person, and I don't want to be misunderstood because of her identity as the chief steward of Zecheng. She personally confessed that she can't disclose it. Besides, the shopkeepers despise her as a woman. I never asked..."

Shopkeeper Su was right. It was true that when they heard that the new manager was a woman, they were dissatisfied at first and questioned her in various ways, even refusing to listen to Shopkeeper Su's explanation.

He also uttered disrespect and said those unsavory things!
It's a good thing Ye Guanshi has his own mind and doesn't bother with them, and the money that can't even be verified on the account is just thrown away.

After seeing this noble son, shopkeepers from all over the country knew that it was easy to punish them as the night steward. Although she was a woman, she was magnanimous and did not care about them.

For a moment, Yeran let them go, everyone was grateful and convinced.

It's just that Qiu Guanshi secretly groaned in his heart, he didn't expect that woman to be so powerful, if he knew it earlier, he shouldn't speak out against her.

He had other thoughts before, but now, after knowing Yeran's identity, that little thought has completely stopped, and he just wants to go back to Daishan Town and quickly remove his mother-in-law from the post of accountant.

Let her continue to torment, it will cause a catastrophe!
(End of this chapter)

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