Chapter 2288 You Are Resentful
In order to show his benevolence, the emperor settled him, the remnant of Yue Wangfu, in Jiangfu.

This seems to be a way to survive, but in fact, he has found a cage and locked him up. As a proton, everything is going on under the nose of others. One can imagine the difficulty of Ah Song.

Especially when Yun Yan mentioned the word "injured", Ye Ran's heart trembled.

"Get the medicine box ready, I'm going to the Proton Mansion for a visit."

Bystanders are clear, authorities are fans!

After Yunyan got excited, she suddenly calmed down: "Ma'am, I feel that this matter is unusual. After the scandal in Huguo Temple, this herbal hall is famous in the capital, and it is a place to treat women. Even if If Song was injured, he should have gone to the Heavenly Medicine Hall to ask for a doctor, or reported to the emperor to have the imperial doctor come out of the palace for diagnosis and treatment."

"I know what you said."

Yeran asked her: "Do you feel that it is a conspiracy to come to this cottage to invite us to see a doctor?"

Yun Yan nodded: "Yes!"

Why doesn't Yeran know that there is a calculation in it.

When Yun Yan told her that someone from the Proton House was coming, she already smelled a conspiracy.

However, when he heard that A Song was injured, he couldn't sit still anymore.

If someone wanted to use Asong to lure her to the Proton Mansion, if she didn't show up, that person might torture Asong severely in anger.

So even if she knew there was a conspiracy behind it, she still had to go to the Proton Mansion this time.

"If I don't show up, what will happen to the person who wants to use Asong against me?"

Ye Ran sneered: "It's been a long time since he returned to Beijing from Daze Lake, and the medicine that was put on him should have taken effect soon. That man has a bargaining chip, why don't I have a bargaining chip in my hand? Since he wants to see me, why not use it Such a clumsy trick forced me, so why not meet him?"

There is a solitary apricot tree in a weed-grown yard in Jiang's mansion, which is in the season when the apricot blossoms are falling.

Through a low wall, Long Yinxuan saw the sickly second son of Yue Wang's mansion in the courtyard, reclining on the bamboo chair, threading and embroidering.

The mottled sunlight shone on him through the gaps in the trees, and his pretty face flickered in the shadow of the trees.

As soon as the wind blew, petals would fall on him from time to time. He ignored the petals that stuck to his clothes and continued to fly the needle.

When Long Yinxuan walked into the courtyard on the path beside the weeds, the people embroidering under the tree didn't notice it.

Until he stood behind him and saw the fan embroidered clearly, he was a little surprised.

The flowers on the tree were withered, but the petals that were blown by the wind seemed to come alive on the fan surface in his flying needlework, and the cluster of flowers was lifelike.

He also thought that with a father like King Yue, the two sons of King Yue's mansion would also be powerful characters.

All the way to Beijing, he was silent and taciturn. A young man didn't like swords, guns and sticks, but fell in love with embroidery.

It is said that tiger fathers have no dogs.

This is the case with the second son of the Yue Palace, and it seems that the eldest son of the Yue Palace is not much better.

Long Yinxuan felt contemptuous in his heart, and asked behind him: "What are you embroidering?"


Asong turned around, the hand holding the needle naturally raised the orchid finger, and there was a touch of melancholy and sadness in his eyes, and he said: "The forest flowers are in a hurry, and the cold rain comes in the morning, and the wind comes in the evening. Rouge tears, stay drunk, when will it be heavy. Naturally, people grow hatred, and water grows east."

"It's so sad. Are you resentful? Resent me for letting someone push you off the wall?"

(End of this chapter)

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