Chapter 2290
"When Beizhi pushed him off the wall, before pushing him, he cried more tenderly than a girl, so frightened that Beizhi almost couldn't bear to do it."

It's good to be as delicate as a daughter.

When he was brought back to the capital from Xiling Prefecture, it was no wonder that he refused to speak all the way from Xiling Prefecture to Beijing, thinking that he was strong and stubborn.

Now I know that he was afraid, too afraid to speak.

With such a proton in his hand, it is reassuring to be able to use him to control the emperor's wife.

"The king of Yue has been fighting abroad for many years, and the concubine Yue wanted a girl, so he developed such a temperament."

After Long Yinxuan finished speaking, he ordered Leader Lin: "Send someone to clean up all the weeds near the pavilion, and then send someone to wait at the gate of the mansion. The doctor from the thatched cottage is here, and bring her to see me first."

When the carriage approached the Proton Mansion, there was a slight whoosh on the wall of the carriage.

Yeran took down the silver needle that was staring at the wall of the car, unfolded the note and saw that there was a crooked line written on it.

"Someone is following! Lord Gongsun, Queen..."

Yeran stared at the paper, staring at the words written by Aman, looking thoughtful, not knowing what he was thinking.

The carriage stopped, she put the note into the armhole, followed the driver and got out of the carriage.

As soon as he entered Jiang's mansion, there were weeds and ruins everywhere.

After the young man led her into the mansion, he replaced her with an older one, leading her around the corridor in the mansion.

Ye Ran felt that something was wrong, so she stopped and said, "Since you are asking me to see a doctor, take me to the courtyard where your young master lives."

"Girl, don't be angry, the proton's injury is not serious."

The man turned around: "If you want to treat Proton, you need to take Dr. Ye to see someone first."

The reason why the man let her meet Ah Song was to use her to come to the Proton Mansion and see her once.

Sure enough, as she guessed, Ye Ran motioned for him to lead the way.

On both sides of the veranda, there are weeds covering the sky and the sun, and the sunlight cannot penetrate, making it look very gloomy.

Just as Ye Ran frowned, she saw the guide disappeared into the weeds, her eyes suddenly opened up, and as far as she could see, a familiar figure stood in the pavilion.

He turned around, with the same gentle smile on his face: "The genius doctor and I are so blessed, we meet again."

"God-sent marriage?"

Yeran smiled sarcastically: "The emperor arrested my people from Baicao Yaozhuang and brought me into the capital, what a godsend."

"Baicaoyaozhuang privately hides the remnants of Yue Wangfu who committed the crime of treason. Ran'er thinks, how should I deal with Baicaoyaozhuang? Secretly hiding important criminals is tantamount to treason, what crime should Xiaowangfu have?"

If Long Yinxuan said such things before the fire in Prince Xiao's mansion, he could really blackmail Ye Ran.

But since the fire in Prince Xiao's Mansion, Yue'er's father has used his plan to hide behind the scenes and cut off the emperor's forces in Xiling Prefecture one by one.

Today's Xiling Prefecture is as solid as an iron barrel.

That is to send troops from other prefectures to attack Xiling Prefecture. King Xiao in the northern border can immediately return to Xiling Prefecture with his army regardless of the danger at the border.

As a result, Ling Yun's situation is in danger!
Xilingzhou is like a thick thorn in the emperor's throat, but if he pulls out this thorn, it may bleed to death.

So he couldn't pull it out, so he could only let the thorn continue to be stuck in his throat and hurt.

Ye Ran groaned coldly: "The emperor is a magnanimous and benevolent emperor who has already pardoned the second son of Yue Wang's mansion. The one who secretly hid the second son of Yue Wang's mansion in Jiang's mansion is Gongsunhou Ye. I don't know why the emperor insists on such Felony, planted at Baicao Pharmacy? Planted at Prince Xiao's mansion?"

(End of this chapter)

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