Chapter 2348 Man's Heart
"I won't be working in vain. I haven't exhausted my tricks yet. Let's see what I can do. Now I have to wait for the news from the palace."

Ye Ran murmured: "Shui'er hasn't been to the medical center for several days, and calls my elder sister and elder sister all the time. Our herbal hall is suppressed and persecuted by the Heavenly Medical Hall, and I haven't seen her come to the medical hall."

It's just that whoever is talking about it will come!
Yeran had only seen a few patients during the consultation, and Shui'er came to the clinic with a basket of loquats.

Watching her uncover the basket, Ye Ran laughed out loud: "This time is the loquat from Nanzhou again?"

"It's not Nanzhou, it's the loquats that Dongzhou paid tribute to. Sister, look, they are golden in color. Peel off the skin and take a bite. It's sweet and juicy. It's the best way to moisten your throat. I just got a basket, and I didn't forget to share it with my sister." .”

Shui'er babbled: "I heard that the Tianyitang even did murder and arson in order to suppress the business of this herbal hall. I was so angry when I heard this. At first I heard that this herbal hall was closed, so I wanted to come to see it a long time ago." Sister, but one day later, I heard that the Jin family and the Jiang family had sent medicinal materials to the medical clinic, so I waited for my master to come out of the palace before coming to the medical clinic."

Yeran was surprised: "Why did you wait for your master to leave the palace?"

"Blow your ears, my lord is serving by the nobleman's side. Last night I spoke ill of the Heavenly Medicine Hall. The lord always loves me. He will definitely mention a few things about Gongsunhou's mansion in front of the nobleman. "

In fact, Yeran has been using water from the very beginning.

Shui'er committed herself to a eunuch, which is really looked down upon, but she is pure and kind, and she is considered a good girl.

If it weren't for the fear of poverty, it would not be necessary to hold on to a eunuch tightly and keep his favor.

Shui'er mentioned to her several times that after the family's business collapsed and she was sold, she has been sold here and there by human traffickers, and when she was hungry, she couldn't even eat hard steamed buns.

However, a person manipulated by fate to follow the tide is looking for food and clothing. She wants to live a better life, so what's wrong?

Yeran was touched for a moment, and held her hand: "It's hard for you to think so much about this cottage, it's hard for you to always think about me."

"My sister is so kind to me, she didn't even collect my medicine money for seeing a doctor, so you are allowed to be nice to me, and I am not allowed to be nice to you!"

Shui'er's eyes sparkled: "I just said that when I was sick, I went to the doctor's office to see a doctor, and said that the prescription of this herbal medicine would cure the disease with one dose. I didn't dare to tell my master that I and my sister are close friends. of."

"It's fine if you don't say anything, leave a way out!"

Yeran suddenly had some compassion for Shui'er who just wanted to eat and wear warm clothes: "Shui'er, if your master doesn't want you someday, you can come to this thatched cottage to help collect money. Your family used to be You don’t know how to see a doctor and prescribe medicine, so you can help manage the accounts, right?”

"My master won't want me..."

Shui'er was halfway through speaking, and suddenly felt a little sad: "A man's love for a woman is not long-lasting. Like what my sister said, one day he finds a better color, and he doesn't like me. Sister, is it just me? Only with a child can you keep a man's heart?"

Is Yuan Bao a man?

Ye Ran complained silently in her heart.

Trying to keep a serious face: "Hey, your master...why did you suddenly ask this?"

"The empress has fallen out of favor. The emperor loves Mrs. Jin more and more, and he is also kind to Concubine Shu."

Shui'er paused: "But now the emperor has changed his mind, because the empress is pregnant with an heir, no matter how much Mrs. Jin is favored, she has been in the palace for so long and has never had an heir."

(End of this chapter)

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