Chapter 2350
In an alley in the capital, there is a simple courtyard.

The small yard was tidied up in an orderly manner, because it was a new residence, the owner had not had time to plant some flowers and plants, and there was only one osmanthus tree with dense branches and leaves in the yard.

At this time, a young man was sitting by the stone table under the tree, holding a scroll in his hand, reading aloud.

"Xiang'er, are you tired?"

A decent-looking woman came out of the kitchen with a bowl in her hand: "Mother made you a bowl of lotus seed soup. This stuff is precious, and it was given by the nobleman last time..."

The young man got up, took the bowl and just picked up the spoon, raised his head and asked the woman, "Have you eaten, mother?"

"Eat, mother has eaten a big bowl, this bowl is for you."

The woman smiled and said, "Xiang'er, eat quickly!"

The young man looked at the woman who urged him to eat quickly, the hand holding the spoon trembled, his face was very moved.

He knew that his mother was always so delicious that she couldn't bear to eat it by herself, so she always left it for him.

Every time he pushed back and forth, things ended up in his mouth.

If you push it to her, she won't eat it, and will be angry that he doesn't believe her.

The days of hiding in Tibet will pass soon, right?

One day, he will let his mother live a good life. The young man lowered his eyes, scooped up a spoonful of lotus seed soup and stuffed it into his mouth. The stewed lotus seeds were rotten, very sweet and soft.

The food made by my mother has always been the most delicious in the world.

He took a few mouthfuls, then paused suddenly, frowned, put down the spoon and pushed the bowl to the woman: "Mother, it's too sweet, my child doesn't like sweets now..."

Ye Ran and Yun Yan stood outside the courtyard wall, and through the stone gap in the low wall, they could clearly see the scene in the courtyard.

The woman named Aunt Zi brought a bowl of lotus seed soup to her son, saying that lotus seeds are precious things, and she had to watch from the sidelines, waiting for him to eat the lotus seed soup in the bowl.

It took a lot of time to stew that bowl of lotus seed soup.

Looking forward to her son eating a bowl of lotus seed soup, her waiting is joyful.

Yeran could feel the woman's motherly love for Xiang'er across a courtyard wall. Just as she was watching with great interest, the boy frowned and handed the lotus seed soup back to the woman in dissatisfaction.

The previous warmth was swept away, Ye Ran could feel it, the woman was stunned for a moment, she couldn't believe that such a good thing was rejected.

A look of disappointment flashed in his eyes, he took the bowl and turned back to the house.

When Aman found the mother and son, their situation in Qiushui Mountain Villa was not good.

Yun Yan also said that after Aunt Zi was raped and conceived by Lord Gongsun Hou, the people in the village only regarded her as having an affair with a wild man, and managed to save her life.

Their mother and son have been spurned and bullied all the time in Zhuangzi, and their life is very difficult.

Aunt Zi was the servant girl who served Yunyan's mother, and she knew that the death of Yunyan's mother had nothing to do with the Gongsunhou's residence. Mrs. Gongsun was very jealous and vicious, but Gongsunhou was only interested in flair, and treated the sons and daughters very coldly. sex.

Uncovering the truth will only cost the lives of their mother and child!

Xiang'er is Aunt Zi's hope of sustaining herself, so no matter how difficult it is, she sticks to the secret of his identity.

The situation of their mother and child, food and clothing is difficult, how can Xianger despise such a precious thing as lotus seeds, which are too sweet?

After Ye Ran saw Aunt Zi entered the house, the boy named Xiang'er tiptoed to the window sill, hid behind the window and poked his head out to look into the house.

Ye Ran tugged at Yun Yan lightly, then lowered her voice: "Follow up and have a look!"

(End of this chapter)

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