Chapter 2820 Gloomy Clouds
The Longting Imperial Palace in the Desert Kingdom was gloomy and gloomy.

The news that Regent Lingyun brought tens of thousands of elites across the Valley of Death and made another surprise attack on Longting has been reported to the palace by various tribes.

"Don't worry, my lord! The surprise attack on Longting by the Regent Lingyun in the battle of northern Xinjiang was done because Ba Gen followed the general to fight in northern Xinjiang. The sandstorm in the Valley of Death can bury people. Tens of thousands of elite troops crossing Death Valley will always lose some troops."

"That's right, my lord, the sons of my desert are brave and good at fighting, especially the Bagen tribe. Last time he succeeded in a surprise attack, it was the empty guards near the Dragon Court. This time there are tens of thousands of young and strong men in the Bagen tribe. If they arrive, they will definitely be killed without leaving a piece of armor.”

All the ministers agreed one after another: "That's right, the regent Lingyun came from the northern border, crossed the desert valley of death, and traveled a long distance. They're going to fight off one by one."

"My lord, Ba Gen will definitely be able to block the Lingyun army from the Dragon Court..."

The emperor of the desert called his ministers to discuss countermeasures, and when the discussion was in full swing, a young eunuch crawled in.

"It's not good, it's not good, Dijun, this is the report submitted by Ba Genbu, Ba Genbu failed to resist Lingyun's army."

Can't resist?
All the ministers in the hall were dumbfounded, with disbelief on their faces.

How could it be unstoppable?
Lingyun is only a few tens of thousands of elites, and he must be exhausted after rushing so far, but Ba Gen has recharged his energy and recharged his batteries, and all of them are brave and good at fighting on the grassland.

Even if you can't win a big victory, you should keep Ling Yun's army out of Longting!

This news made everyone in the hall panic. Just now the ministers in the first hall were discussing in full swing, saying that the army of the Lingyun Kingdom would definitely be blocked by Ba Genbu from Longting, and the news that Ba Genbu had fallen immediately came.

The emperor of the desert looked very bad: "How many guards are there in Longting?"

Immediately a general came out and said, "My lord, Longting has [-] guards, plus the [-] guards left by the Yan family in Longting, and the [-] elite soldiers controlled by the Empress, there are a total of [-] elites."

"Bagen's tens of thousands of elite soldiers failed to stop the tens of thousands of elite soldiers of Lingyun Kingdom. According to the report, after the regent king of Lingyun captured the tribe, he coerced many elite soldiers from various tribes, including old, young, women and children. According to my guess, the regent king There are at least 8 horses on the ground, but there are only [-] elites in Longting..."

The emperor of the desert paused, and suddenly looked at the queen: "The tens of thousands of elites that the queen sent to Wu to pick up the prince will return to Longting soon. If they can attack from both sides, the danger of Longting can be solved."

When the emperor mentioned tens of thousands of elites to welcome the prince, the queen's face froze.

Her eyes flickered for a moment: "What the Holy Majesty said is that according to the itinerary of the prince's flying eagle to pass the letter when he left Wuguo, he can rush back to Longting in two days, and when the time comes to attack from inside and outside, the danger of Longting can be solved. "

Isn't the queen guilty when she said this?

Concubine Yan Gui's eyes flickered, and she suddenly sneered: "The new emperor of the Lingyun Kingdom has just been established, why did the regent send troops to Lingyun at this time, don't sister empress not understand? I heard that the regent Lingyun loves Ye Shi very much. Qiu, it would be unbearable to be replaced by Da Mo's Erlang, right? What's more, the regent Ling Yun has a noble status, how can he swallow this breath? Speaking of which, the fall of the various tribes in Da Mo, and the defeat of the Bagan clan are all due to the credit of His Highness the Crown Prince .”

(End of this chapter)

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