Chapter 13
Yes, I have!What's wrong?
When this sentence almost came out of my throat, I glanced sideways at the expressionless Liu Longting, and I was extremely nervous. If Liu Longting realized something by himself, I would take in the mountain god to deal with it. He, the mountain god will die, maybe even I will die, after all, who will be merciful to those who want to kill themselves.

At this time, I regretted the agreement I reached with the mountain god just now. In fact, following Liu Longting is not only tiring and inconvenient, but even if he forces me to do that kind of thing, I still enjoy it. Why kill him?
"I've been looking for you." I replied Liu Longting.

"You don't have any mana, how did you deal with her?" Liu Longting asked me again.

Up to now, it's not good for me to confess, and it's not good not to confess. After hesitating for a while, I said vaguely to Liu Longting: "I didn't deal with him, but someone helped me. He asked Chang Cuihua to save her husband. She I just left."

I thought Liu Longting would ask me the bottom line, but unexpectedly Liu Longting didn't ask who is the person who helped me?Instead, he told me to call Aunt Ying after I went back, saying that the matter was over, and she asked her to write down the list with her. For self-defense.

I looked at Liu Longting in surprise, I didn't expect that he still cared about me, my heart warmed, and I quickly agreed, thinking that when I find a time to cancel this agreement with the mountain god, I won't feel sorry for Liu Longting in my heart.

After returning home, grandma came out of the room with a smile on her face. Since I became a horse disciple, grandma seems to be happier than me, but she pulled me to the sofa and sat down, and grandma's face became a little embarrassed , told me that Grandma Li downstairs said yesterday that it was to thank me for solving the problem in their village, and brought several boxes of gifts. Under the gifts, there were several stacks of cash. The villagers in the village put together a little heart, I hope I don't feel shabby.

I was just about to tell my grandma to see how much I have, and if the money is less, I will accept it, but when grandma was talking just now, she kept staring at my face. Before I could say anything, grandma suddenly pointed to my face and said : "Jing Jing, why haven't I seen you for two days, your face..."

I quickly reached out and touched my face: "What's wrong with my face?"

"Why do you have so many moles?"

mole?Impossible, my skin is pretty good, especially on my face, usually acne rarely grows, how could there be inexplicable black moles?Shouldn't it be dirty?

I hurried to the bathroom to look in the mirror and wash my face. When I stood in front of the mirror, five or six moles the size of sesame seeds had grown on my mouth, upper and lower chin, not only on my chin, but also on my face. There are several of them, and the biggest one, next to my ear, is as big as half a fingernail!

I hurriedly washed it with facial cleanser, but it couldn’t be washed off, and then I rubbed it with an exfoliator, but it still couldn’t be washed off. I went to Majianguo for the past two days, and my face was fine when I went there. That's it!

Could it be that Ma Jianguo did something to me?Or what did Liu Longting do to me?
Now that I just came back, Liu Longting has already entered the fairy hall, and I didn't have time to ask him. I happened to be on business with Aunt Ying, so I called Aunt Ying and asked Aunt Ying what happened to my face?
After the call was connected, Aunt Ying said to me excitedly, "What's the matter, Miss Bai Jing, have everything been settled?"

"The beauty of your thinking, how could it be so fast, only the one on the Tieling side was solved, Liu Longting said to remember you, now rest at home for a while, and I will probably finish it for you in the next two days." After I said this Then he asked Yinggu curiously: "By the way, aren't you an immortal? Why did you take the order of an immortal? I just became a disciple of the horse. Are you not afraid that I will screw things up?"

When I said this, Aunt Ying was a little embarrassed, said a few words that she believed in my strength, and then changed the subject, with my suspicious attitude in her tone: "Aren't I doing this for you? You still blame me , the more orders you take, the faster you accumulate good fortune, so how do you feel after taking so many orders?"

I don't have any other feelings, but after going to Tieling, many moles appeared on my face inexplicably, I don't know how they got it.

When Aunt Ying heard that I had a mole on my face, she was a little surprised: "Accordingly, the mole on my younger brother's body means that there is something wrong with my body, either because of excessive consumption of blood, or Your body is missing something, and the moles are there to remind you to supplement this thing, just like a calcium-deficient child needs to supplement calcium.”

I didn't do anything in Tieling for a few days, how could I lose too much blood, and I have never heard of moles growing because of a lack of something in my body!
"By the way, is Liu Longting's snake fetus still in your stomach?" Ying Gu asked me suddenly.

When I mentioned this, I got angry, and the tone was not good: "Yeah, he refused to take out these ghost things, and now my stomach is getting bigger. If it gets bigger, I don't even know how to wear clothes. .”

What Aunt Ying paid attention to was not my talking about how to wear clothes, but she said to me: "That's no wonder, you go to Liu Longting and ask him to give you some energy. You are a human being, and you have a snake in your stomach. They are different species, those little snakes need the spirit of the same kind to grow up, this Liu Longting is too irresponsible to you, you should communicate with him more, so that when the fairy family doesn't get along with your younger brother, it will be you who suffer."

Since Aunt Ying didn't remind me that there is nothing wrong with being pregnant with a snake, I wanted to complain in my heart, but I was held back by the solution she taught me, so I hung up the phone very depressed, and followed my grandma to see the woman who pretended to be pregnant. The money bag, with a neat stack of red banknotes lined up under the bag, estimated to be [-].

[-] is about the same except for a mountain god. Some things are worthless after they are ruined.

I asked my grandma to keep only half of it, and the remaining [-] yuan should be used for donations, donating to disaster areas, donating to children, whatever.

After taking a bath at home, I contacted another owner who was in trouble, and then went to Liu Longting and asked him the departure time. In addition, Liu Longting also said in the car today that he would teach me how to draw talismans, this life-saving skill After learning it, there is also a gimmick when showing off your hands, so as not to stand like a fool and don't know what to do!
I put on a mask and went to the Immortal Hall to talk to Liu Longting about things and learn how to draw talismans. After all, I also don't want Liu Longting to see my ugly appearance.

Liu Longting is very leisurely. When I entered Xiantang, he turned into a white snake coiled next to the incense burner and sucked the smoke. When he saw me coming in, he turned into a human. He didn't mind what mask I wore, so he told me to go. Prepare pen and ink, and draw the talisman with a brush. In fact, the talisman itself does not require much homework. The powerful effect is actually the mantra recited in the talisman. The stronger the mantra, the more powerful the drawn talisman. But I Now my cultivation base is still low, when my cultivation base is high, he will start teaching me mantras.

Although this mantra is to be learned later, the current talisman is also difficult to draw. Liu Longting first drew me seven strange patterns on white paper and asked me to copy them.

Not to mention asking me to follow the drawing, as soon as I picked up the brush, my hand would start to shake violently. When I wrote down, it was so twisted that Liu Longting couldn't stand it anymore, so he stood behind me, supporting the table with one hand, and Reached out to hold my hand holding the brush, and said to me, "Don't squeeze it so hard, hold it lightly, and it will be much smoother."

In this posture, Liu Longting's face was almost pressed against my head, and the breath of his words spilled from my face, I don't know if I was thinking too much or there was a faint fragrance in his mouth, I smelled it He was in a trance for a while.

Liu Longting held my hand and smoothly wrote a cursive word "forbidden" on the paper.

"This is a forbidden word. Its function is to seal the way in and out of something. It can trap him in a certain place. You practice it a few times, and it will be over in a while. If you don't, you don't even want to go out today. .”

I asked Liu Longting, I had already contacted the second family who was in trouble, and asked Liu Longting when it would be better to go.

Seeing that I was going to mop the floor, Liu Longting reached out to take the mop, and told me that he could do it anytime, but this time he has something to go home, and he probably won't be back until the next year, so I'm afraid I'll be alone this time.

Myself?I used to go there alone, other than being silly and courteous, I don't know how to do anything else!
Seeing some unhappy and worried expressions on my face, Liu Longting reached out and pinched my chin, looked around, and said to me in a very calm tone: "This time it's a small thing, you can deal with it, otherwise, I will I didn’t force you to learn how to draw forbidden symbols just now.”

(End of this chapter)

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