Chapter 46
I've been searching the street for almost an hour, but I haven't seen Liu Longting. I haven't eaten much during the day, and it's already eight or nine o'clock. When I came out, I didn't bring any money. In fact, I didn't. Qian, now I'm really thirsty and hungry, Liu Longting, can he be more upright like me, he showed so much care about the appearance of the giant female corpse during the day, if I'm jealous, I'm jealous, so I asked him uprightly.

Now Liu Longting is also asking me how good it should be, so I will explain, just now it was just a hug between friends, there is no other meaning, just tell him not to take it to heart, now I am alone here in the dark Looking for him at night, isn't he afraid that I will encounter some gangsters?
I turned into the park and continued to search half of the park. I also asked people on the way if I saw a handsome guy about 1.8 meters [-] in white clothes passing by. Everyone in the park said they didn’t see it. I was really tired in the end. I was really exhausted, lying on a clean long bench in the park, shouting Liu Longting's name to the sky, asking him where he is now, I look like the female sharp brother wandering in the park Same.

"Is that how you came to find me?" Liu Longting stood beside me at some point, holding a food bag in his arms.

When I saw Liu Longting now, I felt as happy as meeting a national leader. I quickly sat up from the chair and asked Liu Longting where he had gone.I've been looking and can't find him? !

"I'll follow you right behind you, and you'll be able to see me when you turn around halfway."

So angry!Liu Longting was actually right behind me, watching me suffer, but now that he looked at him like this, he didn't seem to be angry about what happened just now, so I became more courageous, pointing to Liu Longting's embrace I asked him if this was for me to eat?
"I'll give it to the dog, but I won't give it to you." When Liu Longting said this, he probably wanted to punish me a little, but when he was talking, he had already taken a few breads that were still warm from his body. Give it to me and tell me to make do with it first.

Now I was almost hungry and my intestines were knotted in my stomach, so I quickly opened the bag and took it out to eat, and asked Liu Longting if he was angry just now? !

"Yeah, I got angry, but weren't you very happy just now? Go ask Fenghuang to take you to become a fairy! Isn't it good to follow him? What are you doing looking for me?"

Liu Longting was a little angry when he said this, but at this time, I thought he was very cute when he said these words, like a wronged child who didn't like to talk, he didn't say anything, Silently sulking, when he was done getting angry, he came over again.

"You know Liu Longting, you are so cute." I praised him while eating the bread Liu Longting brought me. It may be that after being together every day, Liu Longting gradually realized that apart from turning into a snake, he is actually no different from us. He also has our emotions, and he also has our emotions.

Hearing what I said, Liu Longting was stunned for a moment, then told me to eat well, don't coax him with nice words, it's useless.

"I love you."

As I said this to Liu Longting, the dim light above my head shone on Liu Longting and I's hair, dyed a piece of gold, which looked extremely holy. At this time, I did not do anything that made me extremely excited because of Liu Longting, nor Coercion, this kind of love for him is from my heart, I want to be with him, even if I will be as old as Aunt Ying, even if Liu Longting will feel that I am greedy in the next life, I have been looking for someone who makes him feel more interesting , but I just want to be with Liu Longting now, in my best years, with the person I love the most.

Listening to what I said, Liu Longting was silent for a while, then turned his head and asked me with a smile: "Do you love me sincerely?"

"Sincerely, if I lie to you, the sky will be struck by lightning, and I won't be able to..."

Before I finished my words, Liu Longting lowered his head to hold his lips, sucked some cream that accidentally touched my lips into his mouth, and then stretched out the soft tip of his tongue to me.

I saw him like this, and immediately hit him on the shoulder, but there was no one around here, so I hugged Liu Longting's face and kissed him.

The kiss became so hot that I was the one who came out to look for Liu Longting. Now that I kissed him, I forgot who brought it up, so I went straight to the nearest hotel and opened a room. After all, there are so many fairy houses in my family. Grandma is also at home, it is too embarrassing to see.

Maybe it’s also because I’m worried that I still have a snake fetus in my stomach. As a first-time parent, I don’t know much about it. The actions of the mountain god let me know that even though I know I’m pregnant with a snake fetus, it’s still my sweetheart. Liu Longting didn't dare to press on me too hard, he was either behind me or on top of me, and he no longer dared to give me anything presumptuously. He controlled the frequency and came slowly. The gentleness made me almost melt into Liu Longting's body. in the arms.

When we came home the next morning, my grandma asked me where I was going all night?She didn't even make a phone call, if it wasn't for Xiaofeng's comfort, she would be too anxious to fall asleep.

Remembering that Liu Longting and I were patronizing that last night, I felt a little sorry for my grandma, so I quickly hugged my grandma's hand and told my grandma that I happened to meet my former classmate on the road last night, and I wanted Liu Longting to accompany me Went to play together one night.

Grandma never doubted my words, but when it came to Feng Qitian, he blamed me and said why I didn’t take him there, and he was serving my grandma at home, and he was often hit on the head by a white hedgehog. If it wasn’t for grandma’s worry I, he also came out to find us.

Fortunately, Feng Qitian didn't come out, otherwise it would be embarrassing if he happened to meet.Now the things at home are almost settled, and my vacation is almost over, but I immediately thought of going back to school, and a depressive atmosphere suddenly pressed into my heart. If possible, I will not go back this time. I plan to go to school, go through the formalities of suspending school, deal with everything over there, and I will come back.

Liu Longting agrees with me. After all, staying at home is more secure than going out of town. Plus, I am a witch and I have learned so many things. In the end, what I have to do every day is to catch ghosts and fight monsters.

After we returned to school, maybe Liu Longting didn't want me to be affected by the previous things all the time. His own mood also improved, and he knew that I was interested in shamanism and magic. I bought a set of wizard costumes I wore when I was dancing the Great God. The suit Liu Longting gave me was much more gorgeous and beautiful than the one I wore at Aunt Ying’s house before. The flowers and tiger patterns on the clothes were all made of gold. Silk and silver thread, every detail can be painted into a picture, besides these, Liu Longting also taught me some mantras, words to be used when inviting various gods, and some taboos.

Sometimes Liu Longting is like my teacher, like a brother, and like a leader, and sometimes, like my very beloved son, but even so, Liu Longting is still worried about me, and he still controls the money in the family That said, every time I ask him for money, I feel humbled and very upset.

Because the house here was bought by Liu Longting, he didn't let Feng Qitian live with us, Feng Qitian now lives in hotels almost every day, the consumption in the imperial capital is very high, so he split half of the money he just earned After giving it to me, it was almost squandered. Once, when the new monitor of my class told us about our school anniversary and my class was about to put on a show, Feng Qitian sneaked up from under my desk and told me about his After finding a job, it is in our school. We will earn a lot of money and not be oppressed by Liu Longting!

The way Feng Qitian suddenly got out from under the table reminded me of the scene where Zhiliu Longting buckled me under the table. I was so frightened that I quickly kicked Feng Qitian out with my feet, and asked him in a low voice. What do you say?
"In the newly built campus of your school, three workers died, all of them died for no reason. When I just passed by your school's leadership office, I heard a teacher inside, saying that I wanted to ask an expert to take a look. What's going on, I looked at that place, and it was because of the wrong feng shui orientation that caused people to die due to feng shui conflicts, you say we should accept this order or not!"

(End of this chapter)

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