Chapter 54
Fan Meiqi can actually see that I am exorcising evil spirits?

I was a little surprised immediately, looked Fan Meiqi up and down, and asked her how she saw it?
Fan Meiqi didn't understand what I meant for a while, she looked at me suspiciously, and said to me: "It's just with eyes, there are many ghosts in our new campus, and at night, they come from the one in our school. Come out of the mountain bag."

I can't believe that Fan Meiqi can see ghosts with her eyes, and I'm a priest now, if I don't rely on my upper body, or wear five ghosts to swallow my mouth, I can't see those things at all.

I looked at Fan Meiqi's eyes, but I didn't find any difference between her eyes and ours. Feng Qitian, who was standing at my feet, saw that I was looking into Fan Meiqi's eyes all the time, so he said to me: "There is something wrong with her." Yin and Yang eyes, how can you see ghosts as an ordinary person."

"Yin-yang eyes?" I bent down a little, stared at Fan Meiqi, then picked up the five-color chicken at my feet, and asked Fan Meiqi, "Then can you see the chicken in my hand?"

When Feng Qitian saw that I called him a chicken again, he started to thump in my hand angrily, saying that he had been robbed now, so he shrank like this, and if he recovered, he would scare me to death!
I pressed Feng Qitian's wings to tell him not to move, but Fan Meiqi stared at my hand for a while, shook her head, and said she couldn't see it.

Isn't the Yin-Yang eye able to see Yin-Yang?Logically speaking, the fairy family can be regarded as something within yin and yang, why can Fan Meiqi see ghosts, but why can't she see immortals?
When Feng Qitian heard that Fan Meiqi couldn't see him, he immediately felt surprised, spread his wings and slapped Fan Meiqi vigorously, but Fan Meiqi looked at my hand, her eyes were still blank.

It's fine if you can't see it, class is about to start, I want Fan Meiqi to tell me first if she has anything she wants to ask me for help?
"I want you to help me save a person, no, he is not human, I..." When Fan Meiqi said this, she faltered, but couldn't even say anything clearly.

"The person you asked me to help you save is either a human or a ghost?"

"No, he's not a ghost, but he's not a fairy either. I don't know what he is, but he is something that is enshrined in my hometown village. People in the village will build roads and put his temple It was dismantled, so I beg you, can you help me save him and let me have one last look at him!"

When Fan Meiqi said this, her eyes turned red, and she burst into tears immediately, tears welling up, extremely sad.

This thing that is enshrined by people will be abandoned when it can't bring any benefits to people. It's like a thing that is no longer needed for you. You can't spend time maintaining it every day. ,Natural selection, survival of the fittest.

"But if it's about building roads, it's useless for me to go back with you!" After all, I'm not a leader in their village. I'm an outsider to stop them from building roads.

"No, I know, you are an outsider, and going back with me will not stop them from building roads. I am begging you this time, in the hope that you can save him? Let me see him for the last time. Since a year ago, I I can't see him anymore, and I don't know why. Every time I go home, I go to his temple, and I can feel that he is still there, but I just can't see him anymore. Now people in our village are The temple is going to be demolished. He told me before that the reason why he exists in this world is because he has temples and people worship him. If he loses his faith and the temples are demolished, he will also disappear in this world. No, I have no way to stop it, and no one believed me when I told others, or I was a liar. The other day I saw my senior sister exorcising ghosts. I thought that my senior sister should be very capable, so I came to ask my senior sister. ,Can you help me?"

Looking at Fan Meiqi's pitiful eyes, seeing her like that, she is [-]% like me, she fell in love with that enshrined thing.I was also hesitating whether to help her or not. After all, I have no skills other than cheating. If I go back with Fan Meiqi, I won't be able to help her.

Seeing that I was hesitating, Feng Qitian told me to ask Fan Meiqi if she had money first. If she has money, we will take the order. If she has no money, forget it. Let her go about her own business!Then I sighed how all of us young girls are not bright-minded, and normal men don’t like good people, but they prefer someone who crosses species, and then turned their heads to look at me suggestively.

I stretched out my hand and slapped Feng Qitian on the head of the chicken, told him not to talk nonsense, and told him not to always look at money in the future, Fan Meiqi is a college student, how can there be so much money?

"You mean money?" Fan Meiqi asked me suddenly.

I just wanted to explain that no, Feng Qitian was afraid that I would push this order, so he quickly attached himself to me, and immediately controlled me, then put on a complacent expression, put his hands on his waist, I asked Fan Meiqi in my voice, "Yes, do you have any? If so, I promise you that I will go back with you and see if I can save your lover. If his temple is demolished, his soul will fly away." Broken, and you will never see each other again."

When I said this, Fan Meiqi burst into tears, and said to me: "I have money, and my dad saved me a dowry worth nearly [-] yuan, and all the money is in my hands. If you think it is too little, I will go Loans, I will try my best to get the money to you!"

This is the first time I've dealt with the client face to face. Although I didn't speak, I feel a little bit guilty in my heart, and Feng Qitian was not softened by Fan Meiqi's pitiful appearance at all, so he made some calculations , Ask Fan Meiqi where her home is? !

"In Guizhou."

"It's a bit far away, and the round-trip ticket costs several thousand, but since you're still a student, it's fine to charge you one hundred thousand, and I will let you see your lover on my shoulders."

Feng Qitian immediately agreed without blinking an eye, and then gave Fan Meiqi's card number, first put [-] as a deposit, and paid in full afterwards, and I will go back with her after the deposit arrives.

Although 10 yuan was cheated by Feng Qitian, Fan Meiqi still looked grateful to me, saying that he would go to transfer money in the afternoon, and asked me if it would be convenient for me to release it tomorrow?If it is convenient, we will go back tomorrow.

"It's convenient, as long as it's convenient for you to pay, it's convenient for me at any time, go quickly, don't make a wrong card number." Feng Qitian urged Fan Meiqi to leave quickly.

After Fan Meiqi left, Feng Qitian got down from me, I blamed him for saying that it was fine for him to steal other people's money, why even cheated students' money, he was still a girl.

Feng Qitian turned into a person now, turned his head and gave me a dissatisfied look: "If you don't cheat, how can you get money? In the future, if you have trouble with Liu Longting, how can I help you? I can't go with you at that time." Let's sleep on the street and eat instant noodles. Besides, I am a phoenix from the sky, and I have no relatives on the ground. Unlike Liu Longting and his family, the overlord of the Northeast Dixian, a local snake, his family is very powerful. He compares."

Looking at what Feng Qitian said, I don't know if he is calling Liu Longting's family a local snake, or is he boasting that he is a Shangfang fairy who came down from the sky. This expression that needs to be beaten makes me want to beat him so that he is paralyzed .

But since I promised Fan Meiqi, after she sent me the money, I will fulfill my promise to her. I followed her to Guizhou this time. Originally, I didn't want to trouble Liu Longting to go. After all, I didn't get his consent for this matter. I agreed privately.

Sure enough, when I went home and told Liu Longting about this matter, Liu Longting was indeed a little unhappy, especially when he heard that Feng Qitian and I made the decision together, his face became even more gloomy, telling me to do something first next time. Tell him, if I dare to make a private decision with Feng Qitian like this next time, then don't blame him for not thinking about our relationship.

Although Liu Longting was angry because he was angry, he still accompanied me to Guizhou. When we met Fan Meiqi at the airport, Liu Longting looked at Fan Meiqi, and a trace of doubt and surprise flashed in his expression, as if he had noticed something, but this kind of doubt was very serious. I was quickly covered up, and told me not to leave him too far after I arrived in Guizhou, saying that Fan Meiqi was probably already a dead person.

(End of this chapter)

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