Chapter 68

Wang Hong's words almost gave me a reason why I want to go home, but I am very greedy, I don't want to just take a few days off and go back to see Liu Longting and come to school again, it seems like I was tortured by Liu Longting Usually, every morning and night when he is not around, I miss him so much that I almost go crazy.

"I'll think about it and call you back." I replied to Wang Hong.

"What else are you thinking about! Such a profitable business, you can guarantee that you will earn [-] within a few days after going to work..."

I didn't listen to what Wang Hong said later, and I started to think about which teachers I would go to for procedures if I quit school. Yes, I have already made up my mind. I want to go back. I don't want to go to school anymore. I want to go home and see you Liu Longting.

When I made this decision in my heart, my gloomy mood of this month was gone, and I started to pack my things and perfect the school's withdrawal procedures.

After leaving Liulongting, Feng Qitian regarded my house as his own, and came in without knocking on the door. I told him many times, but I didn't listen. Never mind, he saw that I was in a good mood these two days, and asked me curiously if I met a new lover these two days, Liu Longting hasn't been gone for long!

Thinking of Liu Longting's name, I felt inexplicably happy in my heart, and said to Feng Qitian: "No, I'm going to suspend school. I'm going back this time just to see Liu Longting. I don't want to study anymore, and I don't want to go to other places. From now on, I will stay in the small city of my family and be a witch for the rest of my life."

When I spoke, I was probably too excited. Feng Qitian looked at me dissatisfied, and asked me if Liu Longting had given me poison. Others could have a long-distance relationship. Why couldn’t I, and he suspected that Liu Longting was deliberately leading me back Yes, otherwise why doesn't he even buy a mobile phone, every time he makes a call, he has to use my grandma's mobile phone to make calls, this person is like this, the more he suppresses a feeling, the more he can't get it, the more he will explode He told me not to take advantage of Liu Longting's tricks. Once I drop out of school, I won't even get my graduation certificate.

Now I'm anxious to go back, and I don't care whether Liu Longting lured me back on purpose or not. Although he said before that he wanted me to drop out of school and go back with him, I just didn't agree at the time, but now even if this is a trick , I am also willing to drill into the sleeve.

Seeing that I didn't hesitate at all, Feng Qitian was a little annoyed, and grabbed my hand that was packing my luggage, and his tone became bright, and he said to me: "Bai Jing, can you calm down, you didn't notice Have you been controlled by Liu Longting yourself? What request does he make of you, even if you were unwilling at the time, you will be led away by him in the end, don't you think it's terrible? "

"What's so scary? Then tell me?" I was a little angry when Feng Qitian said it. After all, it was a girl who, when I couldn't wait to see my little brother's boyfriend, suddenly someone kept talking about you in your ear. If the little brother speaks ill, everyone will be a little angry.

"Liu Longting is not a good guy. He has done so many bad things before and played with so many women. I just hope you don't get cheated by him. You will be the one who will be sad then."

When Feng Qitian said this, the voice behind him became quieter. I knew that Feng Qitian was also worried about me, but he had never been in a relationship before, so how could he understand that when he likes someone, he cannot Control your mind.

At this time, I calmed down and told Feng Qitian that I knew Liu Longting was not a good person before, but I still want to go back to see him, if he wants to go back, we will go back together, if he doesn't want to go back with me If so, he can stay here, and I will give him the keys to my house.

Seeing that there was no cure for me, I felt that Feng Qitian had collapsed, so I relaxed my tone of voice, and told him that Liu Longting might not be what he thought, women's intuition is very accurate, who likes it? I can feel it if I don't like myself, I know Liu Longting may not be so pure with me, but I can feel that he still has me in his heart.

Although this kind of words are a bit awkward for others, I just hope that Feng Qitian can understand me, and don't keep telling me that Liu Longting is not good.

"Then I have you in my heart, do you know?" When Feng Qitian was talking, he forced me a few steps, put his arms around my legs, picked me up and sat on his, held my face and bowed his head. Kissed me on the lips!
I was startled, at this moment, nothing came into my mind, I couldn't believe that Feng Qitian would say such a thing to me!
But when he reacted, he immediately turned his head and turned away from Feng Qitian's wet lips, quickly jumped off his body, stretched out his hand and slapped him across the face.

With a crisp sound of "Pa!", five bright red finger prints appeared on Feng Qitian's face, and my palm was also burning with pain.

This slap woke me up and Feng Qitian, maybe Feng Qitian didn't expect him to be impulsive just now, he was silent for a while, and told me in embarrassment that he had some emotional problems just now, and told me not to mind, just Think what he just said is bullshit.

I hummed, nodded, and said yes.

"What time is the air ticket, I'd better go back with you, Liu Longting is injured now, it will be inconvenient for you if you start something."

After all, Feng Qitian is my fairy family, and he also apologized to me just now, so I agreed, as if he was just joking with me just now, after all, I am not a hot commodity, I like Liu Longting If my man likes me, I will be satisfied.

After saying goodbye to school, I felt an indescribable joy in my heart. When I got on the plane, I called my grandma and said that I was going home.

Grandma asked me if I can't go to school well?What are you doing at home?But when grandma gave Liu Longting the mobile phone, I was so happy that I couldn't worry about anything, and told Liu Longting to press the mobile phone into a receiver. He told Liu Longting all his words in one go, and asked Liu Longting if he wanted me?
When Liu Longting heard that I was going back, he was obviously much happier, but after all, grandma was beside him, so he still pretended to be serious and said to me: "Well, come back, I'll pick you up at the airport."

Liu Longting said this in a tone that resembles both my boyfriend and my father. If a boyfriend and father can be mixed together in this world, it might be Liu Longting.

When I was sitting on the plane, I was quite concerned about Feng Qitian's mood, but he didn't look sad or anything, so I was relieved, and asked him that he used to be the Shangshangxian of the capital, that is, to govern Is it a place in Beijing?

"Yeah, I'm a Royal Immortal, but I don't count it now. In fact, I sometimes envy Gray Dragon. There are people who believe in me without being sent out by others. I also have my own special festivals. Even Liu Longting, It’s a snake, but it also has its own zodiac sign, if we don’t have faith, I’m afraid it will perish after many years.”

Listening to Feng Qitian's words, I comforted him and said how is it possible, the phoenix is ​​a mascot handed down from our ancient China, and it will not perish. How many of those who wrote novels wrote about your phoenix ah!

Feng Qitian heard me say this, smiled at me, and said that he hoped he would not be exterminated, and he still wanted to be my fairy family in the next life.

I don't know why, I felt a little sad when I heard Feng Qitian's words, but the plane landed immediately, and my heart had already flown to Liu Longting.

After getting off the plane, I saw Liu Longting waiting for me in the crowd. I almost forgot to take my suitcase, so I rushed to Liu Longting and hugged me, and when Liu Longting bent down to hug me, I kissed him hard on the face and asked him if he missed me these days?

"I think, of course I do, I want you back all the time." Liu Longting smiled very happily, his hands were reluctant to leave my waist, his posture wished he could carry me directly on his shoulders and carry me back .

But after hugging, Liu Longting saw Feng Qitian beside me, his expression turned cold, and he asked Feng Qitian, "Why are you here?"

(End of this chapter)

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