Chapter 80 Dog Eats Man

The little boy is also about 15 years old, with a pot head, and the clothes on his body are quite fashionable. If he hadn’t hit someone for me just now, I wouldn’t have regarded him as a gangster, at most a rich man of a child.

"Little brother, what do you want me for?" I asked the little boy.

"Sister, are you a witch? I just heard from Brother Wang that you are a witch."

A child asked me if I was a witch, which would teach the child feudal superstition, but I still nodded unnaturally and said yes.

"Then I have something to ask you to help me. I'll give you all the salary you just paid me, but I don't know if it's enough." The little boy said, his tone dropped, as if he was very frustrated.

After all, you can't cheat the child's money if you cheat anyone's money, so I invited the little boy to sit in the room and asked him what's wrong?
"I suspect there is something wrong with my dog." The little boy said seriously.

Feng Qitian next to me didn't hide at this moment, and when he heard that it was a dog's problem, he saw that the kid was not in the same grade, so he immediately laughed: "There is a problem with the dog and sent to the hospital, why did you come to us?! "

Immediately, I slapped my Feng Qitian on the arm and told him not to interrupt, so I pretended to be a big sister and asked the little boy: "What's wrong with your dog? My sister only looks at it strangely." Strange thing, don’t see a doctor!”

"I doubt my dog ​​can eat people."

Damn, when this boy said this to me, my scalp immediately went numb. If it is true that dogs cannibalize people, how many families around us have dogs?Isn't this a disaster?Moreover, dogs have been domesticated since ancient times, and they are not beasts, so how could they eat people?

"Are you kidding, or is it your little head, what's the problem." I asked the little boy.

Feng Qitian was sitting next to me, and when he saw me asking the little boy if he had any brain problems in such a cute tone, he immediately laughed and scolded me, saying that he really deserved to be Bai Jing, his favorite brain-dead.

Now I am too lazy to talk to Feng Qitian, waiting for the little boy to speak.

"I'm in the right mind, and what I say is true."

The little boy explained to me, then was silent for a while, and said to me: "Originally I had a newborn sister, and I liked her very much, but because I was a bad child since I was a child, my parents didn't care about me. A few months ago, I disappeared in the cradle at home in good condition. My parents searched many places, but they couldn’t find them. Later, they suspected that I was fighting for favor with my sister. They thought it was me who hid her, so they kept asking Where is my sister. I don’t know where my sister is, and then I was kicked out by my parents. They said I was a villain and would rather not have my son.”

Hearing the little boy say this, I felt a little distressed, so I asked him: "Then you are pregnant because your dog ate your sister?"

"En!" The boy nodded solemnly.

"My dog ​​is a golden retriever. My parents bought it when I was born. It's been 17 years this year and it hasn't died yet. Since a few years ago, I have often seen my dog ​​at night. I went to worship the moon on the top of the building, just like us, kneeling on the ground with the hind legs together, kowtowing to the moon non-stop. About a week before my sister’s accident, I often saw my dog Going around my sister's cradle, my parents went to the supermarket to buy things and asked me to take care of my sister, but at that time I saw my sister fell asleep, so I went to play, but when I came back, I found that my sister was gone, only my family Dog, lying on its big belly next to my sister's cradle."

I turned my head and looked at Feng Qitian beside me. Feng Qitian also felt that it was not easy when the little boy said this. He sat up straight and asked the little boy, "Did you see your dog worshiping the moon?" , When exactly did it happen? About a few years?"

"It's been four or five years, but I don't see it often. In three or four years, I saw it five times."

"Apart from you, has anyone else in your family seen it?" Feng Qitian asked again.

The little boy shook his head and said no, he told his parents about it, but his parents didn't believe him.

"Do you know what's going on? I'll ask Feng Qitian."

Feng Qitian frowned, and said to me: "This dog should be cultivating. No matter what kind of animal it is, it will think of cultivating when its intelligence is enlightened, but this kind of cultivation usually happens to wild animals. Wild animals seldom get along with people, and they are full of aura, but the ones raised at home are very difficult. Animals that can be with each other every day, their spiritual wisdom is washed away by the aura of people, so There are very few people who are spiritually enlightened, but if this animal has the idea of ​​eating people, it must be practiced for at least 50 years, and this dog can eat people in four or five years. The speed of cultivation is a bit fast."

Feng Qitian said, and then asked the little boy: "When the dog came to your house, was it a big dog or a small dog?"

"It's a puppy. Not long after I was born, my parents loved me very much when I was a child. They bought me that dog a few days after I was born, saying that they would let the dog grow up with me."

It’s okay if it’s a big dog, maybe that big dog has been cultivated before, but it’s hard to say for a small dog, a dog’s lifespan is only ten years, and a dog of more than ten years stays by people’s side. But the speed of cultivation is faster than those animals that avoid crowds of cultivation.

"Can you take me to your house tomorrow?" Feng Qitian asked the child: "I suspect that this may have something to do with the feng shui of their home. In some places, feng shui is so good that it not only raises people, but also protects them. Will keep animals."

The child nodded, but immediately shook his head again, but nodded again, so I couldn't understand what he meant.

"If my parents are not at home, I can take you in, if they are at home..." The boy fell silent: "They don't like to say that if I dare to go back without finding my sister, they will call the police and arrest me. "

The boy said, there were two strings of tears hanging on the newly formed face with some water chestnuts. I feel sorry for him, but after all, he looks small, but he is only three years younger than me, so it is not easy to wipe his tears or something, So I handed him the tissue and asked him if he had dinner?

He shook his head.

"Then let me cook a bowl of noodles for you. Don't give me any money. My sister and this uncle will follow you to your house tomorrow. I will definitely find out where your sister is."

When I was talking, I went to the refrigerator to get a bottle of milk for the boy, and then I started to work in the kitchen, while Feng Qitian lay on the sofa and unlocked my phone, and told me to cook for him by the way. , he was also hungry.

I ignored him lazily, but I still ordered his noodles. Seeing me busy in the kitchen, the boy also came over to help me, and told me his name was Qin Su.

This name is quite like Mary Sue, but I also told him that my name is Bai Jing, and we will be friends in the future. If he has no place to eat, he can come to me.

Tonight, after dinner, Qin Su didn't have any good places to go, so he slept on the sofa at my house. The next morning, I was thinking of asking Qin Su how far his house was so I could take a taxi Go, but I didn't want Feng Qitian to take out a bunch of car keys and tell me to go, the car is parked in the garage of our community.

I looked at the brand of the car. I, Cao, belonged to a BMW. I asked him where did he get the money to buy this car?
"Yesterday I borrowed from Hu Xian. That old guy made a lot of money with Aunt Ying. After finishing this little boy's business, we should hurry up to make money in the future, otherwise his money will not be repaid. It's gone." Feng Qitian reminded me.

I despised Feng Qitian, who told him to pretend to buy such an expensive car? When I went out, I wanted to say hello to Liu Longting, but Liu Longting suddenly wrapped himself around my wrist. It looks like a white jade bracelet, if it is worn out in summer, it will be so good to see it explode.

"I'll go with you." Liu Longting told me.

Qin Su didn't seem to see the snake in my hand, and asked me in surprise who was talking?
Feng Qitian had a good expression at first, but when he saw that Liu Longting was going, he immediately froze, "It seems that you haven't done it for a long time, Liu Longting, you can still be invisible." Then he added annoyed that only him The ugly words that came out of his mouth were: "Liu Longting, don't occupy the latrine and stop shitting!"

(End of this chapter)

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