Chapter 1002 How could she come?

On the outskirts of Jiangcheng, in a wine estate, a wine tasting party is being held every two years.

The buildings here have an obvious western style, simple and elegant, but also incorporate some oriental features, which is refreshing. There are long tables on the green lawn, covered with white and dark blue There is a tablecloth next to it, and exquisite delicacies are placed on it.

However, a woman with an extremely beautiful face is not interested in these things. She is wearing an ice blue dress and shuttles among the crowd. The dusty and vulgar temperament has attracted the attention of many people.

The wine tasting meeting is just a saying. There are not many people who really understand wine here. Of course, not everyone understands it. It is just talking among the crowd at the moment, just to have a reason to talk .

The people who came were all big businessmen in Jiangcheng, with a minimum asset of more than 800 million, and many of them were investment banks.

Because of the opening policy, many foreigners can be seen here. Besides these people, Zhan Lantian, a high-ranking city official from Jiangcheng, and his only son, Zhan Hongjun, also came, as well as some other local officials.

Because of his special status, Gu Haiqing also came to this wine tasting party, but... he really can't drink this kind of wine, the wine made from fruit is not as good as the wine made from grain!
Gu Haiqing put down the bloody wine with a dark face, and turned to eat that sandwich?What the hell is this, steamed buns can be made like this?
Because he has never been used to Western food, Zhan Hongjun, who is quite good at being a man, has always taken him to eat Chinese food. Special chefs from all over the country have invited him.
However, Zhan Hongjun and others are not the organizers of this wine tasting party, and because of business elites and some foreign friends, it is impossible to choose Western food in the end.

The entire manor is a meeting place, but most of them will gather around the dining area, and these people in gorgeous dresses stroll through it leisurely.

Zhan Hongjun and Gu Haiqing kept staring at Bei Sitian, it was really a surprise that she came here, so since she appeared, the eyes of the two kept lingering on her.

When others see this, they will laugh and say that they are heroes who love beauties.

However, even if it is a business operation, it will be involuntarily attracted by the indifferent figure. It is not that there are no beauties present, but there are also beautiful ones, but the temperament is different.

Bei Sitian's unhurried, indifferent and quiet temperament is especially attractive in the intriguing shopping mall.

At this time, Bei Sitian walked slowly towards the small garden not far from the lawn. There was no stone bench there, but there was a swing full of flower branches.

Bei Sitian sat lightly on it, rippling slightly, looking at the people in the distance with beautiful and reserved smiles on their faces, greeting each other and talking and laughing, who would have thought that there was such an unseen beauty behind such a luxurious body? light thing.

Just when Beth Tian was in a trance, there were slight footsteps behind her. She turned her head and saw a handsome man coming out from behind the flower bed, followed by an equally handsome boy.

The two of them probably never expected that there would be a woman sitting here, their cold eyes fell on Bessian's body, a little cold and sharp.

Beth Tian nodded politely, then turned her head and continued to look at the crowd in a daze.

The handsome man and the handsome young man exchanged glances, and walked slowly towards the crowd.

At this time, a bright light flashed in Bei Sitian's eyes, and she was no longer as dull as before. She glanced at each big and small ones, and quickly lowered her eyes to stop looking.

These two people are the purpose of her coming to this wine tasting party this time.

And the big one and the young one never relaxed on the woman behind them, but neither of them noticed the scrutinizing eyes. It was obvious that the woman didn't even look at them, not even from their backs!
From the looks of it, she should be just an ordinary woman attending a reception.

Even if they are worth hundreds of millions, to them, they are just ordinary people.

"Mr. Nie, where have you been? We were looking for you just now. There are two investment bankers who hope to meet you." One of the organizers greeted you with a smile on his face.

With a warm smile on his face, the man from the Qing army walked up the steps with the organizer, followed by the handsome young man behind him.

When the two of them brushed past him, Gu Haiqing's body with his back facing them tensed slightly, his right hand slightly raised, and he held the wrist of his left hand, to be more precise, it was a bracelet on the wrist.

This bracelet looks like silver but not silver, but it has the beautiful luster of silver jewelry.

Fortunately, he begged his elders for this dust-proof bracelet in advance, otherwise, this old tortoise Nie would definitely see his identity.
Sensibility is also divided into strengths and weaknesses. For example, although he is also a physique of perception, he will be reduced to scum in seconds compared with the two people of the Nie family, and there is no way to admit it.

It is also easy to perceive the physique, the strong one can feel the weak spirit, but the weak one cannot perceive the strong spirit.

Therefore, if Gu Haiqing didn't want to be spotted by Old Turtle Nie, he had to use this dust-proof bracelet.

With this dust-proof bracelet, the two members of the Nie family will not be able to detect him.

"Where did I see you?" A cold voice sounded behind Gu Haiqing, which made Gu Haiqing's back stiff.

You don't need to look back to know who this cold and arrogant voice belongs to.

Nie Kaihuan!
The proud son of the youngest generation of the Nie family!

At the age of 14, he successfully tapped into a magic talisman, and now at the age of 16, Nie Laogui started to take him down the mountain with him, which shows how much he loves this guy!
Gu Haiqing turned his head slowly, looked at Nie Kaihuan, and saw that the other party was looking at him coldly, with doubts in his eyes, as if he was thinking.

Seeing this, Gu Haiqing knew that he had definitely met himself when he was sick, and it seemed that he had to be more confident...

"Have you seen it before? Why don't I remember." Gu Haiqing said.

Although these ancient family sects don't go down the mountain, they still compete with each other. Once every few years, Gu Haiqing can be regarded as a powerful young generation in the Yunhai sect. It is not impossible for Nie Kaihuan to meet him.

But the other party obviously didn't remember him, which made Gu Haiqing feel a little uncomfortable, obviously the other party didn't take him seriously at all.

Nie Kaihuan frowned slightly, he was already so handsome at such a young age, it would be fine to go back to his family when he grows up, but if he lived in this world, he might become a disaster for many girls!
"I have a good memory," Nie Kaihuan said.

Seeing that Old Nie Gui also looked over, Gu Haiqing felt a little anxious, but at this moment, a peaceful figure suddenly approached.

 There are more today
(End of this chapter)

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