Chapter 1008
This boy is really quite handsome, and so is the girl next to him. The two look like brother and sister, with very indifferent expressions and arrogance.

Luo Yirui knew they had the confidence!

The young girl was full of energy, and she was just a step away from becoming a talisman. She was not good, but that young man was already quite powerful. Luo Yirui felt that he seemed to be almost the same as Uncle Xun!

Who is this young man, why does he have such a strong spirit, and why is he able to tap a talisman at such a young age?

You must know that an ordinary mysterious doctor is still sought after by people, and getting to know these people is equivalent to increasing the chance of saving one's life.

And this boy, if he really made friends, he would gain a life!

No wonder Bai Yongquan was so cautious and conscientious, he had to think of everything.

"This person is not simple." Luo Yirui said softly to Jing Changle.

Jing Changle nodded, Luo Yirui had never commented on anyone who said the word 'not simple', so he couldn't help but look at the boy a few more times.

Because of the arrival of these two people, the three of Luo Yirui did not make it. Hao Rong watched from a distance, collecting information so that he could go back and tell his father.

The sons of merchants and the sons of officials are basically like this. What kind of family they are born in will be affected by what kind of influence.

Ladies' gatherings and children's gatherings are important channels for getting news, and those born in this kind of family will also be instilled with this awareness since childhood.

Therefore, there are not many real dudes.

Bai Yongquan and the pair of boys and girls sat under a big parasol, 20 meters away were two big electric fans, surrounded by water mist, the temperature in that part of the area was very comfortable, not stuffy at all.

The young girl was still very satisfied with these, took two sips of drinks, had a conversation with Bai Yongquan, and was ready to ride a horse.

Teenagers and girls are still very interested in riding horses. Their families live in the mountains all year round, and after they have the means of transportation like cars, they basically don't choose tools like horses.

"Miss Nie, I knew you were coming, so I specially chose a good horse for you!" Bai Yongquan said with a smile.

The boys and girls were about fifteen or sixteen years old, two or three years younger than Bai Yongquan, but Bai Yongquan didn't dare to be arrogant in front of them, not only in terms of age, but also in terms of identity.

The girl smiled sweetly, "Thank you, brother, let's go horseback riding." She couldn't wait any longer.

The boy doted on the girl very much, upon hearing this, he stood up with a smile, Bai Yongquan hurriedly stood up, and made a gesture of invitation, "This way please, I'll take you to see the horses."

The young girl followed Bai Yongquan to the horse selection, and Luo Yirui already started yawning, and said to those who blocked the door: "They are leaving, let us go now."

The two teenagers at the door glanced at each other, and one of them shook his head and said, "The boss didn't tell you to go, so you can't go!"

The expression on this man's face was casual, and he didn't pay attention to Hao Rong and others at all. It would be better to be mixed with someone of Hao Rong's level.

The other one was more polite, and said: "Let's play more, it doesn't cost money anyway, the boss is entertaining important guests now, and we can't make the decision."

Hao Rong was a little worried. Luo Yirui looked like a very nice and calm person, but he had his own ideas. If he wanted to do something, no one else could stop him!

(End of this chapter)

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