Chapter 1010 The whole family is out of work
Even though he stopped the white horse, Bai Yongquan was still in a cold sweat.

Nie Jiaqi hugged her brother and started crying, she looked terrified, and the horse trainer who chased after her was also terrified. He bumped into the stomach of a horse, he was almost trampled on the head by the white horse!

Although he thought so in his heart, he was also very afraid in his heart. He knew who Bai Yongquan was, and this young girl was someone Bai Yongquan wanted to curry favor with, so it could be seen that the other party had an unusual background.

This kind of person has a common problem, and the fault is never their own.


Nie Jiaqi had enough of begging for comfort, raised her head and pointed to the horse trainer and said, "Brother, this person's professional quality is too poor, and he even tripped over the horse when he was leading the horse. How could I find such a person to lead me?" What about the horse, almost killed me!"

Her words directly attributed the fault to the horse trainer, the horse farm and Bai Yongquan.

Seeing the young man's gloomy face, Bai Yongquan knew something was wrong, so he stepped forward and said, "I've surprised Ms. Nie. I'll ask the horse farm to train the horse trainer again later. I will give a small gift to Ms. Nie later." Shocking."

The 'little gift' he spoke of was certainly not small, but it was a humble way of saying it.


"Little gift? Little gift, you just want to send me away? Are you looking down on me!" Nie Jiaqi's beautiful eyes widened, and she looked at Bai Yongquan in disbelief.

Bai Yongquan: "..." What the hell... I really can't deal with this kind of person who has no social experience at all.

Even if you have no social experience, big girl, use your brain to think about who I am, Bai Yongquan, and what are your identities, and I have worked so hard to curry favor with you, how can I really use a 'small' gift to shock you!

"Okay, Jiaqi, are you not injured?" The boy looked at the girl.

Bai Yongquan cast a strange look at the young man, everyone saw whether she was injured, why did he ask specifically.

Nie Jiaqi pursed her mouth aggrievedly, seeing that the horse trainer behind her was still frowning, her evil fire surged up, she took a wrong step back, pointed at the horse trainer and spoke.

"I don't care if it's a gift or not, but I won't forgive this person!"

Bai Yongquan sighed inwardly. After all, the horse trainer at the racecourse was involved. He immediately said, "I'll ask him to apologize to Miss Nie!"

Nie Jiaqi snorted coldly, "Scared me, just apologize?"

Bai Yongquan said: "How can Miss Nie be satisfied?"

The horse trainer stood behind him, he was tall and burly, with a look of reluctance in his eyes, let him apologize?ridiculous!At worst, this job is gone, and he will find another job.

It's a pity for this high-tech job.

Nie Jiaqi looked coldly at the unruly expression on the horse trainer's face, the most effective way to deal with this kind of person... Heh.

"No family will be allowed to hire this person in the future! All the members of his family will lose their jobs!" Nie Jiaqi raised her chin admiringly, but her pretty face made people invisible.

Bai Yongquan frowned almost invisibly. The fault was not with the horse trainer. He felt that dismissal was already a serious punishment, but this woman...

"Listen to Jiaqi."

Before Bai Yongquan had time to say anything more, he heard the young man smile and said to Nie Jiaqi.

He knew that if the young man opened his mouth, things might not turn around, he sighed, feeling a little bit sorry because he was the one who asked the horse trainer to lead the horse for Nie Jiaqi.

The horse trainer also stood on the spot blankly. Of course it doesn't matter to him alone, but if he loses his job with his family, isn't this too much!Is it so amazing to have the right!
"Don't go too far!" said the horse trainer through gritted teeth.

Nie Jiaqi shook her head slightly, with a smug expression on her face, "How about it? Kneel down and beg me, and I will let your family go. Otherwise, no one dares to hire you, and you will starve to death!"

The horse trainer's face was flushed with anger, but there was nothing he could do. He wanted to lower his head for a moment, but in the end the backbone behind him was too hard, so he didn't lower his head.

"Bah! Offal!"

The trainer cursed, threw down the reins, turned and walked away.

Nie Jiaqi was very angry, what a vulgar person!
"Brother, you must make him miserable!" Nie Jiaqi acted like a baby to the boy, as if she would not give up if she didn't obey her.

The boy was so shaken by her that he couldn't help it, "Okay, okay, I promise you."

Nie Jiaqi just laughed.

Bai Yongquan lowered his eyes slightly, not showing it on his face, but he was very displeased in his heart. Whoever marries this kind of woman will be cursed for eight lifetimes!
This is probably the most arrogant girl he has ever seen. It is okay to be her brother, but it will be other people's families who will be harmed in the future, so it is not good to be a man.

But there is no way, who let people be born in such a family, such things as rights are really good, no wonder they are so sought after by people, thinking of this, Bai Yongquan's face has long since returned to normal.

After all, he is the son of an official family, he can tell which is light and which is heavy!
The horse trainer left without getting his salary for the last month. Nie Jiaqi was even more proud of this. She was about to say a few witty words to her brother, but she saw her brother turned his head and didn't know who he was looking at.

Following his gaze, there are three children, two of them are probably only five or six years old, what does my brother see them doing?
At first the boy didn't notice the three children, but after the horse trainer left, as soon as the matter here was over, he turned his head and saw the child.

This kid's energy...why does it feel weird?

Very filling is good, but it seems very unstable?

This was the first time he encountered someone who was mentally unstable.

"Come here." The boy looked at Jing Changle and said.

Jing Changle stood there without moving, just looked at him.

Seeing this, the young man couldn't help shaking his head. The boy is not very old, but he has a stubborn personality. He knew that the boy understood.

"Didn't you hear that I told you to come here!" Nie Jiaqi shouted coquettishly, and someone dared not listen to her brother's words.

Jing Changle lazily leaned against the pillar behind him, "Speak up if you have something to say, I can hear you."

Nie Jiaqi is simply unbelievable, where is this wild boy!

Bai Yongquan glanced at Hao Rong, Hao Rong stood there with an innocent face, don't blame them, they were about to leave just now, it was Brother Quan who refused to let you go.

"Master Nie, is there anything wrong with this man?" Bai Yongquan asked.

He doesn't want any more trouble.

"Yeah Brother Kaihuan, what's wrong with this wild boy?" Nie Jiaqi was upset because Jing Changle refuted her just now, so she called him wild boy.

The young Nie Kaihuan didn't speak, but just looked at Jing Changle, and doubts arose in his heart, hey, it seems to be stable, and the energy is good, should we take it back to study?
(End of this chapter)

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