Chapter 1020 A Proud Person

Zhang Xiaodong stared blankly at the crowd, feeling heavy in his heart. A sense of powerlessness spread in his heart. The world is so unfair. He is just an ordinary veteran. in this world.

He really worked very, very hard to live and fight for his wife and newborn child, but all of this was like a joke, which was wiped out by a ten-year-old stinky girl with one sentence!
Not to mention his job is gone now, and his wife's job is also gone. During her maternity leave, she was notified by the company to terminate the contract, and she was even willing to pay liquidated damages.

Not only he and his wife, but also their parents have lost their jobs. They have reached the age of retirement. According to the normal progress, they can retire under the envious eyes of colleagues around them, and spend their old age with their pensions.

But now, such an elderly person was suddenly dismissed, and the strange eyes of colleagues around him made the four elderly people breathless. Now they are crying at home except for sighing.

Now that the families on both sides have no jobs, who will support the newborn children?Rely on savings?How long can it last? !
Zhang Xiaodong was at a loss, and felt despair in his heart. Are those people really so capable?You are so capable, what can you do for us ordinary people, can you show your power and status at once?
In fact, being fired was not the reason for Zhang Xiaodong's real despair, but that no matter where he and his family went to find a job, no one would accept them. It seemed that he suddenly agreed, even if it was a job like sweeping the streets and toilets, Zhang Xiaodong would go. I had an interview, as long as I could give him a salary every month, but without exception, all of them were turned away.

This is the reason for his despair. The opponent's power is too strong and his influence is too wide. He has no ability to resist at all.

What should we do in the future?leave the city?

Hehe, the only retreat he and his family thought of at the time was this, but...

Zhang Xiaodong clearly remembered that the man in the suit stood in front of him and said arrogantly: "No matter where you go, the result will be the same. As long as you are in the country, you will never turn your back on you in this life. You offended my lady. Just wait to starve to death."

Zhang Xiaodong has no doubt that the other party has such ability, because he has already seen it, going abroad?Given their family conditions, they can't even afford the cost of going abroad, let alone if they go abroad, will they be able to find a way to survive?
Zhang Xiaodong didn't know what to do now, the other party blocked all their escape routes.

He was even thinking, if he relived what happened that day, would he bow his head?

Every time Zhang Xiaodong thought of this, he felt very painful. He felt that he still would not bow his head, but seeing the current situation, he felt that he should bow his head.

Feeling hesitant and tangled in his heart, all the hustle and bustle in front of him seemed to be far away from him, everything around him became empty and unreal, as for someone standing in front of him?He had no way of detecting it.

Luo Yirui found that he didn't respond when she stood in front of him for so long, and she still did so in front of his eyes, so she raised her hand and tapped the back of his neck lightly.

Zhang Xiaodong was jolted up and woke up suddenly. He looked up blankly, and there was a handsome and lovely boy standing in front of him, looking at him at the moment.

He couldn't help reaching out and touching the back of his neck, what happened just now?

"Are you awake?" Luo Yirui tilted her head slightly and said.

Zhang Xiaodong didn't pay much attention to the little boy at first, but he turned his head suddenly when he heard the words, "Did you pat the back of my neck just now?"

Luo Yirui shook her head, "It's just a click, your state just now will hurt your vitality."

Zhang Xiaodong didn't quite understand what the source of energy and energy he was talking about was.

After Luo Yirui finished speaking, seeing that he seemed not in the mood to speak, he asked, "You were the horse trainer that day, right?"

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaodong raised his head suddenly, and suddenly remembered that there were three children in the racecourse that day. Is this one of them?
This is Bai Yongquan's younger brother?


Although the other party was just a child, but thinking that he was Bai Yongquan's younger brother, that is, the person who had something to do with that young girl, he felt unhappy from the bottom of his heart, and his tone was not very good.

"Looking at you, did the Nie family really attack you?" Luo Yirui asked.

He really doubted the methods of the Nie family, but he always felt that there was no need for the Nie family to do this. Even if it was really the fault of the horse trainer, it would be fine for him to go back to learning, or at most let him lose his job and learn a lesson.

But looking at the appearance of the horse trainer, it was not that simple. After all, he saw with his own eyes that the horse trainer refused to bow his head, and he was quite proud.

Zhang Xiaodong's face turned cold, he didn't expect a kid to laugh at him!

It's a pity that he can't do it casually. He has a wife and children at home, so he has to consider the consequences, otherwise he will definitely beat up the little kid in front of him first!
"Go away, tell them, bullying an ordinary person is nothing, even if he really starves my whole family to death, what will they get? Praise? Glory? Hmph, it's just a bunch of moths!"

After Zhang Xiaodong finished speaking, he lowered his head, his eyelids drooping, and he didn't bother to pay attention to this little boy.

Luo Yirui scratched his head, thinking that his face was hot and his butt was cold, but he knew that the horse trainer had misunderstood.

"I'm not from the Nie family, nor from the Bai family. If you really have nowhere to go, take this to Tianxiangfu Hotel to find a man named Tian Zhi, and he will arrange for you."

As Luo Yirui said, she took out a small porcelain jar the size of a thumb. This small porcelain jar was extremely delicate and small, and its cute appearance was like a decoration. This was the smallest small porcelain jar used to hold the talisman water, with only one mouthful. Generally, only specific talisman water or extremely precious talisman water are contained.

Of course, this was used by Luo Yirui.

Zhang Xiaodong stretched out his hand to take it over, looking at such a small gadget, he was a little speechless, and said, "Are you kidding me? Go to heaven to bless you?"

People who go to heaven to give blessings are either rich or noble, and he, an ordinary person passing by, would not take a second look inside. Isn't it just a joke to go to heaven to give blessings?

Luo Yirui gave him the things and turned to leave.

Looking at Luo Yirui's small but straight back, Zhang Xiaodong couldn't help asking: "Why did you do this?"

Are you playing tricks on him?
Luo Yirui stopped, looked back at him and said, "My father said that a proud person can stand upright."

Zhang Xiaodong stood there dumbfounded.

A person with pride can... stand upright!
Hehe, what a ridiculous sentence, he has arrogance, but can he stand upright?He has been beaten so badly that he doesn't even have a way to live!

Even though he thought so in his heart, Zhang Xiaodong's eye sockets were moist, as if everything he did, including his family's behavior that was not understood by anyone, was finally recognized by others.

Although he is just a child.

 and oh
(End of this chapter)

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