Chapter 1025 Opportunity
Already like this, is there any other possibility for him to ask besides being stepped on the soles of his feet?

The reason why those people did this was to make him kneel and beg, and then watch his jokes. Those people took pleasure in teasing ordinary people like them, so it was impossible for him to go.

He thought so in his heart, but on the other hand, because his behavior caused such a big change in the family, he felt very sorry and guilty. The heavy pressure made his chest tight and he couldn't breathe.

Zhang Xiaodong's face turned pale, his forehead was covered with layers of sweat, his heart felt as if he had been punched hard, and he felt so uncomfortable that he stood at the door, crumbling.

The woman leaning on the bed was terrified when she saw that, she hurriedly put the child on the bed and got out of bed to help him, but the child started to cry as soon as she put it down.

"I just stay in the house every day, and now I can't even coax a child well. Why do you need it when I run out of milk!" There was a roar in the yard.

Hearing this voice, Zhang Xiaodong burst into a surge of anger. It was him who caused the family conflicts. It was him who caused the three families to be unable to continue living. It was all because of him!
Zhang Xiaodong sat down on the ground, his wife's body couldn't hold him, she was directly brought to the ground by him.

With the husband on one side and the child on the other, and the constant swearing outside, the woman was really about to collapse.

A good life, why did it suddenly become like this?

Is this world really so unfair?God really can't give people a way out!

"Don't scare me... woo woo..." The woman sat down on the ground, looking at her man with a pale face and dull eyes, terrified, crying and screaming.

The parents-in-law outside heard that something happened to their son, so they rushed in, pushed the woman away, and helped the son to the bed together.

The child was still crying on the bed, so the woman had no choice but to go up to pick up the child and cry and coax her, thinking that her parents were sad all day long, and her heart was even more miserable.

Just after giving birth, there was a high possibility of postpartum depression. Now the woman looked at the messy environment around her and wanted to kill her head on, but the child in her arms made her reluctant to let go.

"God, please open your eyes..." The woman cried together with the child in her arms, and she collapsed.

When Xing Jun came to Zhang Xiaodong's house, he saw such a scene, because the door was open, no one answered when he knocked on the door, but he heard crying from inside, and walked in.

"Is Zhang Xiaodong at home?"

Of course he knew that Zhang Xiaodong was at home, so asking this was just to get the family's attention and tell them that someone was coming.

Xing Jun was very confident, and after he finished asking a sentence, everyone's eyes turned to him. At this time, he also saw Zhang Xiaodong lying on the bed. Thinking of his senior brother's instructions and the future use of this person, he hurried forward to him.

"Give way." Xing Jun said.

"Who are you?" Zhang Xiaodong's mother reached out to stop him. Ever since the man in a suit and leather shoes came to his house to mock him, she was very sensitive to outsiders.

Xing Jun is not a person who likes to talk too much. He frowned when he heard this, but he said patiently: "Save your son first, he is impatient and easily attacked."

As he spoke, without waiting for the woman to respond, he raised his hand and pushed the woman's arm aside, took out a stick of incense and lit it, and shook it under his nose.

After a while, Zhang Xiaodong's breathing became easier. He took two deep breaths, closed his eyes, and his heart seemed to return to its original position, and it no longer beat wildly and irregularly.

Opening his eyes again, he couldn't help being stunned when he saw Jun Xing.

"It's you!" He recognized Jun Xing as the boy he met at Tianxiangfu Hotel.

Xing Jun nodded, took two steps back, and said, "I have a job now, I wonder if you are interested?"

There's a job... There's a job...

Zhang Xiaodong lay half-lying on the bed in a daze, completely unresponsive, and it was his father beside him who pushed him vigorously before he woke up.

"Aren't you afraid of being implicated by me?" Zhang Xiaodong still asked one more question.

His father wanted to give him a big blow, finally someone was willing to hire him, but he still asked this kind of question, what to do if he scares people away!
"If you're interested, he's fine!" His father hurriedly agreed, for fear that Xing Jun would run away, no matter what, he agreed first.

Xing Jun didn't look at his father more, but only looked at Zhang Xiaodong. His purpose of coming this time was very clear, that was Zhang Xiaodong.

"You don't need to worry about it." Xing Jun said.

When Zhang Xiaodong heard what the other party said, he knew that they knew what was at stake, so he nodded and said, "I can!"

Xing Jun nodded when he heard the words, and said: "If you are interested, you have to pass the test. If you can survive, you can be qualified for this job."

Zhang Xiaodong couldn't help asking, "Can I ask what kind of job it is?"

Xing Jun heard the words and said slowly: "Not everyone can be a bodyguard for my little son. You have to go through training. Since you have been a soldier, you should know something about the training content. It is similar to the difficulty of selecting special forces."

Zhang Xiaodong opened his mouth. He was defeated in the selection of special forces and retired. God, is this an eye-opener? This gave him two chances!
"I can try, I will try my best!" Zhang Xiaodong said.

His father asked from the side: "How much is a month's salary?"

"Three thousand a month, including food and lodging."

Three thousand a month! ! !

The whole family was shocked by this number. You must know that many workers now only earn a few hundred wages, not to mention teachers and other enviable jobs. None of them are worth a thousand. This is three thousand !

At this time, Zhang Xiaodong's father became a little suspicious. Xing Jun is a half-grown child after all, and whether his words count or not, don't trick him into being a coolie.

Zhang Xiaodong was also stunned by this figure. His salary as a horse trainer was only [-] a month!
"Don't be too happy until you successfully pass the level. If you can't even beat my young master, what are you talking about protecting him? There is no shortage of errand runners." Jun Xing shattered their dreams.

With a job of [-] a month, this test must be difficult!
But Zhang Xiaodong is full of fighting spirit, he wants to try, one is to make up for the regret of missing the special forces by mistake, and the other is, if he can get this job, he can support three families!
"I can go now!" Zhang Xiaodong said.

Xing Jun nodded, "After you have settled your family affairs, go to Tianxiangfu to find my senior brother Tian Zhi. Another thing, if you are really selected, you will leave Jiangcheng with us."

(End of this chapter)

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