Chapter 1029
According to her mother, there is indeed something in Hao Meili's body. This thing won't hurt him for the time being, but it's not that it can't hurt him. It should be a certain opportunity for such a thing to happen.

That's why his mother gave him something for self-defense just in case, but he always felt that something was wrong, because according to the previous concern of his mother and father, this should not be the only protection.

After all, he seldom saw his mother acting so solemnly. Once his mother acted like this, it meant that the matter exceeded her initial expectations. In this way, there might be someone secretly protecting him.

Luo Yirui never doubted his parents' love and concern for him, so he judged from this that there was someone secretly protecting him, and this person should be his father!
This reminded him of the person who appeared in the dark the first night he contacted his father.

But whether it is this group of people, he is not sure.

Bei Sitian had a very short time to explain, Luo Yirui could only analyze the few words left by his mother. This was something his father taught him, and it was also something that grandma thought he could not learn or use.

In fact, according to the growth progress of a normal child, he really doesn't need these things, not to mention whether they are useful or not, they may not be able to learn them, and even if they learn them, they will not be combined with reality.

So his father's teaching to him is quite useful and crucial, otherwise he might be anxious and show his flaws with the medicine given by his mother now.No, I'm afraid he won't be able to last until this time. He will choose to escape back home as soon as he contacts his parents, throwing all the pressure on his parents.

"When you have a different experience from your peers, you will no longer be able to integrate into the circle of your peers."

This is what Uncle Chen Jinliang said.

He had already noticed this not long ago.

This is not to say that he has become more powerful than his peers, it just means that he is more mature than his peers, and has a different perspective and thinking about things.

Luo Yirui calmed down his emotions a little bit, and then walked back. Although he was quite afraid of the pair of vertical pupils, he was actually very interested in it, which maybe even his mother had never experienced.

After this incident, after thinking about it, I knew that my mother would let him participate in some things.

Perhaps because of the anticipation of this point, he didn't feel so frightened faintly.

When he walked into the villa, his mother and the uncle named Chu Fenglei had already left. Hao Jiacheng greeted him with a smile, and his attitude had obviously changed from before. It was obvious that Uncle Chu Fenglei had done something to express his The importance of restoring memory to Hao Meili.

Luo Yirui turned around and walked upstairs. Just as she stepped on the stairs on the second floor, she saw Hao Meili standing there as soon as she turned a corner. Very weird.

"Where have you been?" Hao Meili asked.

At this time, Hao Meili was different from the person who always laughed at him before, it seemed like a different person.

Luo Yirui thought of something, and suddenly felt a chill down her spine.

"The doctor asked me to go out to talk just now." Luo Yirui said.

"What did you say?" Hao Meili stared at him with no expression on her face.

Luo Yirui felt terrified, the current Hao Meili is definitely not Hao Meili!There may be some problems with the expression of these words, but he knew what was going on in his heart.

Does it create suspicion?
For a moment, he really wanted to take out the fighting talisman his mother gave him and throw it out, but after thinking about it, he held back, since the situation is unknown, the best way is to wait and see what happens.

In the past, he couldn't understand many things that his father and Uncle Chen Jinliang taught him, but during this period of time, these contents kept flashing in his mind, like a reminder, which made him be more careful in his actions.

"She said that you should pay more attention to Auntie's emotions and keep you in a good mood, otherwise it will not be good for your recovery." Luo Yirui said.

"What else did you say?"

"There's nothing left."

"Really gone?"

"No more." Luo Yirui knew that it would be easy for him to have doubts, and tried to divert his attention, "Oh, by the way, Auntie, have you remembered anything? The doctor asked me to pay more attention to this aspect. If you can remember the past, tell me, Uncle Hao also asked me to pay more attention."

Restoring memory is extremely important to Hao Jiacheng, and it seems to be very important to Hao Meili, so he used this incident as an excuse to change the subject.

After hearing this, Hao Meili sneered, turned around and walked back, took two steps and turned to stare at Luo Yirui, "Stay well by my side."

Luo Yirui looked at her leaving back, and his heart trembled. He wasn't sure if the other party had dispelled his concerns, or had doubts about him, but Hao Meili just felt that he was chilled all over!
He sometimes wonders, does Hao Meili know her current situation?Do you know but do nothing, or do you know nothing at all?
Luo Yirui planned to go to Jing Changle's place to stay for a while, his clothes are all soaked now, it's too suspicious to go back and change clothes, he can only wait for the clothes to dry, although it is uncomfortable, but there is no other way.

When he came to Jing Changle's room, he seemed to have been waiting for him, and when he saw him coming in, he hurriedly closed and locked the door.

"Auntie has been here?" Jing Changle was not asking, but confirming, because he heard some voices.

Luo Yirui nodded, with familiar people by his side, his inner fears were finally relieved, he slowly relaxed, and said in a low voice: "During this time, don't be alone with Hao Meili, and don't come out at night!"

Seeing his dignified expression, Jing Changle got goosebumps again, and couldn't help but said again: "Are you really sure you want to stay?"

Aunt Bei and Uncle Luo treat Luo Yirui very dearly. Now that they know the situation here, how could they let him stay here, so close to such a dangerous thing!
Jing Changle couldn't understand.

Luo Yirui smiled wryly, "It seems that I got myself into this unavoidable situation today."

He thought of his mother's words, which seemed to express such a meaning, now he can't leave, it seems that leaving is more dangerous.

So he was still too impulsive at the beginning, and should have retreated as soon as he found something wrong?

Although he knew it might be more sensible to do this, but if he did it again, he might still make the same choice as now. This is probably what Uncle Chen Jinliang said, different age groups will have completely different judgments and choices for the same thing. .

(End of this chapter)

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