Chapter 1034 Doubt
Are you Hao Jiacheng's sister?

The confused Luo Yirui froze for two seconds, and soon the corners of his mouth twitched. It was so serious to confirm the answer to this question, it was really speechless.

According to the current teaching progress, Hao Meili may be admitted to a mental hospital in a short time.

"Do you have a younger sister?" Luo Yirui asked.

By the way, inquire about their social systems and the like.

It shook its head, "No."

With such a simple answer, I don't know how to say a few more words, and I can't find any news...

"Parents have it, it can't just pop out from a crack in the rock." Luo Yirui was dissatisfied with its answer just now.

It froze for a long time, but still shook its head, "I'm not viviparous...nor egg-born..." After thinking for a while, he said again, "I'm not a mammal."

After all, it didn't explain what it was, Luo Yirui felt that it didn't want to talk about it, so it went around in circles.

"Then what exactly are you?" Luo Yirui frowned slightly, she was already sleepy and was still going around in circles with him.

Hearing this question, it stopped talking completely, and the atmosphere was a little condensed. It stared at Luo Yirui for a long time, then turned and went back to the room.

Luo Yirui closed her eyes, and after a long time of contact, she realized that it is actually very emotional, and to some extent, it is not very good at controlling its emotions, but most of them are curious babies, full of curiosity about the human world.

Luo Yirui was puzzled by this, his curiosity was somewhat inexplicable.

Since asking this question, it hasn't talked to Luo Yirui for two days in a row, and Luo Yirui's leisure is finally able to sleep well, it feels quite rare to sleep until dawn.

I don't know if he guessed why Luo Yirui was so happy, but on the third day, it caught Luo Yirui and chatted for two hours.

Originally, the chat might only last 10 minutes to half an hour, but this time the retaliatory chat went straight to Hao Meili's online!

Hao Meili sat in the living room with a dazed expression on her face, watching Luo Yirui sleeping with her head tilted on the back of the sofa with her eyes closed, her mouth still full of question marks.

Probably thinking of something, Hao Meili's face turned ugly, seeing Luo Yirui's state, got up and went back to the room to catch up on sleep.

For half a month, Luo Yirui seemed to have grasped some of its laws, but still didn't know much about it.

When he gradually fed these back to his mother, his mother replied to him with a few words.

Don't let up!

Luo Yirui was taken aback suddenly, he was indeed relaxed about it now, even if he stood beside him in the early morning, he wouldn't wake up!
Luo Yirui frowned, was it deliberately lowering his vigilance?
But those problems and his performance during this period of time made it hard for him to believe this.

And my mother was a little confused, what did it come to Hao's house for?The Hao family is just an ordinary business family. What it does every day is still a mystery, because during the day, no matter whether it is Bei Sitian, Luo Yirui, or even Luo Xudong, they have followed its footsteps many times. , no abnormalities were found.

It can't be that it appeared here for no purpose. How did Hao Meili provoke it? Where did Hao Meili go before?
Now not only Hao Jiacheng wants to restore Hao Meili's memory, but Bei Sitian also wants to start from this aspect.

As for Hao Meili, the forgotten memory seems to be showing signs of recovery.

(End of this chapter)

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