Chapter 1043 Origin
In fact, the parasitic beast has nothing to do with the beast. It has no entity in the first place. It is formed by the extraction of the spirits and spirits of various very characteristic animals by mysterious doctors.

Compared with human beings, the spirit, energy, and spirit of animals are very thin, and some even lack all three. It takes a long time to extract enough spirit, energy, and spirit to condense independent consciousness.

Among them, we need to find some animals with more characteristics that match our mentality, such as cats, which are sharp and vigorous.

Dogs, for example, are more loyal than other animals.

Some people are even not afraid to die to find wolves, and want to extract the spirit of wolves, because wolves have very strong teamwork ability.

All these lose the preparatory work in the early stage, and the thousands of herbs needed are temporarily ignored, because it is much easier to find than to extract these essences.

And when condensed, the failure rate is almost 80.00% or more!

Failures due to rejection are the most common, and there are various other failures.

It can be said that it is very difficult to truly condense a parasitic beast. This kind of thing will only appear in hundreds of years.

But every time one appears, it can always set off a bloody storm.

The first person who condensed this kind of thing was a genius mysterious doctor. He looked down on the apprentice Yaotong beside him, and felt that no matter how much he changed, he would not be able to satisfy him, so he came up with the idea of ​​creating it himself.

Not to mention the idea at the time, even now it can be said to be very weird, the kind that would make others laugh when told, but this ghost has spent half his life working hard to really create such a thing similar to life.

Although it is only similar, it is already very powerful and terrifying.

It's a pity that this kind of thing is inherently uncontrollable. After all, it is composed of a variety of animal spirits with distinctive characteristics. It will be more distorted if it has its own consciousness.

So that ghost spent the rest of his life almost cleaning up the mess for his idea at the time.

Once this thing invades the human brain, it will quickly absorb the opponent's energy and spirit, and try to integrate with the opponent's energy and spirit in the shortest possible time. Unless the opponent dies or it comes out willingly, it cannot get rid of it.

After Luo Yirui told about her experience during this period, Bei Sitian knew that this thing was after her son. After all, Hao Meili was not a good host, and her mental state was already very bad. It doesn't do much good either.

At that time, Bei Sitian was of course very frightened, she immediately started to decorate, and then realized that this thing was still a newborn, so the ability had not yet shown, so she had thoughts.

This is how the current black briquettes come into being.

In any case, this thing was parasitic on the cat, and she used tricks to force it to completely fuse with the cat's body. Now it is thinking that it is impossible, unless the cat's body dies naturally or its vitality is cut off.

And the bond between it and Luo Yirui is based on the spirit of Luo Yirui it took away. This spirit that originally belonged to Luo Yirui was taken away by it and integrated into the cat's body. Now it has a natural feeling for Luo Yirui. affinity.

Just like it doesn't want to hurt itself, it can't do anything to hurt Luo Yirui.

As for the fact that it will die if Luo Yirui dies, it's purely Bei Sitian's nonsense, trying to scare it.

No matter how miraculous the mysterious doctor is, it is impossible for such a thing to exist.

(End of this chapter)

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