Chapter 1045
The only person who knew the existence of the black briquettes was Jing Changle, except for the few people in Qingyu's core. The people in the village were under the surveillance of Luo Xudong's subordinates, so it was guaranteed that none of them saw it.

And Hao Jiacheng, after waking up, will no longer have this memory. Although he may not have noticed it at the time, Bei Sitian will not take this risk.

Luo Yirui fell asleep sitting in the car, and the black coal ball was sitting in his arms, staring at the flying scenery outside the window in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.

It was quiet in the car, it was unknown whether it was the atmosphere infection or it was getting dawn, the black coal ball's head lay on Luo Yirui's shoulder, and he closed his eyes against his cheek.

When Luo Yirui opened his eyes again, they had already entered Beijing, and they would be home in four to ten minutes and an hour.

Luo Yirui sat on the car in a daze, her arms dropped, and she touched something soft. She looked down and saw that it was a black cat, and then remembered that it was black coal balls.

The black briquettes were coiled on the seat, clinging to Luo Yirui's thighs and sleeping soundly. The movement of the arms hanging down just now caused its little head to shake, and then penetrated into the body, coiling into a black ball.

Luo Yirui didn't move again until the car drove to the door of the house.

At this moment, the gate of the small courtyard was full of people, forming a fan shape with Luo Anguo and the Qin family at the center.

Through the car window, Luo Yirui saw her grandparents and two younger sisters, tears streaming down her nose as soon as her nose was sore.

They couldn't help but the uncles and aunts of the Wei family from the Qin family also came, and the uncles from the Tian family also came.

Mr. Qiao sat in a wheelchair and looked at them with a smile, but it was a pity that Tokusan was not around.

Moreover, Luo Yirui looked around, but did not see Uncle Yuan, and the worry in his heart resurfaced.

But with so many people coming to welcome him, Luo Yirui felt excited from the bottom of his heart, his nose twitched, trying to control his tears, he couldn't cry anymore, he was a man, how could he still cry!


Just when Luo Yirui was infected by the atmosphere, a gloomy voice sounded, directly destroying the warm atmosphere.

"You look so pretty when you cry!~"

Luo Yirui's face darkened, and she looked down to see the black coal ball woke up, watching him with great interest and crying.

"By the way, are you happy or unhappy now? Why do I feel that you are happy, but crying when a human being is unhappy?"

Luo Yirui snorted twice, "I don't understand, you are the one who doesn't understand, this is called crying with joy!"

Hei Liqiu tilted his head, "You were so happy that you cried? After all, you still cried..."

It said it unintentionally, but Luo Yirui thought he was a man, so he still cried. This sentence made him very sad, and his face was a little dark.

"Black coal ball, don't laugh like that again from now on, it's infiltrating!" Luo Yirui said, and got out of the car with the black coal ball in his arms.

The black briquette cat's beard twitched, " this much more pleasing to the ear?"

Luo Yirui: "..."

After getting out of the car, he put down the black briquettes, because two small figures rushed towards him.



With the same voice, the same appearance, and the same excited expression, Luo Yirui's heart is about to melt right now.

He stepped forward with a big grin, and stretched out his arms to hug them.

"I miss you all~~" Luo Yirui whispered against them, and wanted to cry again.

Luo Yixuan and Luo Yiqian had no scruples, hugging their brother and crying.

 Suddenly four messages in a row came out today, and the rabbit saw that it was a reward message. At that time, the rabbit knew that the rabbit had an extra leader!
  This is the first lord of the rabbit, Yan C! !I will add more updates for you today, thank you for your support, it has given the rabbit great motivation.

(End of this chapter)

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