Chapter 1050 Let him discover

Luo Yirui looked at the black coal ball in bewilderment, stretched out his hand to hold its front paw and looked at it, indeed, the cut was really thorough...

"Not only the front paws, but also the hind legs are not left for me, look!"

Black coal ball sat on his textbook and stretched his hind legs...

This pose...

The corners of Luo Yirui's mouth twitched. His two younger sisters were good children, they only listened to the teacher's advice, and primary school students were not allowed to keep their nails.

Well, his two younger sisters, like him, had already started elementary school.

The black coal ball was filled with grief and anger, and said to Luo Yirui angrily: "Take care of them, and next time, I won't give you face. If they get hurt, don't blame me!"

Luo Yirui looked at him silently, and then said: "You didn't resist?"

Black coal ball: "!!!"

Can it resist!Isn't this impossible to resist!Otherwise, it can call them little devils, this is Patrick's, it's much more difficult than Luo Yirui!
Hei Liqiu sneered, "If I resist, they still have their lives? I'm just looking at your face, hum, boy, there will be no next time, remember!"

It made a threat, jumped off the desk and left... If it didn't leave, it would reveal itself.

Luo Yirui looked thoughtfully at the arrogant back of the black coal ball, with this guy's virtue, would he really not resist?

In the afternoon, the black coal ball lay on the stone table in the yard basking in the sun, very comfortable. Although it turned into a cat, it was much more comfortable than parasitizing on Hao Meili, and it seemed to be more worry-free, but I don’t know those people Will you catch it back.

Although the black briquettes closed their eyes, they moved their ears occasionally, always alert to the arrival of the two little devils, but today they seemed to be in another yard, maybe they would come soon.

Thinking about it this way, it actually fell asleep...

Later, it felt that this was the biggest mistake it had ever made.

The black briquette slept very comfortably, but the buzzing sound was always annoying. It swiped its tail impatiently, but the buzzing sound didn't stop.

"Strawberry, it's asleep. If we move quickly, we shouldn't need anesthesia." This was Luo Yiqian's voice.

"But without anesthesia, it will be very painful when it wakes up, or ask brother to give it a paralyzing charm." This is Luo Yixuan's voice.

The black briquette suddenly became clever, jumped up, and saw the little devil Luo Yiqian gesticulating on its tail with scissors.


what are you doing!
The black coal ball's hair stood on end, thankfully it woke up, otherwise the tail would be gone!

Luo Yiqian looked at it, stretched out her hand to caress the stiff black briquettes, and comforted: "Don't be afraid, it won't get in the way if you cut off your tail. We see that your tail is moving when you sleep, so you must be very disobedient, right? We don't want to see you suffer."

Hehehe, the devil is indeed a devil, and he does evil things so magnificently, which eye of yours can see that I am distressed! !

The black coal ball's eyeballs rolled around, and when he turned his head to see Luo Yirui walking out, he seemed to see a savior.

"Your sister wants to cut my tail! My nails can still grow after I cut them off, but my tail can't grow back. Tell them, it's wrong to do this!" Black Coal Ball yelled at Luo Yirui.

Luo Yirui stood on the steps and watched with a smile, and responded to the black coal ball: "Don't pay attention to them, you go to the roof, they can't go up."

It's over, let this kid find out...

(End of this chapter)

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