Chapter 1059 You Should Find a Girlfriend
Wei Zhongyuan's recovery ability is very strong, which has something to do with his original physique, and Bei Sitian's mysterious talisman is also very important. He slept soundly all night, and when he opened his eyes the next day, his life was basically out of danger. Vital signs tended to be normal.

The hospital couldn't accept such a result. It wasn't that they hoped that the patient would be ill, but it was a bit appalling. On the first day, the critical illness notice was issued, and then rescue was carried out. Just when the hospital felt that there was no hope and was about to give up, they suddenly broke into the hospital. A group of people came in, and they drove out these local doctors without saying a word.

At that time, the two sides almost fought, mainly because the people in the hospital refused to accept and almost fought. Although the other party spoke politely, their attitude was very firm, even tough.

Later, the person in charge of the health center suddenly went downstairs, which avoided a fight, but the hospital was also a little dumbfounded, because the person in charge's attitude towards these people can be said to be extremely respectful and polite, just like a big boy who came down from the city. same as official.

Even so, it was still difficult for some doctors and nurses at that time to calm down their dissatisfaction and resentment, but they said that only they could cure the patient. There is no need for rescue.

In such a situation, even going to a big hospital is nothing more than that.

So when Wei Zhongyuan woke up in the morning of the third day and was even out of danger, the hospital was really surprised.

"Are you awake?" Bessian walked in from the outside.

Wei Zhongyuan's eyes flashed when he saw her, and his spirit improved a lot.


Wei Zhongyuan leaned back on the sofa carelessly, and smiled, "Brother, I watched you all night, and you didn't even give me a look when you woke up."

Don't doubt where the sofa came from. The hospital doesn't have such basic facilities as VIP wards at all, but after the person in charge of the hospital came down to greet them last night, they immediately cleaned up the temporary VIP wards.

This sofa is the sofa in the office of the person in charge, and someone moved it directly.

Hearing the words, Wei Zhongyuan glanced at him lightly, and then stopped talking, the meaning is very clear... I gave you my eyes!

Wei Zhongxun laughed angrily, what kind of treasure is that look in your eyes, do I have to thank you for giving it to me?

In the middle of the night yesterday, Wei Zhongyuan's health began to improve rapidly, Bei Sitian felt relieved and went to rest, after that Wei Zhongxun kept vigil.

"Where's Xiao Rui?" Wei Zhongyuan looked at Bei Sitian and asked.

After being chased by the tail, Wei Zhongyuan was most worried about Luo Yirui, those three children were all Bessian's treasures, and none of them could be missing.

Bei Sitian smiled slightly, "Don't worry, you're already safe, you just need to rest in peace and recover from your injuries. When you feel refreshed, tell me what happened after you."

When Wei Zhongyuan heard that Luo Yirui was fine, he nodded and closed his eyes. Although he was basically fine, he still needed sleep to replenish his energy.

"Can you stay here?"

Bessie sat down on the chair beside her, "OK."

Wei Zhongyuan didn't open his eyes, he even didn't dare to look into Bei Sitian's eyes, but he was relieved when he heard the word 'good' from her frankly.

"Zhong Yuan, it's time for you to find a girlfriend." Bei Sitian said softly.

Wei Zhongyuan's eyelashes trembled, he didn't open his eyes, but his heart seemed to sink to the bottom of the valley, did she notice something... Hidden so deeply, was she still noticed?
(End of this chapter)

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