Chapter 1082 It's Really a Castle

Wei Zhongxun drove very steadily. The Panshan Road has been built long ago. If there is no heavy rain, there is generally no possibility of landslides. The weather in September and October is crisp and clear. The sky is blue and blue, and there are many white clouds. pretty.

I am used to the hustle and bustle of BJ City, and occasionally walking on the mountain road, and I can also slow down my pace appropriately, which will make me feel very happy.

On the way, Bei Sitian chatted with Wei Zhongxun about what to pay attention to when attending the garden party this time, and told Luo Yirui a lot of things.

Luo Yirui knew that there were many children around his age who were going to go, and she was very much looking forward to it. She always felt that she was getting less and less able to play with her school friends. What they liked to play was so childish.

But older children don't like to play with him, let alone adults, so he thinks again, can those children who are also mysterious doctors like him play together?

"This time, there will be two of the four major schools, and two of the three major families will have their prospects. In addition, not all the current family schools have been invited." Wei Zhongxun said.

Needless to say, the Shi family has already fallen from the big family, and is now Qingyu's subordinate family, so naturally they will not be invited, except for the Shi family, the Yunquan school and the Rulu school were invited, and there are some families and schools that are also invited. Did not find out.

This time it's a semi-open mode, and it's unknown which family will participate if they don't know each other, but everyone knows that Qingyu will definitely be invited.

In addition, the possibility of being invited by the Yunquan School and the Rude Deer School is also very high. The rest of the families are hard to say. Those so-called big families and big schools are nothing in the eyes of these hidden giants.

Beth Tian felt that these ancient aristocratic families and hidden giant crocodiles were like those schools and families in her previous life, and the spiritual success was only the foundation, not the highest point.

On this point, the big families and big schools in this world will be left behind by a long way.

Wei Zhongxun didn't rush to drive, he drove all the way, it took about two and a half hours, before he got off the Panshan Road, he saw the super mansion next to a big lake.

"I'm afraid there are people in this Nie family abroad. This style looks similar to the castles in Europe. You see, there are watchtowers!" Wei Zhongxun glanced at it and dared not look more. The mountain roads here have many curves. , A distracted car coming from the opposite side is easy to hit.

Bei Sitian tilted her head slightly, squinting at the castle, what is this Nie family...what is it going to do!
Luo Yirui was amazed, he had never been abroad, he had only seen foreigner's castles from pictures and TV, he heard that it was also an ancient building for them, he did not expect to see it in such a place.

"It's really a castle!" Luo Yirui sighed, and in the future he must go abroad to see the world.

He felt that the castle was majestic, but it was only because he had never seen it before. In fact, if he really wanted to say it was amazing, how could it be so awesome?That's just big.

"Actually, it can't compare to our Forbidden City." Luo Yirui thought about it and said again.

Beth smiled sweetly, "Why?"

"Big is big. It doesn't have much technical content. I don't understand it either, but I know that the Forbidden City was built on the central axis." Luo Yirui said.

In fact, he doesn't even know what the central axis is, but just hearing about it makes him feel amazing!
"Looking at things depends on their merits, even if they are from other countries, their own merits are their own." Bei Sitian said.

 update finished~~
(End of this chapter)

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