Chapter 1091 Special Measures
Hearing these words, Wei Zhongxun's heart skipped a beat. He had never thought about this question before, and he was not a perceptible physique, so he didn't know Luo Yirui's uniqueness, and he didn't even know the hidden physique attributes in his comprehensive physique.

With this hidden physique, even the most powerful people with perceptible physiques would not be able to detect his abnormality.

"What should we do?" Wei Zhongxun stared blankly at Luo Yirui.

It is very rare to have a perceptible physique, but he does not believe that there is no one in the ancient family with a perceptible physique. If they notice Luo Yirui's strangeness, they will definitely attract their attention.

After Wei Zhongxun asked this question, he knew that he was being stupid again. He turned his head to look at Bei Sitian. Sure enough, she was not in such a hurry. Obviously, she had already prepared a countermeasure, no, she must have been prepared for a long time!
This it fun to entertain people!

If there is no perfect plan, it is impossible for Bei Sitian to take the risk of bringing Luo Yirui out.

"Master, what method did you use?" Wei Zhongxun asked.

Beth looked at Luo Yirui dotingly, reached out and patted his head lightly, and said, "A special method."

"What special method?" Wei Zhongxun asked, curious.

There was a smile on the corner of Beth Tian's mouth, "Xiao Rui's perceptible physique cannot be hidden, and this one doesn't need to be hidden. It can just be regarded as an attractive feature. The other one, you have heard of the dominant spirit and the hidden spirit. Are you in good spirits?"

Wei Zhongxun was stunned, and said, "Is it a chromosome?"

Bei Sitian: "..." Can this kind of silly apprentice return the goods?
It is said that it is spirit, but also the chromosomes.

After Wei Zhongxun finished speaking, he rolled his eyes, "I'm sorry, sorry, I learned too much, and I lost my mind for a while."

Beth Tian almost sneered at him, "Show off that you have a high education, even if your education breaks through the sky, you are still my apprentice!"

"Hey, master, what kind of education is the qualification to break through the sky?"

"Go away, can you still talk about serious business? You can sleep with the black coal ball tonight." Beth said with a dark face.

The black coal ball snores very loudly while sleeping.

Wei Zhongxun instantly suppressed his smile and glanced at the black coal ball. Unexpectedly, the black coal ball suddenly raised his head and opened his mouth at him, revealing a mouthful of small fangs, which turned out to be a smile!

Wei Zhongxun was horrified at the time, did the cat laugh just now?right!
"Master, have you seen it?" Wei Zhongxun pointed to the fine black coal balls.

Beth Tian has seen it for a long time. In order to get rid of the stiff limbs caused by being stared at by the two little daughters, this guy keeps making expressions every day. He thinks that the expressions can help get rid of the stiff limbs. The result is that the expressions are indeed different from other cats. , but still did not get rid of the fact of limbs.

Beth Tian was speechless, why did the topic deviate so much!

"Master, master, tell me quickly!" Wei Zhongxun shuddered all over, and suddenly saw the cat laughing, it always felt scary, okay, let's listen carefully to the master's experience.

Bei Sitian did use a secret technique, and using this secret technique required the original energy, and she hadn't used the original energy for a long time.

The mysterious talisman made can make a part of the spirit appear in front of people, and it is specially produced for the hidden physique, that is, the dominant spirit.

However, after this kind of mysterious talisman was made, it was said to be very tasteless. Who would find ways to show their energy and energy if they have a hidden physique?
The reason why Bei Sitian came up with this method was also because she and her master carefully analyzed the psychology of the person who created this mysterious talisman, but she never expected to use it on her son.

 Today's update is here

(End of this chapter)

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