Chapter 1098
Fei Yunqing knew that he and Bei Sitian should have noticed a lot during the exchange meeting back then, but he thought the gap was not that big at the time, and he thought so for a long time afterwards, so he kept Work hard, trying to win back everything at the exchange meeting.

However, at some point, he gradually understood that he couldn't surpass Bessian, she was simply not someone he could catch up with, and the two of them were destined not to be on the same level, or in other words, from the very beginning, the two were not on the same level. It's all he thinks.

For a person known as a genius since he was a child, this kind of awareness is a huge blow. Fei Yunqing was very depressed for a while, and spent about half a year adjusting his mentality before he finally cheered up. Find where you should be.

Wei Zhongxun also exchanged pleasantries with the people around him. Everyone is familiar with this outstanding young man of Qingyu. He Tianzhi and Tian Zhi both called Qingyu Twin Gods. Apart from Wei Zhongyuan, they are most likely to become powerful before the age of 40.

Wei Zhongyuan, who is only one line away from Da Neng, may break through at any time, which is what others call quasi-Dan Neng.

Luo Yirui has been standing beside her mother holding the black briquettes, listening to her talking to other people, through the crowd, she can see the ancient family not far away, at this moment the people of the ancient family are also talking in a low voice, occasionally looking over, There was contempt in his eyes.

Luo Yirui knew that it was a kind of contempt, did she look down on them?
Maybe it's because the opponent is so capable?Most of the teams here have a great power, no matter how bad they are, they are quasi-powerful like Uncle Yuan. Is this their confidence?

Luo Yirui looked at Nie Kaihuan, this young man was the biggest among the group of children, but he was also the most powerful, and he was now siblings with Uncle Xun!
He looked at the other children, but found two girls in the crowd, one of them he had seen before, although she was fair and clean, but the smug expression on her face made him not like it.

He hadn't seen the other one. They came early, watching the people coming from behind. It was true that he had never seen this girl.

The girl was about eight or nine years old, with cute big eyes and a cute mushroom head. She stood there quietly, not very interested in the things around her, and even yawned.

Luo Yirui looked at the girl twice, wondering if she noticed that someone was looking at him, so she also turned her eyes, met Luo Yirui's eyes, and was startled.

Luo Yirui probably didn't expect her to look over suddenly, a little embarrassed, and grinned at her to cover up his embarrassment.

The little girl saw Luo Yirui showing two rows of neat teeth, looking a little silly, she immediately covered her mouth and laughed, her eyes were curved like two small crescents, very cute.

I don't know why, Luo Yirui thinks this little girl is very kind, probably because of the arrogant girl before, he thinks this young lady is more interesting.

The little fat man inadvertently saw the interaction between the two, hugged a popcorn bucket, smashed his mouth, and looked at Luo Yirui.

"Yuanxi, do you know him?" the little fat man asked the little girl.

The little girl shook her head, "I don't know."

Yuan Xi's voice is soft and waxy, and those who have heard it still want to hear her speak.

The little fat man grabbed a handful of popcorn and stuffed it into his mouth. His cheeks were bulging. After swallowing, he said, "There are others smaller than us."

(End of this chapter)

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