Chapter 1302 Threatening others with my own life
The man is about 30 years old, no matter how much his mother makes him feel bad, but he is willing to be bullied in public, he raised his head angrily and looked over, first saw four children with frightened faces , and then saw a man, two women and a child, one of the women was older and the other was younger, obviously it was a family dinner.

The people at these two tables don't look like the people who bullied his mother.

The man froze for a moment, followed by his anger, then turned around and asked, "Mom, who bullied you? What's going on?"

The middle-aged woman pointed at the four terrified teenagers and said, "That's them, go and beat them!"

She was out of breath, if she couldn't get out this breath, she would have to suffocate to death!

The man opened his mouth, glanced at the four teenagers, then frowned, knowing that things might not be as he thought.

"Mom, tell me what's going on." The man helped the middle-aged woman up, saw the chair left aside, and looked at the mother who couldn't even stand upright, and the anger in his heart came up again.

"Don't ask, I didn't see that your old lady was bullied, so give me a beating first!" The middle-aged woman felt that with the support of her son, she could be fearless.

That man is not irrational, just like his mother, he is very helpless, you don't understand, if I go up and beat him up, can his parents be willing?Besides, these four teenagers don't seem to be bullying you at first sight!

When the middle-aged woman saw that her son was still not getting up, she angrily stretched out her hand and slapped him on the shoulder several times, cursing the words of raising him for nothing. Seeing this, the people around thought that this woman was really unreasonable. Her daughter-in-law I guess it's not going well.

The middle-aged woman has already lost control of her emotions. She can't care about whether there are people around or no one around. Now she only thinks that she has been bullied and should get revenge. As for whether the other party is a child, this is no longer within her scope of consideration.

The store manager who had been watching from the crowd finally came out at this moment. He stood in front of the family and asked politely, "Is this lady okay?"

The man saw his badge and knew he was the manager of the store, and said, "Are you the manager of the store? The chair in your store hit my mother's foot!"

The store manager smiled politely and said, "I'm sorry, the chairs in my store are all ordinary chairs, and I won't smash your mother's feet by myself."

The man's face sank, "How do you talk!"

The store manager is neither humble nor overbearing, "Speak with facts."

The man gritted his gums secretly, and stared at the store manager who was choked and speechless. He wanted to take advantage of it first, but he didn't expect the store manager to react so quickly.

"Look! Did you see that my feet are bleeding! My feet!" The middle-aged woman took off her shoes, her toes were bloody, and her nails might have to be scraped off.

The man became anxious when he saw it, "Mom, what's going on, why did it happen like this!"

The middle-aged woman pointed at the four teenagers of Luo Yirui and cried, "It's them. They occupy seats privately. If I tell them a few words, they don't like to hear them, so they scold me. It's ugly to scold me. I'm so old. I'm ashamed to be scolded by these four little kids!" After finishing speaking, she pointed her index finger at the store manager viciously, "I tell you, if you don't give me an explanation for this matter, I will kill you In this store, I will make it difficult for you to open!"

People who are incompetent always threaten others with their own lives. She is used to this trick, and it works every time for her son and daughter-in-law.

(End of this chapter)

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