Chapter 1306
Luo Yirui glanced at the teenagers who came in from the door, then lowered his head and continued to eat as if nothing had happened, the three teenagers didn't notice Luo Yirui's table, basically there was no need to wait for a table at this time, they were directly led into the inner hall.

When they walked over, the little fat man raised his head and saw their backs, he couldn't help being startled, turned his head slightly to look at Luo Yirui, saw that he was also looking over, and understood.

These three teenagers belong to the Nie family. Apart from the super genius Nie Kaihuan, the Nie family still has many outstanding younger generations. The cultivation of younger generations.

"The exchange meeting is coming soon, and many people have already come." The little fat man said in a low voice.

Although the venue of the exchange meeting is not in BJ, but it is next to BJ, most people will choose to come to BJ to eat, eat and shop, so more and more mysterious doctors appear in BJ recently. Of course, most people may pass by. Knowing that the other party is a colleague, but for Luo Yirui's easy-to-perceive physique, it is different.

The Nie family carried out a devastating cleansing of all family factions five years ago, but in the end the one that suffered the most was the current family, and the other was the Nie family itself. Many people from ancient families gloated over this.

But the Nie family did not become the target of public criticism in the end. First of all, most of the current families were reduced to second-rate and third-rate families. In addition, although they attacked the people of the ancient family, the ancient family took this opportunity to enter the world in one fell swoop and occupied most of the world. resources and markets.

Over the years, all the ancient families have been busy stabilizing themselves. Even if someone made a statement to jointly crusade against the Nie family, not many people responded.

It's not that these families are short-sighted, but that the Nie family did too much 'preparatory work' before. Now they have people in the military, government, and business circles, especially in the political circles. There are many voices speaking for them. There is no conclusive evidence for what happened five years ago. It's so easy to bring down the Nie family!
But also because of that incident, the people of the ancient family completely changed their mentality, knowing that the Nie family will not be soft on them. In recent years, taking advantage of the opportunity of joining the WTO, they quickly occupied the resource market, especially the invasion of the military and political aspects. .

It's a pity that it's funny that the country has already dealt with this, and it is not so easy to infiltrate into the military affairs, so the Nie family has already had the opportunity to attack, and the other one with an advantage is Qingyu.

Today's Mysterious Medicine Association is no longer a mess, the country has rectified the association's name and officially become a registered government agency!
Now the status of the entire Mysterious Medicine Association is different, and the personnel inside have also undergone a major purge. The previous system is completely abolished, and unified management is carried out, with clear distinctions between superiors and subordinates.

Nowadays, most of them are mystical medical talents cultivated by the state itself. After some ulterior motives are eliminated, the remaining capable ones are recruited by the state. If they are not accepted, they will be eliminated.

Jiang Mingzhong was one of the few people who stayed inside as a sect, not because Qingyu was so powerful, but because Qingyu had mastered the method of making high-level mystical talismans even if he couldn't tap spiritual talismans.

Qingyu promised that as long as their people are in one day, they can provide such a talisman, and it is only a talisman.

Jiang Mingzhong himself no longer needs a matchmaker. The catastrophe five years ago made him a blessing in disguise, and he successfully tapped a magic talisman!

(End of this chapter)

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