Chapter 1316 Those Two Extreme Geniuses

The little fat guy is talented, but he has no power or power in the family. Only one of his parents is a mysterious doctor, and his talent is average, and he doesn't hold power. There are quite a few contemporaries who are similar to him, and there are quite a few who are extremely talented. All the resources are spent on those people, and it is impossible for him to take his turn no matter what.

The only time he could have his turn was when he went to a party as a hostage five years ago, even if he died, no one would complain about him except his parents who would be sad!

He experienced the indifference of the big family most profoundly.

After a group of people walked in, another group of people came in soon. This time, they came from the Tianyao school. There were old and young people, men and women. The group of seven people should be all the people in the Tianyao school.

Among the group of people, Bei Sitian saw an acquaintance, Chu Fenglei.

But Chu Fenglei didn't see her, he probably didn't expect Bei Sitian to be sitting in the hall.

The little fat man was still on the Xunyue school in the past, why didn't he see those two annoying people?Are you not together, or did you go to another restaurant to eat?
But it was a good time not to come, otherwise those two would find out, and they would sneer and sarcastic, which would affect people's mood for no reason.

Soon the Penge school and the Yunhai school also came in. As important figures in the schools, the Gong family brothers and sisters naturally wanted to participate. When they came in, they saw Bei Sitian and Jing Changle at a glance, but they walked over as if they hadn't seen it .

Jing Yuanxi blinked at Luo Yirui and the others, and then walked over without looking sideways. With her were two teenagers and a girl, who were a little older than her, with faint smiles on their faces, as if they were close friends. and.

Bei Sitian turned her eyes and glanced, and she also saw a familiar person in the sea of ​​clouds school, what is the name of this person, she recalled a little bit, this person once told him that the ancient family entered the world to find someone, but A lot of things happened after that, even though Bessie took it to heart, she never went to look for this person again, nor did this person come to the castle incident.

Bei Sitian was still thinking about the name of this person, and soon many people came in one after another. Fu's family and Hou's family came one after another. Fu Xuange and Hou Baiyu were among the crowd. I couldn't help being taken aback.

"Look, look! It's Fu Xuange and Hou Baiyu!"

"Is it those two supreme geniuses?"

"That's right, I heard that Fu Xuange lit a talisman at the age of 15, and Hou Baiyu is even more exaggerated, he lit a talisman at the age of 12!"

The people around were stunned, "It's hard to imagine...I'm already 35, and I haven't even reached the door, I haven't even touched the edge, it's hard to imagine!"

"I heard that the overall strength of the three major families is already higher than that of the four major factions. You can tell by looking at their descendants!"

"The situation of the three major families and the four sects has been outdated for many years, and now there are the three major families and the seven major sects!"

The structure of the three major families has not changed, and the development of the family system requires more background, so this time, the ones who took advantage of the opportunity are all schools. Needless to say, Qingyu is very strong in itself, and there are ways in the military, political, and business circles. Sit firmly in the position of first-class genre.

In addition, the Zuolu faction also took advantage of the trend to rise. Originally, they hid their strength. Taking advantage of the chaos, they absorbed some fallen faction families and gradually strengthened their strength. In a certain way, they were similar to Qingyu's approach, but Qingyu adopted both methods. It is voluntary. In order to rise, most of them are in the form of exchange.

In addition to Qingyu and Zuolu, there is also a rising school called Luohua. Among the three emerging schools, only Qingyu can be compared with the four old schools. The overall strength of the other two is still relatively weak.

"Why didn't Qingyu's come?" A person suddenly asked after seeing the Zuolu School and Luohua School passing by.


(End of this chapter)

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