Chapter 1330 Are you ready?
That's why they have time to hang out.

"Things that don't even have a fart, let's go sell popcorn on the side of the road in the future." The tall and thin boy sneered, beckoning another person to leave.

The two teenagers didn't want to cause trouble in this kind of place, and they didn't take the little fat man seriously anyway, so let's forget about it, and just remember to tease him.

For this kind of thing, the elders in the family will not care.

It's impossible for the little fat man to quarrel with them in this kind of place. He was brought in by Aunt Bei. If there is a dispute, he will definitely find Aunt Bei.

Luo Yirui saw that these two teenagers belonged to the Xunyue school.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would be hard for him to believe that they were all from the same school, why they could be so cruel to their companions.

It's because he didn't understand that now he finds it incredible, and when he thinks about when the little fat man was in the small courtyard, he can't help feeling envious, but Luo Yirui didn't have much emotion at that time.

Now he knew how much envy the little fat man felt at that time.

So, he didn't hold back just now.

Luo Yirui lowered his eyes slightly, his eyes were full of cold light, this was the first time he didn't even bother to say anything, and wanted to do it directly.

The two teenagers walked away without knowing it. Before they had walked fifty steps, the tall and thin boy had already swung his arm three times. At the fifth time, one side of the boy's body suddenly sank.

"what happened?"

Another person rushed forward to support him.

It's not that there is no love at all, it turned out that it was only for the little fat man.

The little fat man is used to this, and without expectations, there will be no disappointment.

"I can't feel my arm!"

"what happened?"

The two teenagers panicked for a while, but none of them thought about Luo Yirui. Although he had just slapped the little fat man in the face, the boy wanted to grab his hand, but he didn't catch it, right? A touch can't possibly do anything to him. Hurtful.

What's more, that kid didn't wear gloves, and if he really had something in his hand, he would suffer first, and the medicine he made would also be effective for him.

The little fat man glanced sideways at Brother Rui who had a calm face, and he couldn't see anything from that expression, but the chill contained in those eyes couldn't be dispelled.

He didn't say thank you, friends for so many years, it would be too fake to say thank you, he just kept this warmth in his heart.

For so many years, only Brother Xiao Rui was able to reach out to him when he was in trouble. This has been the case since five years ago.

It's a pity, why isn't he Qingyu's.

Even if it's not from Qingyu, it shouldn't be from the Xunyue school.

Luo Yirui is not a good person, the reason why he refrained from making a move on the spot is because he considered the situation of the little fat man, if he let these two people know that it was related to him, when he went back and told his elders, the little fat man would definitely suffer when he went back.

It was because he even thought of this that the little fat man felt that Brother Xiao Rui was very warm.

"Let's go to Swan Lake." Jing Changle said.

It's not that the half-grown kid likes to watch swans, but because the strawberries and mangoes must be there at this time.

They have been clamoring to see the swans since yesterday, and their mother must be there at this time.

I didn't meet anyone on the way. It was less than an hour and a half, and some of them had already gone to the competition site.

When they found the pocket waterfall, they saw that the two younger sisters were indeed looking at the swan with great interest, and standing beside them were Hou Baiyu and Fu Xuange...

Who said you have to prepare for the game.

(End of this chapter)

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