Chapter 1335 Two Sisters Are Strange

Strawberry and Mango, although they are identical twins, are synchronized in daily life, but their mutual abilities are also different. Strawberry Luo Yixuan's easy-to-perceive physique is very strong, and now she is even stronger than her. Even Beth Tian Without covering up for her, there are very few people present who can perceive her ability.

So Strawberry noticed the child at a glance, also because the child had the same aura as them.

Bessie only felt it from his body when he got close.

This made her heart flutter for a while.

The constitution of strawberry and mango is a mystery.

I knew this after the last test with Beijiale.

They don't even know whether it's good or bad. After all, the two little guys have extremely special physiques that complement each other. Anything that looks good may also develop in the opposite direction.

Bei Sitian smiled slightly, but she had a heart for this child in her heart. If you help him find his brother, you will know whose family he is.

"What's your name?" Bessie asked.

Facing the kind Beth Tian and actively getting close to others, the little boy has no ability to resist, and soon his eyebrows and eyes are frowned.

"My name is Baby Sen!"

Baby Sen?Is this a nickname?
"Baobaosen, what's your brother's name? Auntie took you to find him. Besides your brother, is there anyone else coming with you?" Bessian asked.

Bao Baosen tilted his head, what's his brother's name now?I don't remember, so I can't tell my aunt.

Baobaosen sighed, "There is also a butler, but he ran a little too quickly and accidentally lost him."

Accidentally dropped him...

Beth pursed her lips and laughed, this child is so cute, who lost who!

Seeing that his aunt and sisters were all laughing, Baobaosen tilted his head and looked cute, "Do you also think the housekeeper is stupid?"

Beth Tian couldn't help but laughed softly.

Because she couldn't tell her brother's name, Bei Sitian couldn't find him, and she was worried about letting him run around alone, so she could only take him with her temporarily.

"My brother is very handsome."

"anything else?"

Baobaosen thought about it carefully, "Well...not anymore."

Bessie: "..."

With such facial features, how could she find a handsome guy with unknown age, unknown height and fat among the small 1000 people?

"Is he in this hall?"

If it's in the lobby, you can always find it by turning around.

"I don't know, I think so." Bao Baosen said.

Bei Sitian blinked, that is to say, even if she turned around, she might not be able to find someone.


His family could not be found, so his identity was not known.

The little guy talks a lot, especially seeing such a beautiful aunt and sisters, he seems very relaxed.

"Auntie, are you participating in the exchange competition?" Baobaosen asked Bethtian with his head raised.

Beth Tian lowered her eyes and smiled, "I won't participate, Auntie is here to watch."

Baobaosen showed a regretful expression, "If Auntie participates, it will definitely be very exciting."

Bessie paused when she heard the words, and looked at Baobaosen.

"It's wonderful without an aunt, it's so lively here."

Baobaosen shook his head, "It's more exciting to have an aunt!"


This child is also a sensitive physique.

Listening to Baobaosen's words, it seems that she can sense the concentration of her spirit.

"What do you think of the sisters?" Bessian asked.

Bao Baosen looked at Luo Yixuan and Luo Yiqian, with a puzzled expression on his face, "The two sisters are so strange."

Mango Luo Yiqian raised her eyebrows, "The little brother is also very strange."

(End of this chapter)

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