Chapter 1345, hidden deep
Bei Sitian looked at her son, saw that although there was no abnormality on his small face, but his eyes were shining, she knew that he had discovered something.

"Let's go, I'm also tired, go back and rest." Saying that, Bessian turned to look at her two daughters.

When Luo Yixuan and Luo Yiqian saw their mother's eyes, they knew that they wanted to go back if they didn't want to go back. They looked at each other and saw the disappointment in each other's eyes.

They haven't played enough yet.

This is the first time for them to participate in such an event. In the past, they were only able to participate in small-scale gatherings, and they still participated in the case of being accompanied by a specific person.

Luo Yirui and the others were all focused on Mi Yousen, and didn't notice the strangeness of the two younger sisters. Bei Sitian noticed it, but felt helpless.

She was really worried about letting the two children act alone in this kind of place. They were too special, and if they were used by others, the consequences would be disastrous, but she couldn't tell them this.

The two followed behind in a low mood until they reached their villa.

"What's the matter, Xiao Rui?" Bessian asked.

Luo Yirui told about meeting Mi Yousen, and Bei Sitian opened her eyes slightly.

Although it's just a surname, Bei Sitian has basically confirmed that the child is the child of the super wealthy Mi's family!

After all, even if a normal family had a child with a special aura, it would not be able to keep it.

The child Mi Yousen must have gone through a special disguise like Strawberry Mango, but Beth Tian still doesn't know what kind of breath it is.

If it weren't for being so familiar with the smell of strawberry and mango, it would be difficult for Beth Tian to notice the difference in that child.

"Mi's house..." Bei Sitian looked out of the window with deep and deep eyes, not knowing what she was thinking.

Seeing this, Luo Yirui knew that the child was indeed from the super wealthy Mi family.

The Mi family unexpectedly appeared so quietly.

The little fat man sat on the side, and had no intention of telling his own genre at all. Hehe, Xunyue would only think of him when he was useful, and basically he was completely ignored.

This kind of genre, why should he remind anything.

Now, he just hopes to grow up quickly, with the ability, to take his parents out, to live alone, to break away from the genre, and no one will care.

Jing Changle also has no intention of reminding the Penge school, he has not yet regarded himself as a member of the Penge school, and the situation of the Penge school is too complicated, the only thing he can care about is his sister Jing Yuanxi.

"Changle, inform the brothers and sisters of the Gong family about this matter."

Hearing Bei Sitian's sudden opening, Jing Changle nodded without surprise. The Gong family brothers and sisters are allies with Aunt Bei now, and they trust each other more with him.

"This matter is rotten in my stomach for the time being. Don't let it out. The appearance of the Mi family must have a plan." Beth sweetly said.

She told the children not to speak out, and to act carefully from now on, the Mi family will not show up for no reason, and they did not show up in the accident five years ago.

Bei Sitian suddenly remembered something. When she saw Baobaosen, he was looking for someone.

Find his brother!
Bei Sitian didn't care about this at first, but Baobaosen is from the Mi family, so most of the brothers he is looking for will also be from the Mi family.

Thinking about it this way, could it be that the Mi family has not always been hidden in the world, but has appeared a long time ago, but they don't know it?

If this is the case, the Mi family hid it deep enough.

(End of this chapter)

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