Chapter 1366 The Gathering of Three Families

"Mom, is there anything special about Baby Sen?" Luo Yixuan asked.

Whatever mother asks is not meaningless, so there must be some secret about Baobaosen.

Beth Tian was silent, she didn't know how to answer, because there was no qualitative answer, it was just a feeling.

Baby Sen is the same as Strawberry Mango, or rather, has the same problem.

This is a very bold conjecture. There is such a conjecture entirely because Baobaosen has an aura similar to that of mango and strawberry. Beth Tian has experienced this aura for many years, remembered it for many years, and struggled with it for many years. So very deep.

She wanted to see the child again if necessary.

But after all, she was a child, and there were some things she couldn't say.

If you can be with the Mi family...

Thinking of this, Bei Sitian shook her head, such a super rich family would probably not be willing to discuss such things with others.

The most important thing right now is to think about the affairs of the Nie family.

The Nie family must have some kind of conspiracy. When Nie Kaihuan lost to the opponent today, she felt that something was wrong. Although Nie Kaihuan seemed to be acting out of order, but what kind of eyes Bei Sitian had, she could tell that Nie Kaihuan was doing it on purpose.

That's when she became wary.

After thinking about it, Bei Sitian decided to meet the Hou family and the Fu family.

After talking with her two daughters, she went out, alone.

Knowing the truth of the matter, Luo Yixuan and the two of course will not run around indiscriminately again.

It's just that Uncle Xun doesn't seem to like talking to them anymore.

Luo Yixuan felt quite guilty. When she saw Uncle Xun kneeling outside the door, she felt extremely sorry for him. It was not his fault at all, but he took it all on her.

I've never seen Uncle Xun look like this.

The two of them didn't know how to face Uncle Xun, so they could only hide in the room temporarily.

Of course, the two people's rooms are also separate, and under normal circumstances they will not stay alone together in private.

The sky gradually darkened.

A slender figure walked in the manor, with a straight back and a calm face. A sense of floating emerged between the walks. The posture of strolling in the courtyard, every movement was pleasing to the eye.

Most of the people were eating at this time, and there were not many people in the manor, so I noticed that there were not many Beth sweets.

She walked towards Hou's villa, and this time they met at Hou's villa, where the three families gathered.

The alliance of the three families has existed for a long time. If we really want to talk about it, we have to talk about the time five years ago.

Luo Yirui showed an incomparable talent, Fu Xuange was the one who saw him make a magic talisman with his own eyes, the Fu family knew about it, and the Hou family also knew about it.

Knowing that there is such a super genius, the Fu family and the Hou family do not have the slightest sense of superiority in their alliance with Qingyu. Such a child is bound to soar into the sky in the future.

And before he flies, it is very important to have a good relationship. Therefore, Fu Xuange and Hou Baiyu are in contact with Qingyu's son, and the Fu family and the Hou family agree with it.

In the eyes of outsiders, it is the degeneration of the Fu family and the Hou family.

When they came to the Hou family's villa, the housekeeper at the door had been waiting for a long time. After welcoming Bessian in, Hou Changli stood up and greeted her with a smile.

"Ms. Bei is here, please sit down."

Hou Changli, Hou Baiyu's father, is now in his 40s, a master at tapping spirits into talismans, and also the head of the Hou family.

(End of this chapter)

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