Chapter 1370 Remediation
Baobao Sen obviously paused, then lowered his head, and said sincerely: "I'm sorry, Miss, can you forgive me?"

For such a straightforward apology, the two of them didn't expect it, and raised their eyebrows. What's going on, kid?

If he made some excuses, the two of them might still think that this kid is just pretending, but now, what do they think?

They remembered that their mother had specifically asked about this link, but the two of them were not thinking about it at the time, and completely ignored the past because their minds were shaken by the situation at the time.

Thinking about it now, and seeing Baobaosen's reaction, the two felt even more strange.

They are also mysterious doctors. Although they don't have a rich case background, most of the time they will think about things in the field they are familiar with.

But Babyson's situation fits one of them.

But for this kind of thing, there must be an opportunity.

They remembered that Baobaosen fell because of a fall...

Thinking of this, the two sisters looked at each other, with a smile spreading from the corner of their mouths. Although this smile is very sweet, but if you look closely, there is a faint devilish aura in it...

When Baobaosen saw them showing such nasty and nasty smiles, his little heart suddenly skipped a beat, and his strong sense of crisis made him turn around and run away.


The collar was caught by one of them at once.

"Miss, let me go!"

Luo Yiqian: "Hey, didn't you come to play with us?"

"Don't play, don't play."

Luo Yixuan: "That can't be done, everyone is here, so what if I don't entertain you."

Saying that, the two sisters dragged Baobaosen into the room, one left and one right, and closed the door.

In the room, Baobaosen looked at them with fear, both of them tilted their heads, and the smiles on their mouths always felt creepy.

"Miss, I still have homework to do, let me go back." Baobaosen said pitifully.

Luo Yixuan didn't take it seriously, "Who doesn't have homework yet?"

Luo Yiqian didn't say a word anymore, she stepped forward and pushed Baobaosen to the ground...

The floor was made of wood, Luo Yiqian didn't have much strength, she just let him sit on the floor, so it didn't hurt at all, but she felt aggrieved for no reason, and she pouted and wanted to cry.

Luo Yixuan looked at him condescendingly, "It seems the method is wrong."

Luo Yiqian squatted on the ground, leaned closer to Baobaosen and took a good look at him, "I remember, the last time he landed on his face first."

Baobaosen opened his eyes wide in horror, "Don't put your face on the ground, he will come out with a little stimulation!"

After finishing speaking, he quickly covered his mouth, but it was of no avail.

The smile on the corner of Luo Yixuan's mouth widened, "Sure enough, it's not exciting enough."

Baobaosen is desperate, he seems to have said more than a little bit wrong, what's going on, is it so scary that the young lady has turned black!

Luo Yiqian took out something from the cardboard box on the side and put it in Baobaosen's hand, "I'm giving it to you, I just caught it from the woods."

The hand was slippery, and Baobao Sen subconsciously looked down, and saw a dark green snake moving in his palm.

He screamed, and threw the snake out of his hand in fright. Then he rolled his eyes and leaned back. He didn't see the so-called snake trembling after falling to the ground and then stopped moving.

"I was actually scared by a fake snake." Luo Yiqian frowned.

Just as Luo Yixuan said something, Baobaosen suddenly stood up and rushed towards her angrily.

 I saw someone in the book review area who guessed Baobaosen, haha, did I guess wrong~~
(End of this chapter)

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