Chapter 1391 Alternative Encouragement

After leaving, Nie Jiaqi no longer had the mind to visit the garden. She pretended to be busy and didn't talk much along the way. Nie Kaihuan, who was at the side, became interested and looked around to enjoy the scenery.

Nie Jiaqi was very depressed, and she always felt like something was pressing on her heart, making her unable to breathe.

In the past, Hou Baiyu treated everyone like this, she didn't feel anything, but now she suddenly showed such an expression to a little girl, Nie Jiaqi couldn't sit still.

Obviously she was the one who met Hou Baiyu first, and she would attend every party that Hou Baiyu attended, but why couldn't Hou Baiyu see her?

No matter how much her brother comforted her, she also knew that Hou Baiyu had no official relationship with her now, and she had no position to care about the women around him at all. Everything was her wishful thinking.

What happened today told her this fact.

"What's wrong?" Nie Kaihuan asked with concern, as if he had just realized that her condition was not right.

Nie Jiaqi stopped in her tracks and said in a muffled voice, "Brother, Bai Yu and I have nothing to do with each other."

Nie Kaihuan raised the corner of his mouth, "It is true now."

Nie Jiaqi bit her lower lip, feeling very sad.

"But it doesn't mean there won't be any in the future." Nie Kaihuan reached out and touched her head, "Our Nie family, don't be so sentimental, just grab whatever you like, not to mention, it's not a robbery now, Hou Baiyu has nothing to do with anyone, right? ?”

Nie Jiaqi froze for a moment, looked up at her brother's evil face, her eyes gradually brightened.

That's right, Hou Baiyu has nothing to do with anyone, right? Even if he has a different attitude towards that little girl, that little girl is too young. Even if it is really that kind of feeling, she will let them There is a huge gap between them.

The Nie family has always been brave, and they can get what they want!

Nie Jiaqi brushed her hair behind her ears, and a smile appeared on her face again, "Thank you brother, if it wasn't for my brother's encouragement, I would be depressed."

She took a few steps forward, turned her head playfully, and stuck out her tongue at Nie Kaihuan, "I won't embarrass the Nie family!"

Nie Kaihuan put his hands in his trouser pockets, raised his eyebrows and said, "This is the eldest lady of my Nie family."

Nie Jiaqi giggled and ran forward. Behind him, the smile on Nie Kaihuan's face also deepened. His eyes shifted and he looked into the distance.

What he wants, he also has to get.

Although the Nie family is resisted and guarded by most families, it cannot change the fact that they are now the number one family in the mysterious medical world. Of course, many people would want to have a relationship with them.

This is the first time Nie Kaihuan has appeared in the yard since he came to the manor. Word of mouth spread, and many girls of the right age came to meet him by chance.

Seeing these girls appearing around him intentionally or unintentionally, Nie Kaihuan didn't want to take a second look. His woman, even if it was only for one night, must be the phoenix among men.

He didn't even want to give these rouge vulgar fans an extra glance, it was a waste of emotion.

Nie Kaihuan is no longer eligible for the exchange competition this time, but this does not hinder his popularity in the slightest.

Luo Yirui licked a popsicle and watched the cool, handsome and domineering Nie Kaihuan go away, then turned to the little fat man and said, "Look at this guy who pretends to be B, learn from it."

The little fat man curled his lips and said in his heart, when it comes to pretending to be B, no one can do it better than you.

It's enough to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.

Ever since he entered the world with the people of the sect, he has been hearing rumors about Luo Yirui's five-year-old psychic talisman. It is clearly true, but until now there is no conclusion. It can be seen that Luo Yirui's B pretending is true.

(End of this chapter)

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