Chapter 1398
When the little fat man heard these rumors, his reaction was not as good as that of Wei Zhongxun, and he was completely dumbfounded.

Boss Jing is... the proud son of the Penge school? !
Wait a minute, he has to stroke.

Isn't the proud son of Penge dead long ago? How could Boss Jing be the proud son of Penge?
The little fat man felt that his brain was not enough, and he couldn't react at all.

Now he can't wait to use his hands and feet to go to the villa as soon as possible. It's only one night, so it seems like the world has turned upside down.

When I came to the villa, it was no different from before, it was very quiet.

He opened the door and felt the atmosphere was different.

There were a lot of people sitting in the living room, and Sun Zancheng, the leader of the Penge school, was also here. He knew that this matter could not be faked.

The little fat man knew that now was not the time to inquire, so he went upstairs familiarly. Although Brother Xiaorui and Boss Jing were downstairs, he had no position to stay downstairs.

"Mrs. Bei, this should be the first time we have met in private." Sun Zancheng said lightly.

Beth nodded and waited for the next sentence.

"Should Mrs. Bei give us an explanation about the proud son of Pengge?" Sun Zan agreed to raise his eyebrows.

Jing Changle on the side squinted his eyes, and finally said nothing, not because he didn't want to say it, but also because he didn't dare to say it.

But when he speaks now, Sun Zancheng will treat him as 'the proud son is too young, he has been bewitched by Qing Yu', so it is best for him not to speak out now.

Beth Tian smiled slightly, "Explain? I thought Peng Ge wanted to thank us."

Sun Zancheng chuckled, and the smile was a bit pervasive, "I don't know whether I should be thankful or not. Since Qingyu knows the identity of the proud son, why didn't he tell us? On this point, I would like to ask Qingyu's intentions!"

Beth sweetly turned cold, "Mr. Sun had better think clearly before speaking."

Gong Chengyan's sharp eyes fell on Sun Zanzheng, "When did Brother Sun lose his composure, why didn't he ask questions, or did he say, what is there that Brother Sun can't figure out?"

He couldn't figure out what, of course he couldn't figure out the matter of being in power. For Sun Zhancheng, Jing Changle's return meant that his power might be shaken.

This is where he can't figure it out.

Although the brothers and sisters of the Gong family have never cared about the sect, they have a lot of power and a wide network of contacts. Sun Zancheng really didn't dare to ignore them. abduction?"

Gong Chengyan raised one corner of his mouth, "I always speak from the facts, do I need a few seniors from the clear genre to prove this point?"

Sun Zan agreed not to speak, because what he said was the truth.

"In that case, let me listen to it." Sun Zan agreed.

Gong Yunfei stretched out her slender fingers, looked at the nail polish she had just put on, and said leisurely: "What's there to say, what a proud son means, he doesn't want to go back to school, he wants to be with his little friend, this My brother and I both know about this matter, so why don’t you ask us about our crimes?”

Gong Yunfei made it clear that dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water, so if he asked them about their crimes, he would have to ask them too.

Sun Zancheng frowned and said, "Jiaozi is still young, and he doesn't know the dangers in the world, so he is easily bewitched by others. Even if he doesn't want to go back, he has to tell us so we can send someone to protect him!"

Gong Yunfei glanced at him with a half-smile, "The proud son is unwilling to go back because he knows that the world is dangerous."

(End of this chapter)

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