Chapter 1691
Most of the monsters raised by Nie's family are defective or failed products of their experiments, which are used for final research, so they will have a good understanding of the structure, shape, various abilities and even hazards of these monsters.

Even if these monsters break free from their cages, break into the office building, and attack these defenseless people, the Nie family will immediately organize a rescue to capture and kill these monsters. There is no need to evacuate the entire building.

When they came in just now, they didn't find any traces of large monsters, so their initial guesses were untenable.

What is going on, the three of them are also at a loss.

The general base of the Nie family is hidden so deep and guarded so tightly that when they entered, they were prepared for a fierce battle. Indeed, they came in after going through several fierce battles, but they did not see a single Nie family member. Even if they came in, they still didn't see a single one.

The fighting strength of the three people is very strong. After a little discussion, they decided to split up and search the restaurant first to confirm whether it is safe and whether there is food is their main task.

Most of the tables and chairs in the restaurant are tilted. When I passed by to pick up the dining cabinet, I found that there was food in it!
There are a total of twelve kinds of meat dishes, including soup, porridge, etc., as well as some side dishes. On the other side of the table, there are half-cooked noodles.

The three of them couldn't help but look at each other. Could it be that the time for the chaos happened to be the time for dinner?
Such specifications are usually for lunch or dinner. The food inside has been cold for a long time, and it seems to have been left for at least one night. The time can only be judged to be yesterday or the day before yesterday, because the temperature here is constant. Will go bad so quickly, so that's the only way to go.

Could it be that other big families and big schools have already rushed in?
This possibility is not impossible, they originally arrived earlier than them, if so, it would make sense that there were no traces of fighting, because the Nie family had partially evacuated due to the arrival of large troops.

The situation here was unclear, and the three of them were guessing in their hearts, but none of them spoke.

It's just such a guess, but it was clouded by the blood spilled on the dining table outside the door.

Is it really as they guessed?
It always feels like things are not going so well.

The three moved separately, Yun Shuiliu stayed in the hall to prevent anyone from rushing in to block them, Luo Yirui and Yan Jingxun walked towards the kitchen behind.

After entering the kitchen, it was better than they had imagined. There were no blood stains everywhere, and no traces of fighting. It was much better than the condition in the hall.

Although the area of ​​the kitchen was relatively large, they checked the front and back and found no danger.

So the two of them started looking for something to eat in the kitchen.

The main purpose of coming in is also to be able to find food.

When I opened the freezer, there were a lot of frozen meat inside, all of which were large pieces. It would take some time to get them out and make something. There were some vegetables in the large freezer, which seemed to be ready-to-use. There are some freezers that are specially designed to store prepared ingredients, which can be cut and put directly.

Everything seemed normal, but Luo Yirui became more and more frightened the more he looked at it.

He felt something was wrong when he opened the freezer, but he didn't think about it that much at the time, but when he saw the ingredients afterwards, he realized something was really wrong.

He turned his head to look at Yan Jingxun, Yan Jingxun, who had always been expressionless, also changed his color at this moment.

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(End of this chapter)

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