Chapter 395
Ma Tianlai took the little jar, no matter what it was, he raised his head and drank it.

In the past, his heart and lower abdomen pain could be tolerated by taking some painkillers, and he went to the hospital to find out the problem. Anyway, it was not a terminal illness. Although he was worried in his heart, he still had an excuse to comfort himself, but today the stomach hurts. He was rolling on the ground, and the painkillers didn't work at all, and he remembered what Bestian said that he would not live for a few years, and he immediately became afraid.

Now his huge foundation was built by him alone, and he has only established himself in Hong Kong for a short time, and he has not enjoyed enough awe from others, so he is really reluctant to die!
Ma Tianlai drank the... water in the small jar?Yes, it felt like water in his mouth when he drank it, and soon he found that a clear spring poured into his burning and painful stomach, extinguishing the bubbling land boundary.

Ma Tianlai let out a long breath, and just lay on his back on the grand teacher's chair, no longer caring about his manners. Now his whole body is soaked and relieved, and his whole body seems to be exhausted.

Bei Sitian took a look at Wu Yuekai, seeing that he was still in good spirits, so she sat aside, waiting for Ma Tianlai to calm down.

Ma Tianlai knew that he shouldn't be too rude, so he hurriedly turned over after recovering a bit, and solemnly bowed to Beth Tian, ​​if it wasn't for the little doctor's medicine today, he would have died of pain!

There are also different types of pain. He has been stabbed and slashed before, but he can bear that kind of pain. This kind of pain from inside the body cannot be seen or touched. It is really fatal.

"Little... Doctor Bei, I was the one to be rude. Ma Tianlai is grateful to Doctor Bei for saving me regardless of the past!" Ma Tianlai bowed and said solemnly.

His attitude is very sincere, coupled with his ability to speak, it made Wu Yuekai feel a lot better.

Beth Tian accepted his gift with peace of mind, nodded and said: "Mr. Ma, you don't need to be too polite, this can only relieve your pain temporarily."

When Ma Tianlai heard that it was only temporarily relieved, his face immediately wrinkled together. He was really scared. This kind of pain can kill people. It is different from gastric perforation and gastric ulcer. It's like rotting outside, and the rotting speed is so fast that you can feel it, but there seem to be thousands of ants crawling around in this rotten meat, which is very scary.

"Doctor Bei, I was rude today, and I apologize to you, see if you can save me, I really don't want to be hurt again, this is not what people suffer!" Ma Tianlai said with a bitter face.

He has no part in acting at all, no matter how deep the city is, he can't bear this kind of pain, now he hopes from the bottom of his heart that Bei Sitian can save him, no matter how much money he gives!

But he also kept an eye out, since the young doctor was recruited by the head teacher, he might not be short of money, and it might be counterproductive to withdraw money easily, so he might as well wait for Bei Sitian to make a request.

"You can help me, I have something to ask you to help." Bessian said.

Ma Tianlai thought to himself, and hurriedly nodded, "Doctor Bei, tell me."

"Are you in a cooperative relationship with the Weng family?" Bessian asked.

Ma Tianlai was startled, the Weng family?He thought about it for a long time. He has a lot of business in mainland China. When Bessie mentioned the Weng family, he couldn't remember which Weng family it was. After a while, he suddenly realized, "Is it BJ's Weng family?"


Ma Tianlai carefully looked at Bei Sitian's face, but found that this young doctor in her early twenties was much more powerful than he imagined, and he couldn't tell anything from her face.

"There is cooperation. there any problem, Doctor Bei?" Ma Tianlai asked.

The corners of Bei Sitian's lips curled up slightly, as if a little cold, "Mr. Ma has to be careful when you choose someone like the Weng family to cooperate with."

Who is Ma Tianlai? Bei Sitian's words are already obvious, but he still can't hear it. This is the last Doctor Bei from the Weng family.

He immediately knew what to do, nodded and said: "What Doctor Bei said was that I didn't really want to cooperate with the Weng family in the first place, and I have such a plan to come here this time!"

Ma Tianlai has been in the society for so many years, if he can't even speak, how can he have the status he has today.

To him, the Weng family is not a big or a small partner, or he couldn't realize it for a while, but they really don't cooperate with the other party. The contract period is there, and they have to pay liquidated damages.

Of course, he couldn't say these things out. He really had no other choice but to agree to satisfy Beth Tian.

Beth Tian showed her hand tonight, and he knew that this girl looked young, but she was actually capable. The greater confidence came from the teacher. The teacher couldn't just bring someone over to see a doctor for his son. He was Anxious and confused, I thought of this but didn't think about it.

Fortunately, this Doctor Bei needs his help, otherwise it would be really difficult.

Since Bei Sitian decided to save his strength, of course he had to know the other party's information first, so when Ma Tianlai asked if he could visit his son, Bei Sitian agreed to do so tomorrow.

Ma Tianlai asked the secretary to deal with matters with the Weng family when he returned home at night. Of course he was unwilling to pay the liquidated damages, so he said that there was a problem with the quality of the products produced by the Weng family.

Some of the top grades of the Weng family are special military supplies. It is because of Ma Tianlai that he chose the Weng family to cooperate. Otherwise, there are so many listed companies, why wouldn't he choose others.

It is a pity that they offended people.

It is not easy to find out some unqualified products. If there is no one, then make some, not to mention the sampling inspection itself allows quality problems, but it is common to not talk about things when cooperating.

Here, Ma Tianlai passed the news of wanting to terminate the contract to the Weng family, and on the other hand, there was also news in the army that there was a problem with the quality of Weng's products, and they sent a written inquiry.

Inside the red-painted gate, Li Xuejun stood in front of the old chief and sighed. What do you think you are involved in?You must put pressure on the troops and let them trouble the Weng family.

From Li Xuejun's point of view, this incident is like a conflict between a child playing house and a person with real power like the old chief, just like an adult, there is no need to get involved.

But he did participate, and Li Xuejun knew why without even thinking about it, because Comrade Xiaobei!

As long as there is no incident with Comrade Xiaobei, the old chief is still the same old chief, but whoever gets in touch with Xiaobei, the old chief will become a different person!

"You boy, don't keep moaning and sighing in front of me, go and stay." Wu Yuekai glared at Li Xuejun, the brat thought he didn't know what he was thinking, so he just participated, who cares!

The old chief was used to being unreasonable, so he wouldn't care about an old man, he paced aside, but didn't go out, he had to watch the old chief not let him drink tea, this is what Comrade Xiaobei explained!
In the morning, Bei Sitian was showing Ma Tianlai's son the situation, and the Weng family and the Tian family had already started a fight.

(End of this chapter)

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