Chapter 398
After Dong Fengzhen listened to Bei Sitian's whisper, there was a sneer on the corner of her mouth, and suddenly the old god was there.

The old lady Weng took a look at Bei Sitian. Where did this come from? She has seen all three granddaughters of the Tian family, but she has never seen such a one.

Feng Xinlian also looked at Bei Sitian, the little girl looks pretty good, but she can tell that she is too thoughtful, and she doesn't know what she said in the old woman's ear, but the old woman's face changed unexpectedly.

But no matter what, this marriage must be divorced!

Dong Fengzhen glanced at Wen Xianglai's stomach, this was really a good hand, a smile suddenly appeared on her face, and she was completely free from the anger just now.

"Divorce is fine. If you don't leave, our Tian family will also leave. But before that, shouldn't you sort out the affairs of your own family?" Dong Fengzhen said.

The old lady Weng didn't know what she meant, she raised her eyebrows and said, "Our family is harmonious and safe, and the family business is booming. This is the only incident that makes me unhappy."

Dong Fengzhen smiled, looked at Wen Xianglai and suddenly asked, "How old is this child?"

Old Madam Weng frowned, "Two months, what's wrong?"

"How long have you known Weng Yong'an?" Dong Fengzhen asked again.

Mrs. Weng somewhat knew what she wanted to say, and said with a sneer, "We've known each other for more than two months, and I got it once, which shows that my grandson is good at it!"

Smelling the fragrance, the eyelids drooped slightly, and the eyeballs swayed slightly under the eyelids.

When Tian Qiu heard this, his heart suddenly ached, he shook his head secretly, and the pain gradually disappeared.

Dong Fengzhen laughed, "I'm really confident. Some things should be clarified first, so as not to cause an oolong when the time comes."

Wen Rong snorted coldly, "Old lady, I respect your age, so be careful with what you say!"

Wen Rongfa is a bit fat, his belly protrudes a lot, his head is round and big, like a fat fish.

Gao Ya's face turned cold, "You have to know whose family you are in, and where you have the right to speak! Take care of your daughter first, then talk about it!"

Wen Rongfa opened his eyes sharply, looking at Gao Ya with a pair of cold eyes.

Gao Ya is not afraid, she looks back contemptuously, the contempt in her eyes is very obvious, your daughter has become a mistress, and she has a big belly, it is too late for people to hide this kind of thing, your family is good, and she approached her wife openly, Asking people for a divorce, it’s a good thing that I came back from abroad, and I haven’t learned anything else, but I have learned a lot about this open mind!
The meaning in Gao Ya's eyes was very obvious, Wen Rongfa seemed to understand her meaning, his eyes became colder and more irritable.

"What's going on, you'll know when you call your grandson over. In addition, this Miss Wen came back from abroad, and she is much more unrestrained than ordinary girls." The more she watched, the more she said something that made him angry.

Old Madam Weng frowned and sneered, "Don't you think it's my grandson Yong'an's problem that the two have no children for two years?"

She didn't expect that the Tian family would pour dirty water on the Wen family.

"It's a pity that there is no such technical inspection in China, otherwise we must let the two children have a good inspection to see whose fault it is." Mrs. Weng was angry when she saw Dong Fengzhen talking about it.

At this time, Bei Sitian suddenly said: "It's not necessarily that there is no such technology, but it has not been popularized yet. I know Du Kaibo, the director of the 300 Hospital, and his medical facilities are the most advanced in the country. It is not difficult to check the problems in this area.”

The old lady Weng looked at Bei Sitian, and looked her up and down with a cold face, as if she was looking at something again, but Bei Sitian had a light smile on her face from the beginning to the end, and she seemed to be unaffected by her gaze. Impact.

Old Madam Weng's gloomy gaze is one of her tricks. Anyone who is sized up by her will feel very uncomfortable, and some will be directly irritated. Once irritated, they will speak freely and reveal their flaws.

"Where did you come from?" Mrs. Weng asked coldly. She also knew the director of the 300 Hospital, which was a joke in the world.

Bei Sitian was slightly taken aback, "Everyone is more upright than the old lady, and a person with an upright heart is upright."

Old Madam Weng's face darkened, and she looked at Dong Fengzhen, "A junior can interrupt our adults' conversation at will. The Tian family's tutor is really impressive."

Dong Fengzhen smiled, "My Tian family is honest, at least I can't bring a woman who is messing around with her grandson to her granddaughter-in-law's family to ask for a divorce."

Mrs. Weng's face turned blue and red at Dong Fengzhen's words. Since she wanted to tear her face apart, she didn't care so much.

Just as she was about to speak, she heard a voice from the foreign affairs office, and then she saw Weng Yong'an walking in with a gloomy face, followed by two nannies with sad faces, they couldn't stop them.

The old lady Weng and Feng Xinlian both frowned secretly, those people are really useless, let them hold up Weng Yongan, and they didn't even hold it back for an hour!
"Yong'an, you came at the right time. The matter has reached this point. The Tian family also agreed to divorce. You should settle the matter early so that I can take care of my grandson sooner!" Old Mrs. Weng spoke first, expressing the Tian family's intentions. mean.

Weng Yongan glanced at Old Madam Weng indifferently, and then at Feng Xinlian, the disappointment in his eyes was self-evident.

Feng Xinlian involuntarily avoided his gaze, feeling a little guilty.

"Great-grandson?" Weng Yongan laughed mockingly, "Whose great-grandson do you want to hug?"

The old lady Weng frowned, this grandson is good everywhere, but on this dead girl of the Tian family, he is so stubborn that ten cows can't be pulled back!

"The child in that woman's womb is not mine at all, nothing happened between me and her!" Weng Yong'an stood in the hall and shouted in a low voice.

Wen Rongfa slapped the table to his feet, glared at Weng Yongan and said, "I thought you were a gentleman, but who would have thought that you would not have the courage to admit what you did!"

Wen Xianglai on the side also opened her eyes wide, and looked at Weng Yongan incredulously, she burst into tears, and said choked up: " could you do this, that time you were drunk, we...we don't admit it now? I already have your child! How could you treat me like this..."

Tian Qiu originally heard Weng Yongan's denial on the spot, and her face softened a lot, but when she saw Wen Xianglai's father and daughter again, her heart turned cold again.

The old lady Weng was also very angry, "Yong'an, the man dares to act boldly, I will not let the descendants of the Weng family be left outside."

Dare to do something?

Beth raised her eyebrows sweetly. This old lady is really shameless in putting gold on her face.

She didn't say a word, it seemed that Weng Yong'an knew about her situation, so it would be easier to deal with it, her position is not right now, it is even more inappropriate to speak hastily.

(End of this chapter)

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