Chapter 538

"Don't worry about that," Beth said sweetly.

Not only do you not need to worry, Wei Zhongyuan also got a blessing in disguise this time, his energy and spirit broke through the critical point, and he can try to tap the spirit to become a talisman when he wakes up!
But let Wei Zhongyuan speak for himself on this point.

Although Wei Yuanqing didn't completely clear up the doubts in his heart, he still thanked Bei Sitian. Seeing that it was getting late, he was going to leave, and if he didn't leave, he would disturb Bei Sitian's rest.

"By the way, Doctor Bei, there will be a medical skills exchange meeting after a while. In addition to some well-known domestic doctors, there are also some famous doctors abroad. The high-level executives of the exchange meeting invited people from the left and right. I and Laoshi...Tao Huailin will go , besides us, there are some other mysterious medical families or sects who will also send people to participate. If it is convenient for Dr. Bei to go, you can come to me." Wei Yuanqing said.

He remembered that Bei Sitian asked about the history of mysterious medicine before. The left and right factions are relatively larger, but in fact, there are many family schools in such a large country, and each region is different. The Wei family and the left faction are only in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. This area is very influential and has considerable strength in some large coastal cities, but it is not an absolute leader.

If Bei Sitian really wanted to get some information, it would be a good choice to go to this exchange meeting, but she is now pregnant and still has a third child, Wei Yuanqing just let her know, and she can only decide whether to go or not. idea.

"Thank you, Mr. Wei, for letting me know." Beth nodded her head. She is indeed very interested in this exchange meeting, but her physical condition will be tested at that time. If she has a big belly, she plans to honestly stay at home to raise a baby.

Wei Yuanqing and Wei Zhongxun took the people away, Wei Zhongyuan is now lying on the bed and sleeping soundly, with a calm face and long breaths, people who don't know will never think that he has just experienced a life and death.

In the evening of the next day, Wei Zhongyuan really woke up. Seeing this, his mother who had been by his side went to call Wei Yuanqing in surprise.

Wei Yuanqing rushed over quickly, along with Wei Zhongxun and other members of the Wei family.

"Ah Yuan, how are you?" Wei Yuanqing looked at Wei Zhongyuan and frowned slightly.

Now Wei Zhongyuan's expression is dull, he is sitting on the bed in a daze, his face is still a bit dazed, won't he become stupid?

Wei Yuanqing took a step forward, and saw Wei Zhongyuan turned his head, looked around the room, and said, "Grandpa, I want to talk to you alone."

Wei Yuanqing nodded, "Everyone else go out."

"Ah Xun stay." Wei Zhongyuan said.

After everyone in the room dispersed, Wei Yuanqing stared at Wei Zhongyuan, worried that he might say something that made her heart stop suddenly.

"What's wrong with your body?" Wei Yuanqing asked.

Wei Zhongyuan lifted the thin quilt and got out of bed, picked up the talisman paper and brush from the table beside him, but did not take the talisman medium.

Wei Yuanqing was taken aback, but Wei Zhongxun was a little excited, could it be?
Holding the talisman paper in one hand and a pen in the other, Wei Zhongyuan quickly drew a spell on the talisman paper. During the process of drawing the talisman, the talisman paper shook slightly and began to float upwards!
Seeing this scene, Wei Yuanqing and Wei Zhongxun both opened their eyes wide. Wei Zhongxun had seen Beth Dessert Lingcheng Talisman before, but it was the first time Wei Yuanqing had seen a little Lingcheng Talisman!
However, the talisman paper did not float up completely, it suddenly fell into Wei Zhongyuan's palm, and everything returned to calm.

Point the spirit into a talisman, failed!

Wei Yuanqing was disappointed in his heart. If it succeeded, the Wei family would be the first person who could activate a psychic talisman, and he would also truly experience a psychic talisman.

"Don't be discouraged, this kind of thing can't be rushed, take your time, you just wake up and rest first." Wei Yuanqing said.

He has been introspecting for the past few days. He put too much pressure on Wei Zhongyuan before, which made him take the risk. Now that he is fine, he doesn't want to force him anymore. Even if he can't activate the talisman, he is still a leader in mysterious medicine!
Wei Zhongyuan didn't speak, just took a deep breath, picked up a talisman paper again, and repeated the action just now.

After failing three times in a row, Wei Yuanqing wanted him not to force him, but was stopped by Wei Zhongxun.

"Grandpa, wait a minute." Wei Zhongxun said in a low voice.

It is precisely because he has seen some magical symbols, so he knows that Wei Zhongyuan's temptations one after another do not mean that he cannot succeed, but that he is getting closer to success step by step!
Finally, Wei Zhongyuan once again picked up the talisman paper and placed it on the palm of his hand, the talisman paper floated up, and a layer of very faint blue halo suddenly appeared under the talisman paper, so faint that he couldn't see it unless he looked carefully.

The talisman paper seemed to be held up by a faint blue light. Wei Zhongyuan was highly concentrating, his right hand brushed like a dragon, quickly drew the talisman, and the painting was completed in a blink of an eye. His forehead was left in his eyes, and there was a sore pain, but he didn't dare to blink, otherwise his success would be in vain.

Finally, the blue light dissipated, and the fusion was completed!

Wei Zhongyuan held this piece of talisman paper, looking ordinary, but he could feel the extremely powerful effect inside, of course, this 'extremely strong', is also compared with the mysterious talisman he used to make with the help of talisman medium.

Wei Yuanqing took two steps forward excitedly, and took a look at the talisman paper in his hand. They were all mysterious doctors, so he could naturally feel the difference in the talisman.

"You, you did it!" Wei Yuanqing was so excited that he was about to cry, he patted Wei Zhongyuan's shoulder vigorously, and laughed loudly.

Wei Zhongyuan also showed a sincere smile. At this moment, the clothes on his back are already soaked, and his experience in making talismans for the first time is far from enough.

Wei Zhongxun on the side was also very happy, "Brother, congratulations!"

Wei Zhongyuan nodded heavily, and then asked: "Ah Xun, you have seen Dr. Bei perform magic spells, what is the difference between me and her?"

Wei Zhongxun thought for a while, and he knew that his elder brother was not asking about the process of Bei Sitian's talisman making, but was asking how big the difference was.

"Master's cyan color is very rich and almost opaque, and she made dozens of talismans in a row without feeling strenuous." Wei Zhongxun said truthfully.

Wei Zhongyuan smiled wryly after hearing this, everyone knew that the cyan halo when making the talisman was very important, it meant the spirit of the person who made the talisman and how effective the talisman was made.

His cyan halo is very faint, and he needs to be very careful to see it during the day, but Beth Tian's is clearly visible under the sun, and it is not at all transparent.

Compared with when Tian Zhi was kidnapped at that time, it was much more intense. This is not the first time Wei Zhongxun has seen it.

Moreover, he has seen Bei Sitian make nearly 20 talismans in a row, each of which is of different types and has different effects, and he still does not blush or breathe, and does not appear to be exhausted.

On the other hand, Wei Zhongyuan is just an ordinary mysterious talisman, which can only cure simple diseases, but he is already exhausted.

"Take your time, this is your first time." Wei Yuanqing had a huge smile on his face.

Wei Zhongyuan suddenly knelt down in front of Wei Yuanqing with a plop.

(End of this chapter)

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