Chapter 543 Familiar People
Beth Tian took a look at the list of banquets, most of them were unfamiliar, but there were a few familiar names, most of them were related to the food industry, or some enterprises and institutions that could cooperate, but one of them made me feel uncomfortable. Beth sweet was surprised.

"Luo Xuhua?" Bei Sitian looked at Ma Tianlai.

Ma Tianlai smiled, "Yes, Boss Luo also has business projects in this area, maybe there will be cooperation in the future, and besides, he is a relative of Dr. Bei, so it is not appropriate not to invite him."

Beth Dessert nodded and turned over.

Ma Tianlai smiled inwardly. He invited Luo Xuhua not because of what he said. He could see that Luo Xuhua's daughter-in-law was very disrespectful to Bei Sitian. Beth Tian slapped him in the face again.

Ma Tianlai is used to being a big boss in Hong Kong, except for a few people who don't need to give him face, both black and white have to give face, but he can also see that Bei Sitian has no intention of taking revenge for such a trivial matter , Not to mention revenge.

But a proper slap in the face is always necessary. Later, Ma Tianlai found out that the reason why Bei Sitian cooperated with him was because he left the Shenghua Group, because the eyes of the two people in the Shenghua Group were still fixed on the Tian family. Counting on Tian's family to provide medicinal diet prescriptions.

What a ridiculous reason, what a blind eye!

Ma Tianlai must thank them well, this "thank you" is a real thank you, without them, how can there be a blessing from heaven!

Anyway, it's a matter of convenience, so why not do it.

Bei Sitian has no objection to the list of banquets, but the person invited to promote, Bei Sitian, has to think carefully.

Ma Tianlai has some suggestions, "The old man is actually the best publicity target, but considering the high position and weight of the old man, I have a lot of concerns, so I added it to the banquet list, Doctor Bei, if the old man and If people around you talk about the efficacy, it should also have a good effect.”

Beth smiled sweetly, "You don't need to say it, I'm afraid the old man will say it himself."

Ma Tianlai nodded hurriedly when he heard it, he had already guessed in his heart that Wu Yuekai cared deeply for Bei Sitian, and now it has been confirmed, it is really difficult to get that person to take the initiative to say it, don't look at him as if Getting along, in fact, is really very difficult to get along with.

"By the way, Du Kaibo, the director of the 300th Military Region Hospital, and Mei Xiyuan, the director of the Air Force Hospital, are on the banquet list." Beth Tian felt that they should give this face.

Ma Tianlai was startled, and then he was overjoyed, "Doctor Bei can invite these two? That's really great, this is really a powerful guest!"

Although they are civil servants, one has the rank of major general and the other has the rank of colonel. In addition to Mr. Wu, a powerful general with the rank of lieutenant general, the lineup for this banquet is really quite strong!

"Then what about the people invited to promote?" Ma Tianlai asked excitedly.

Bei Sitian was also thinking about who would be better to invite to promote, but after much deliberation, she couldn't think of a suitable candidate, so she could only put it aside for the time being, there was still half a month left, and she had to find a suitable person as soon as possible.

"Let me think about it again." Bessie said.

Naturally, Ma Tianlai had no objection. Bestian could invite all capable guests, and the people who promoted them would not be too bad. It was a wise choice to leave it to Bestian.

"By the way, Doctor Bei, do you want to invite people from the Tian family?" Ma Tian suddenly remembered to ask when he was about to leave.

The reason why I ask this is because the Tian family also has a herbal diet business, and it does a good job. It has a very good reputation in the industry, and many people also recognize the Tian family's medicinal diet.

Now Beth Tian's business is robbing the Tian family's business, and after this banquet, the reputation of Heaven's Blessing will definitely spread in the circle, and it will definitely rob the Tian family's business at that time.

Bei Sitian said: "Please be sure to invite me. I will go to Tian's house when the time comes. Boss Ma doesn't need to worry about this."

"Understood, by the way, Doctor Bei, we are so familiar, don't call me Boss Ma, just call me old Ma." Ma Tianlai said with a smile.

Calling Boss Ma too estranged, it doesn't even reflect the fact that he and Beth Tian have a good relationship.

Bei Sitian is only in her early twenties, and Ma Tianlai is already in her 40s. How can she really call you Ma, so she said, "I'll call you Brother Ma."

Ma Tianlai was quite flattered, "Don't dare, just call me Lao Ma, Doctor Bei, I'll go first."

Ma Tianlai fled a little bit, but in all fairness, if Doctor Bei could call him Old Ma, especially in front of those high officials, it would be a great deal of face. Thinking about it, I feel very excited!

On the third day, Peng Baocheng finally gave feedback. He hurried to the courtyard and said that Ning Jiayin's eyes had changed.

"When I went back that day, I wanted to talk to her as usual. When I accidentally looked up, I found her eyelids were moving. No, it was the eyeballs under the eyelids! Doctor Bei, is my wife waking up?" Peng Baocheng was very excited. Excited, if it wasn't too late yesterday, he wished he could come to look for Beth Tian at that time.

Because he thought this matter was very important, he didn't call, but came here directly, wanting to hear what Beth Tian had to say.

Beth nodded, "It seems that the effect is not bad. I will go back with you in a while and give the patient another acupuncture treatment."

Peng Baocheng was so excited that he was about to bow and thank him, "Doctor Bei, when will my wife wake up?"

"I can't say for sure. According to the current situation, it will be a matter of time before I wake up." Beth sweetly said.

Peng Baocheng nodded again and again, "If it's convenient for Doctor Bei, let's go now?"

"Don't worry, have you prepared all the herbs I asked you to prepare last time?"

"It's been prepared a long time ago, and it can be used at any time." Peng Baocheng said.

"Okay, wait for me." After finishing speaking, Bessian went to the bedroom to make a phone call.

Peng Baocheng was very anxious, but he couldn't urge Bei Sitian, so he could only walk around in the living room to relieve his anxiety.

Not long after, there was a strong humming sound from outside, obviously an acquaintance came, and then a handsome young man came in.

Wei Zhongyuan was startled when he saw Peng Baolai, and felt that he had seen this person somewhere before, and Peng Baolai was also startled when he looked at Wei Zhongyuan.

Isn't this the mysterious doctor Liu Fugui Boss Liu paid a lot of money for?

I heard that this person can't be hired with money, but as long as you spend money, it will be a big price. At that time, Liu Fugui showed off for a long time, and he was able to invite this person because of an aunt in the family who has some connections with this family.

Why is he here? !

"You're here, I'm going to make a doctor's visit, you can go with me." Bei Sitian came out of the bedroom and said to Wei Zhongyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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