Chapter 545 Thoughtful

Peng Baocheng prepared enough Chinese herbal medicines, even if Wei Zhongyuan wasted a few times, it would be fine. Bei Sitian said this on purpose, and sometimes, he should be put under some pressure.

How long has it been since Wei Zhongyuan felt nervous, even when he hit the point of becoming a talisman before, he didn't feel this way.

Wei Zhongyuan took a deep breath, concentrated his attention, held a talisman in one hand and a pen in the other, and began to concentrating on tapping the spirit to form a talisman.

Tapping the magic talisman requires a high degree of concentration, so Bei Sitian didn't speak in the middle, but she frowned a little while watching him tap the magic talisman.

In about four to five minutes, Wei Zhongyuan finished making the spell, and the fine layer of sweat on his forehead was a hundred times stronger than the first time.

Wei Zhongyuan looked at the mysterious talisman in his hand, and felt a little joy in his heart. This time, the effect of the mysterious talisman was much stronger than before. Sure enough, someone pointed out that progress is fast!

"Doctor Bei, look!" Wei Zhongyuan handed over the mysterious talisman in his hand, with a little joy on his face.

At this moment, Wei Zhongyuan is like a child, showing his works to his elders for praise.

Bei Sitian took the mysterious talisman, there was no surprise or surprise on her face, her face was calm, and the smile on Wei Zhongyuan's face gradually faded away.

Doctor Bei is not satisfied with this mysterious talisman!

"Why did you lose a step?" Bei Sitian raised her eyes and asked.

Wei Zhongyuan was taken aback, "Which step did you miss?"

Bei Sitian looked at Wei Zhongyuan with a dazed expression, and knew in her heart that he was not even as good as a rookie, who at least had a solid foundation.

"How do you plan to turn it into talisman powder and burn it with fire?" Beth Tian asked with raised eyebrows.

Wei Zhongyuan was silent, he was going to burn it with a match.

Bessie glanced at him and knew that he really thought so, "Look, the last step."

After finishing speaking, the mysterious talisman in her hand suddenly moved without wind, and then a thick black cyan aura lit up, and the mysterious talisman floated leisurely in the palm of her hand.

Wei Zhongyuan's eyes widened immediately. When Wei Zhongxun said it, he could already imagine how rich the cyan aura was, but seeing it with his own eyes was beyond shock.

The cyan aura is already like ink, opaque at all!

Moreover, the mysterious talisman can be rushed or slowed from the windless automatic start to floating. Just now, Beth Tian was also slow, but her slowness was elegant and easy, different from his laborious slowness!
These thoughts popped up in his heart in an instant, and then he saw the mysterious talisman he made spontaneously ignite without fire in Bei Sitian's palm, and instantly burned into a handful of talisman powder, which was fine and even, completely different from the one burned by fire!
No wonder he felt that something was wrong, it turned out that he missed an important step here!
There are some simple steps in the records of the Wei family. He has read them before, but he has always used such a simple and crude method as burning, so he forgot all of a sudden!
It's really embarrassing!

Wei Zhongyuan felt embarrassed and blushed for the first time.

"Your speed of drawing the talisman is too slow, and you are not focusing on the right place. You should focus on drawing the talisman instead of making the mysterious talisman float. This is a kind of rhythmic mastery. In the future, this will become an instinct Yes, how can I deliberately float the mysterious talisman!"

Wei Zhongyuan was stunned when he heard Bei Sitian say a little bit.

"And your spirit doesn't cost money? My spirit is raised with a lot of expensive Chinese herbal medicine, so save it. How many mysterious symbols can you make in a day if you use it that way?"

Wei Zhongyuan was ashamed when he heard this, he thought he did a good job, but unexpectedly there were so many problems!
Bei Sitian brought it up one by one, so that Wei Zhongyuan had a very intuitive impression of the process of turning his spirit into a talisman.

"However, your mysterious talisman can be used. Although the effect is mediocre, the most auxiliary talisman is enough. Okay, I'm going to start making talismans. You are not my disciple, please avoid it." Bei Sitian said.

Wei Zhongyuan nodded, subconsciously bowed to Bei Sitian, and then turned to go out.

He was already very grateful to Bessian, generally it was not a master-student relationship, this kind of advice was impossible, if not for Bessie pointing out these problems, it would take him several years to discover them all by his own exploration.

Peng Baocheng had been waiting outside the door, seeing Wei Zhongyuan coming out first, he couldn't help asking: "Doctor Wei, what's the matter?"

"Doctor Bei is making medicine, so don't disturb him. If she says there is hope, then there must be hope. Please rest assured. Boss Peng, please prepare a room for me. I still want to make medicine." Wei Zhongyuan said.

Peng Baocheng immediately asked Wang Ma to arrange a nearby room for him, and asked the helper to watch at the door so as not to be disturbed.

After Wei Zhongyuan entered the room, he didn't start making talismans immediately, but kept thinking about what Bei Sitian said, recalling his own process of making talismans, and began to think a little bit.

It's a pity that he is the heir of the Wei family, otherwise he could also learn from his teacher. In that way, he can directly observe Beth's dessert magic talisman, which will inspire him even more!
This is the second time for Wei Zhongyuan to feel a little pity for himself as the heir of the Wei family. I don't know how Wei Yuanqing feels after knowing about it.

Bei Sitian made talismans quite quickly. She made six mysterious talismans one after another, all of which were turned into talisman powder and wrapped in small paper bags.

Wei Zhongyuan thought for a while in the room, and felt that Bei Sitian should be ready, so he went out and waited at the door with Peng Baocheng.

After a long time, Bei Sitian came out of the room, handed five small paper packages to Peng Baocheng, and said, "I have given her the first medicine, and then I will drink it every morning and evening on an empty stomach, and wait half an hour after drinking it." Eat."

Listening to Bei Sitian's doctor's order, Peng Baocheng nodded again and again, and wrote down one by one. Except for eating on an empty stomach, the rest was the same as before.

"After taking today's medicine, there should be another breakthrough in the condition. If there is any change, tell me immediately!" Beth sweetly said.

Peng Baocheng couldn't help but made another breakthrough. Every time Bei Sitian said this, it was a surprise!
"Excuse me, Doctor Bei, I've worked hard on your trip, and I'll drive you back!" Peng Baocheng said.

Because he had some thoughts about Beth Tian, ​​his attitude changed to a certain extent.

"It's okay, you pay me to see a doctor, that's what you should do." Bei Sitian had a slight smile on her face.

Peng Baocheng likes Bei Sitian so much, it's not false, she's so straightforward and cute!
On the way to send Bei Sitian home, Peng Baocheng asked with a smile: "By the way, Doctor Bei's company will open in half a month. I don't know if Old Ma doesn't tell me. It's really fast enough after thinking about it." Yes, from preparation to opening, it only took half a year, which is really fast!"

(End of this chapter)

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