Chapter 577 Power is a Good Thing

When Bei Sitian and Wu Yuekai entered the room, Bei Dewang was frowning and talking there, his voice was very small and dense, Bei Sitian listened carefully, there were no complete words in it, only certain words were repeated over and over again.

From it, I could indeed hear the few words I heard before, repeating over and over again, that Bestian didn't get close to Bedwang, and looked at him quietly, and I could indeed see the improvement from his expression.

And since he can remember some things from the past, it means that Beth Tian's medicine has worked.

Because of Bei Dewang's previous aggressive behavior, Bei Sitian didn't dare to get too close to him. If acupuncture and moxibustion can be combined with treatment, the effect will be better.

Bei Sitian looked at Bei Dewang without much emotion in her eyes. It was the same as treating ordinary patients. It was really difficult for her to treat the man in front of her as her father. It had nothing to do with whether he was stupid or insane.

When the idea of ​​acupuncture came up, Bei Sitian couldn't suppress it, and planned to treat Bei Dewang after he was asleep.

Back in the living room, Wu Yuekai knew what she was thinking, and said, "That's fine, if it works earlier, maybe I can know the truth sooner."

Beth nodded, raised her eyes and asked, "Master, do you have any news about Xudong?"

Wu Yuekai put down his teacup, shook his head and said, "I can't get involved in the mission, unless it's a mission order from me, otherwise I will be taboo even to inquire about it."

Bei Sitian's shoulders slumped slightly, she understood, but now there is no way to get news from Luo Xudong, that's why she asked Wu Yuekai.

Wu Yuekai knew that she was worried, and said, "For this kind of mission, no news is the best news."

Because once the news is sent back, it will definitely not be news of success. If this kind of mission is successful, it will be like the water melting into the sea without a sound, and if there is news, most of it will not be good news.

After listening to Wu Yuekai's explanation, Bei Sitian was relieved, and stretched out her hands to cover her stomach, not daring to touch her stomach at will. Professor Qiu told her, don't touch her stomach casually if it's okay, it will easily cause the umbilical cord to wrap around her neck.

"Sometimes power is really a good thing." Bessie said softly.

I have never worried about this in my previous life, because the mysterious doctor is on the bright side, with the seal of the mysterious doctor on my hand, plus my medical skills, I can travel all over the world without any problem.

The status of mysterious doctors here is also very high, but the embarrassing thing is that currently only Bei Sitian and Wei Zhongyuan are able to do something magical.

She is more special, so once she is exposed to the eyes of those unknown mysterious doctors, it will definitely cause a lot of trouble. If she is alone, she will not care, but now she has three children.

Don't think about others, but also think about the three babies!

"Don't think too much. The current pace is steady and fast. Just follow the current pace and you will be fine. You have to bear with Xudong for a while. He may never say anything to you, but he really Very desperate." Wu Yuekai said.

In order to create a safe and harmonious environment for his wife and children, Luo Xudong is risking his life now. After returning from this mission, his military rank will change again, and the word 'deputy' must be removed.

Luo Xudong has made so many military achievements, and some people have different voices about such a rapid promotion, but together with these voices, the military department will use Luo Xudong's military achievements to talk about things, and those voices will be self-defeating.

This is why Luo Xudong has been working so hard to shut up those who try to hinder him, so that he can rise faster.

Wu Yuekai knew that Luo Xudong was not just a fool. He was very smart and knew how to expand his network in all aspects. During his latent years, he already had an extremely influential force and a wide-ranging network.

The Ninth Department of the General Staff is a very special department. There are fixed nine people in it. Everyone is an independent individual. No matter how big or small the military rank is, as long as they belong to the Ninth Department of the General Staff, no one can order others. Know each other's information.

At the same time, these nine people have obtained special authority to develop their own power. The risk of doing so is very high, because the military department allows them to develop their own power in order to better replenish the strength of the military department and complete the military department's account Task.

But if these people have rebellion, or are tempted by interests, they will be a very dangerous person!

Therefore, the nine people supervise each other and entangle each other, forming a check and balance.

Luo Xudong is not the best among them, but he is definitely not bad, especially because he has a great advantage in age, and he has made first-class achievements not long ago, so the Ninth Department of the General Staff also attaches great importance to him.

Luo Xudong just wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to go up quickly. The policy will change. Once the policy changes, it will take a while to adapt, and this time will be wasted.

Bei Sitian sighed, she had no choice but to let herself not think about Luo Xudong as much as possible, so that she might feel more relaxed.

After chatting with the old man for a while, Beth Tian was ready to go back. She was a little tired. Before leaving, she left some medicine for Bedwang and asked him to drink first. Acupuncture is not just acupuncture, she I have to go back and think about it.

After returning home, just as Bei Sitian took a rest, someone came outside, it was Fei Xueqin.

Fei Xueqin originally visited Bei Sitian, but Wei Zhongyuan stopped him outside and told him that Bei Sitian was resting.

Fei Xueqin looked at the indifferent Wei Zhongyuan in front of him, and felt an indescribable strange feeling in his heart.

After he entered the door, he saw Wei Zhongyuan reading a book on the plum-blossom stone table in the yard. He explained why he came, but was stopped, and he waited for Dr. Bei to wake up before speaking, as if he gave people the feeling of guarding the house.

If he didn't know this person, Fei Xueqin naturally wouldn't have any superfluous thoughts, but Wei Zhongyuan is now the only mysterious doctor who can do magic touches, and now he is actually looking after people's homes? !
Who would believe this, anyway, if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never believe it.

"It's okay, I can wait. I'm from the Yunquan school from the south. I've admired Mr. Wei and Dr. Bei for a long time, so I'll take a chance to visit. Please forgive me for being abrupt." Fei Xueqin said with a smile. It is far more beneficial than being humble to Mrs. Cheng.

"Then just sit here and wait, she just fell asleep." Wei Zhongyuan wanted to continue reading, but he saw Fei Xueqin kept squinting his eyes and looking this way, and immediately closed his notebook.

This is the experience that Bei Sitian gave him, how could he just show it to others!
He still doesn't know that this is the mysterious medical talisman scripture that Bei Sitian prepared for him. This is not the original version, but it was selected and summarized by Bei Sitian according to Wei Zhongyuan's situation.

(End of this chapter)

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