Chapter 597

The fact that Luo Xudong reprimanded the talisman caused Bei Sitian to break down for a while. She was the closest person to him, but he didn't expect him to exclude her alone!

Bessie couldn't control her emotions any more, and began to cry in a low voice.

Hearing the crying inside, everyone outside was sick. Chen Jinliang and Li Yunfeng stood outside dumbfounded, and Wu Yuekai's face changed drastically. They all thought that Luo Xudong was dying.

How could Wu Yuekai care so much, he opened the door and walked in, pulled the curtain, only to find that Luo Xudong was in the same situation as before, and in a blink of an eye he saw Bei Sitian kneeling on the ground crying.

Wu Yuekai hurriedly came to Bei Sitian's side and helped her up, "Girl, what's wrong?"

He is also the same as Du Kaibo. Ever since he met Beth Tian, ​​she has always given people a calm, wise, calm and indifferent sense. She has never cried so helplessly like a child.

Wu Yuekai's heart was broken by her crying.

"What's going on?" Wu Yuekai asked Du Kaibo in a cold voice, he was a little angry.

Du Kaibo was still in shock. Hearing this, he subconsciously looked at Luo Xudong who was on the hospital bed, and said, "Deputy Head Luo...had a repulsion phenomenon."

Wu Yuekai was also stunned when he heard the words, Bei Sitian was the only one who could save her, and now she was excluded!

But then he felt something was wrong, frowned and said: "This is not right, the girl treated Xu Dong's wounds before, and there was no mention of the repelling talisman phenomenon at that time!"

After what he said, Bei Sitian, who was in a breakdown, suddenly came back to her senses, yes, this is not the first time she treated Luo Xudong's injuries, and it was not the first time she gave Luo Xudong a drink of talisman water. She tried it, and Luo Xudong didn't The repellent phenomenon!

The phenomenon of repelling talisman is a kind of rejection of talisman water by the body, which is innate, and I have never heard of any possibility of changing a person's physique.

If Luo Xudong didn't repel talismans at the beginning, he wouldn't have a repelling talisman physique. Why is there a repelling talisman phenomenon now? !
Bessie couldn't figure it out, the tears had stopped flowing, but the tears on her face were not dry yet.

Even though Bei Sitian has two lifetimes of medical experience combined, she has never encountered such a bizarre thing. This is so unbelievable!

After Bei Sitian was surprised, she fell into panic again. Could Luo Xudong's repelling talisman continue like this? If so, she is still helpless!
If it's temporary, she still has some hope.

"What's going on..." Bei Sitian looked at Luo Xudong tearfully.

Wu Yuekai knew that now was not the time to panic, he really wanted to persuade Bei Sitian to go back to rest first, but he also knew that he couldn't persuade her, so he had to discuss with Du Kaibo, and gave her an extra bed here for her to sleep. There is a place where you can rest while guarding Luo Xudong.

This small request is easy to handle, and Du Kaibo quickly completed it. Chen Jinliang and Li Yunfeng came out when they were on duty, and the troops are not allowed to visit for the time being. can leave.

When Qin and Luo Anguo got the news, they rushed over. Seeing their son lying on the bed, the two old people couldn't help crying.

How could such a good person become like this!
There are more than 20 places on Luo Xudong's body, large and small, and there are nearly five wounds with deep bones. These are cut out by sharp weapons, and there are still bullets on his body. The bullets left in his body have been killed before he was sent here It was taken out, although it was not a fatal injury, but it affected his movement. I am afraid this is the reason why he was injured so badly, because he was shot in the thigh and could not move.

Qin looked at Bei Sitian sitting on the edge of the bed, weeping and lost in thought, walked over and hugged her shoulders, hugged her and sobbed softly.

After crying for a while, Mrs. Qin raised her head, wiped her tears, and said to Bei Sitian: "Good boy, your body is important, you have to rest, if you suffer like this, you will damage your body, and it will also damage your stomach." child."

Bei Sitian shook her head slowly, sat on the chair and refused to leave, just looked at Luo Xudong like this, as if she could see a solution.

She was not in a daze or in a daze, she was trying hard to recall what she had learned and experienced in her previous life, and whether any similar situations had happened.

But no matter how I think about it, I have never heard of such a situation, let alone seen it.

The phenomenon of repelling signs is innate, almost like the common sense that people eat with their mouths. Now this conclusion is suddenly broken. In addition to impacting Beth Tian's outlook on life, it also makes her feel at a loss.

Bei Sitian had recovered from her decadent state before the two of Qin's came. She would not give up, and she would not let Luo Xudong leave her like this. How could it be possible to love such a man in two lifetimes? Let him go easily.

She was waiting to see if this repulsion phenomenon was temporary or continued.

Qin looked at Bessian's eyes, and knew that she hadn't rested since she went to General Wu's place in the morning, and now she has been so stimulated, so don't hurt her body.

"Xiao Tian'er, you are obedient, you have to know that you and Xudong's child is still in your stomach, you have to think for your child instead of yourself!" Qin said with a choked voice.

Bei Sitian listened to these words, yes, she and Xudong's three children are still in her stomach, she can't keep wasting, she has to recover her spirit, and then continue to find a way to cure him!
But let Beth Tian sleep now, how can she sleep.

Glancing at Wei Zhongyuan who was waiting outside the door, she went out and asked Wei Zhongyuan to make a mysterious talisman that would help her sleep.

Wei Zhongyuan nodded, and took out a small porcelain bottle, which was ready when he came. He knew that Bei Sitian would definitely not be able to fall asleep, but he had to force himself to sleep.

"Don't worry, he will be fine." Wei Zhongyuan said.

Wei Zhongxun and Tian Zhi also followed up and said that they would be fine. Although they were all nonsense, such words made Bei Sitian's expression relax.

Beth Tian returned to the intensive care unit after drinking the water, where she was going to sleep.

Bei Sitian fell asleep soon, and Qin Shi and Luo Anguo watched over the two of them, one with a sad face and the other weeping silently.

Wu Yuekai sat outside and was a little lost in thought. At this moment, Li Xuejun handed him the phone, saying it was from home.

He answered the phone, and there was the voice of the nurse.

"Old chief, Mr. Bei said he had something to convey to you, and he said it was Bei Jiale who did it!"

Wu Yuekai frowned, and said in a deep voice, "What did Bei Jiale do?"

It is impossible for the nurse to know the name, and these words should be said by Bedvan.

"Mr. Bei said that Mr. Luo became like this, it was Bei Jiale who did it!"

 It won't be bloody, don't worry everyone
(End of this chapter)

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