Chapter 631
After the talisman powder was poured in, the two big men immediately let go of him, and quickly backed away from the man, not to mention them, even the man's companions, at this moment they all backed up in panic, knocking over the garbage behind them I couldn't feel the stinking garbage on my head.

After the man was released, he immediately began to pick his throat with his hands, trying to spit out what he had eaten, but it was obviously too late.

The man's eyeballs suddenly swelled, and it even felt like they were about to fall out.

Afterwards, he saw the extremely painful expression on the man's face. He began to scratch his chest and neck with his hands. His clothes were quickly torn by him, and then red marks began to be scratched on the bare skin.

But just like that, the man didn't feel the pain, because everyone else knew that there was a more painful place in his body, so he couldn't feel the pain of the scratch!

Everyone was terrified. They knew very well about Bei Jiale's demon name. There were too many people who wanted to kill her, but so far no one succeeded, but she gradually became famous.

Especially her terrible medicine powder, as long as it is poured down, the whole person will fester and bleed from the inside, and only when all internal organs are rotten, will people die!
What a terrifying process, especially those who witnessed this process with their own eyes would be terrified, so until now, there are only a handful of people who dare to kill Bejiale!
This process lasted less than half an hour, which can definitely be called long and cruel to the victims.

This time, it took less than half an hour, and within a quarter of an hour, the person who ate the talisman powder rotted, and the flesh on his face was all rotten, giving off a foul smell, like rotten flesh that attracted flies in summer !
This person's companions spat out violently, and it was more of a fear of Bejiale, because they clearly saw that the person who was alive an hour and a half ago now seemed to be dead for two months!
And they heard rumors that even the forensic doctor couldn't identify the specific cause of death, it was as if the person had died and then left it in the hot weather for two months.

Those few foreigners were completely frightened, kneeling on the ground trembling, looking at Bei Jiale with a begging face, they were not begging Bei Jiale to let them go, but to give them a good time!
Bei Jiale was expressionless, and looked at them with completely cold eyes. She would never feel pity for these people. If she hadn't rushed over to lure these people away, Luo Xudong would have no way to escape with her pregnant. Out of the palms of these people.

At that time, one can imagine what will happen to her!
Bei Jiale has heard that these vicious people cut out the child from the pregnant woman's belly more than once, and even fed it to their captive Tibetan mastiff in a frenzied way!
Bei Jiale didn't intend to let them go, but she knew that Luo Xudong would catch up soon, and she had to make a quick decision.

She nodded slightly to signal, and several big men around immediately swarmed up and pressed those people to the ground. Bei Sitian poured a mouthful of talisman powder by herself, and the talisman powder turned into liquid and flowed down her stomach when it encountered a little saliva. Not at all controlled.

After pouring it down, Bei Jiale waved a few people to leave the scene.

The rest of the people have already been dealt with by the same people. The ones killed by Bejiale are all notorious. Of course, she is also notorious, and she is the nightmare in the hearts of these wicked people.

About half an hour after Bei Jiale left, Luo Xudong rushed to the scene and saw the rotten corpse lying on the ground at a glance.

He endured the stench and stepped forward to check. These people looked like they had been dead for a month or two, but when he took a closer look, he was shocked to find that among these people were those who had chased them just now!
How could a person who chased them die for a month or two!
Luo Xudong stepped past these dead people and continued to follow them, but found nothing.

It's not that he doesn't care about those people, but if he does, he won't be able to get away completely. Now he can only notify the public security personnel anonymously to deal with it.

This group was killed inexplicably, Luo Xudong didn't feel at ease, he immediately found a public phone and made an encrypted call.

A few minutes later, Luo Xudong left, ready to go back to the Hongqi compound.

During this period of time, no matter how important things are, he will not leave Beth Tian for too long.

When he returned to the Hongqi compound, he was told that everyone had gone to the maternity hospital, and that Beth Tian was about to give birth!
When Luo Xudong heard the news, his handsome face was tense, he turned around and got into the car, his brows were slightly frowned, and he stayed by Bestian's side all day long, but he was still not there at the critical moment!

He flew all the way, and soon arrived at the hospital. He saw Li Xuejun at the door.

"The old chief asked me to wait for you here!" Li Xuejun said as he turned around and led Luo Xudong inside.

Luo Xudong nodded without saying a word. The old chief knew that he would be anxious, so he asked people to wait at the door.

Li Xuejun took Luo Xudong all the way to the obstetrics and gynecology department. Professor Qiu arranged for Bei Sitian's delivery room. When they came up, Bei Sitian was checking inside.

Wu Yuekai sat at the door and waited. Seeing Luo Xudong coming, he frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

At this time, the old man was a little strict, blaming him for not being around.

Luo Xudong told the whole story, not making excuses, but expressing his worries.

Wu Yuekai nodded, "This Maynard is fine. We checked before entering the country, but I didn't expect that someone would enter the country hiding in his visiting group."

Luo Xudong had a guess in his mind that those people might not be here for Bei Sitian, they might be for Bei Jiale!
He was thinking about this on the way, Bei Jiale originally planned to talk to Bei Sitian, but left suddenly in the middle, there must be something wrong.

Thinking about it now, she must have discovered that there was something wrong with Maynard's visiting group.

Those people probably mistook Bei Sitian for Bei Jiale, and they chased her all the way. Maybe they thought the big belly was Bei Jiale's disguise?

These are unknown, but Luo Xudong also guessed that the person who distracted those people was probably Bei Jiale.

Here Wu Yuekai and Luo Xudong were talking about this matter, the door of the B-ultrasound room opened, and Professor Qiu came out from inside.

"The heads of the three children have not been turned down, and a caesarean section must be performed now!" Professor Qiu said to Luo Xudong.

Caesarean section is an operation, only Luo Xudong can sign it!

"Then let's have an autopsy. How is she doing now?" Luo Xudong lost his composure and asked, pulling Professor Qiu's arm.

Professor Qiu understood his mood very well, "It's nothing serious."

Wu Yuekai stepped forward and asked, "Is there any danger in a caesarean section?"

Professor Qiu nodded and said truthfully: "As long as it is an operation, there are risks."

(End of this chapter)

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