Chapter 640
Bei Dewang's emotional change made Wu Yuekai worry, and he also heard Bei Jiale's words yesterday. He wanted to know what the problem was, and he should let the child's parents know. The problem can be solved as soon as possible.

Even though Bei Sitian knew that something would happen, she couldn't resist the drowsiness now, and soon fell asleep amidst the sound of everyone's conversation.

Seeing this, Wu Yuekai took Li Xuejun and left. Although he didn't hold a child, he was the one who gave him the name, so he was happy no matter what he thought, so even if he only slept for two or three hours, Wu Yuekai was still very energetic.

The old chief was happy, so Li Xuejun was naturally happy.

People also came to visit during the day, but Bessie was in a coma all day long, she didn't know who came, and she didn't have the energy to care about it. The uterus was still so swollen, and every time the doctor came, he would press it and it hurt. She was really in a cold sweat, and now as soon as she saw the doctor coming in, she entered a state of preparation.

This kind of pain has long overwhelmed the pain of the wound on the lower abdomen, so now Bei Sitian doesn't feel much about the wound.

This situation will last for at least three or four days, and the lochia on her body keeps flowing. Qin Shi changes her body very diligently, and the nurse cleans her twice a day, so the hygiene of her private parts is kept very good.

The three little guys are very tossing, basically one cry will make two cry. Three days later, Beth Tian finally got some milk, but the amount is very small. Fortunately, the three little guys have small stomachs and can basically satisfy them. needs.

"I see, when you go back, you have to add milk powder in the evening, so that you can have a good rest at night and the child will not be particularly dependent on breast milk." Qin said.

She also learned from others. Breastfeeding at night makes her hungry quickly. One child needs to be fed for a while, and three children need to be fed for a while before changing diapers. An hour passes, and she will wake up again after a while, Beth Don't even think about taking a break.

Confinement in this way is very harmful to the body.

Qin is considering the issue from Bethtian's point of view.

However, she couldn't bring these three children here by herself, so she could only listen to Beth Tian, ​​and take care of the two of them. Specially with Qin Shi to take care of the children and Beth Tian.

"We need to find two experienced people." Qin said.

In the past two days, except for Luo Anguo looking at Luo Xuping, neither Qin Shi nor Luo Xudong had a good rest. On the third day, Bei Sitian had already started to get out of bed under the doctor's advice.

With Luo Xudong's support, it took Bei Sitian a quarter of an hour to stand from the bed to the ground, because the injury in her lower abdomen would hurt if she exerted a little force.

In the past two days, she recovered a little bit of energy and made herself a mysterious talisman for draining blood. After drinking it, she was in pain for a long time. The uterus was completely reset, and all the blood in it was drained out.

The doctors and nurses were all surprised by her speed, but they all knew that this family was special, so no one asked any questions.

After staying for about a week, Bei Sitian was about to be discharged from the hospital. Although it was a single room, it was not as comfortable as her own home.

"If you say you can leave the hospital, we will leave the hospital. Going home and confinement is more comfortable than this." Qin said.

Professor Qiu saw that she was recovering well, so he didn't ask much about Beth Tian's incident that day, and told her to come back for a reexamination in 45 days, and then she was discharged from the hospital.

When she was discharged from the hospital, Bei Sitian was wrapped tightly. Qin said that there should be no wind at all, otherwise it would be bad for women. Although she had a caesarean section, she had her fingers opened, and she had to do it like a normal confinement.

The doctor said that a normal confinement period should be more than 40 days. Bei Sitian really can't last until that time. She really can't stand not taking a bath for more than 40 days, but seeing Luo Xudong and Qin's posture, she really doesn't want to take a bath up.

I have to talk to them about this matter, it's too uncomfortable.

On the day they were discharged from the hospital, the Wei family brothers also came, and the old couple of the Tian family and Tian Qiutian Zhiya also came. Looking at the three chubby little dolls, they formed a group and laughed.

Seeing this situation, you know that some people are holding children, so don't worry about the three children being too many and no one to hold them.

Sending Bei Sitian back to the small courtyard, everyone knew that she was in confinement, and it was not easy to stay. Only the Wei family brothers and Tian Zhi stayed here as usual.

Tian Qiu originally wanted to stay, but the child was too noisy, and she was afraid of disturbing Bei Sitian, so she had to take the child away.

Back at her own home, Bei Sitian finally breathed a sigh of relief. There is a saying that a golden nest and a silver nest are not as good as her own grass nest, no matter how good the environment is, her own home is the most comfortable.

Gao Ma signed a long-term domestic help contract, so she is in charge of the two temporary workers for the time being, and asked her to familiarize herself with the environment and tell them what they need to pay attention to.

Gao Ma is smart, she knows that these two are only temporary, and they are still in charge of the childbirth, so she doesn't put on airs at all, and talks to the two of the precautions very kindly.

The two temporary workers were found by Zhouquan. After Bei Sitian finished speaking that day, Luo Xudong asked Zhouquan to look for them. Zhouquan was very efficient in handling things, and they were not random people, many of them were women from the village. , is still the kind of person who is not a chicken thief, does not play tricks, and is willing to work hard.

Gao Ma was found by Zhou Quan. The family has a lot of secrets, and she is also strict and clever.

The two temporary workers are the daughters-in-law of the family. They are in their thirties and are good at taking care of children. With the two of them, the Qin family is not the main force.

With someone taking care of the child, Qin's attention was all on Bei Sitian. To put it bluntly, only good adults and children will follow suit. Bei Sitian needs a good body, so don't fall into any trouble.

Seeing Qin Shi guarding her side every day, Bei Sitian smiled wryly in her heart, it seemed impossible to secretly take a bath.

Now she eats several meals every day, all cooked by Qin herself. In the morning, she eats sesame powder and walnut powder mixed with brown sugar into a paste. , put a poached egg in it, the taste is very good, it is a dinner at noon, it is all stir-fried vegetables, mainly green vegetables, and the taste is light, because Beth Tian wants to breastfeed, and the children will also be salty if she eats salty.

There is also an extra meal in the afternoon, which is made of two kinds of fruits soaked in milk. The fruits are different every day and are quite nutritious.

In the evening, it is time to drink all kinds of milk soup, such as big bone soup, trotter soup, soft-shelled turtle soup, etc. There is no salt in it, and Bei Sitian rolls his eyes when he drinks it.

However, it was Mrs. Qin who boiled water for her, which she loved to drink. This water was boiled with red beans, black beans, barley, peanuts, lotus seeds, white fungus, and wolfberry. Because it had no taste, Mrs. Qin added some brown sugar.

(End of this chapter)

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