Chapter 644
Not only he can't tell the difference, but most people can't tell the difference, but Bei Sitian can tell the difference. I don't know if it's because of maternal love. Luo Xudong can also tell the difference, because the child was still wearing a serial number bracelet at the beginning. At that time, he identified it.

If a father can't even distinguish his own children, isn't that a joke?

Luo Xudong has extraordinary eyesight. Although the two people look very similar, there are still some differences. This difference can only be based on feeling, and there is no way to tell.

The banquet started soon, it was not a formal banquet, and there was no opening remarks, but Bei Sitian and Luo Xudong, as the protagonists this time, were going to toast at the table.

Qin and three helpers are in charge of looking after the children.

Luo Anguo followed the two of them to toast at the table to thank everyone for coming.

After the banquet here started, the hall door opened, and another person came in, because everyone's attention was on Bei Sitian and Luo Xudong, and they didn't notice the person coming, mainly because they didn't expect someone to come at this time.

After this person came in, she stood quietly in the corner, with a low sense of presence. She quietly watched Bessian shuttle among the crowd, and she didn't know if it was envy or something.

Bei Sitian seemed to feel this complicated gaze, and looked back subconsciously, and saw Bei Jiale standing in the corner, and Bei Jiale waved at her.

Bei Sitian nodded slightly, and whispered something to Luo Xudong, Luo Xudong also looked back, everyone was paying attention to them at the moment, they naturally saw their eyes, and looked back, only to see the detailed back of a woman, Disappeared through the side door.

Bei Sitian asked Luo Xudong to continue, and she was going to talk to Bei Jiale alone.

Beth smiled sweetly, apologized to everyone, and left the banquet hall.

Outside the banquet hall is the hall of the conference center. There are three sets of sofas, tables and chairs placed in the semicircular large glass. Beccale is sitting there at the moment, looking at the swaying tree outside. The leaves on the tree are almost gone. .

"When did you come?" Bessian sat down and asked.

Bei Jiale twitched the corner of her mouth, "Just arrived."

After a question and an answer, there was a moment of silence. The two of them had nothing in common. To put it more bluntly, neither of them knew each other very well, especially Bei Sitian knew nothing about Bei Jiale.

"Why did you save me that day?" Bessian didn't know why, so she asked this question first.

In fact, she wanted to know more about her child's problems, but she was a little afraid to ask.

At this time, the waiter brought the two of them a glass of water, which Bejiale wanted.

Bei Jiale looked at Bei Sitian, and said lightly: "In this world, only you can prove my existence."

Bessie was taken aback, she didn't quite understand the meaning of these words.

This question is the beginning, Bei Jiale lowered his eyes and drank his saliva, and said: "Do you not quite understand the meaning of this sentence?"

Beth was silent.

"It has something to do with our dear father. Where you live, there is no trace of me. No one in this world knows who I am. Only the name Bejiale is with me."

Beth sweet listened to her quietly.

"Bedvan was about to throw me away less than ten days after I was born, and took me to the top of the mountain to throw me into the cliff." Bejale had a smile on his face, and his lowered eyelids were full of tears. Know what emotions are like.

"Later, our mother stopped him desperately and told Bedwang that if he dared to throw it, she would dare to jump with you." Bei Jiale had tears in his eyes.

Bessie looked at her and asked, "How do you know this?"

Bei Jiale blinked, waved that loving figure out of his mind, controlled his emotions, and said, "Don't worry, I'll tell you little by little."

Beth nodded, she was going to figure everything out today.

"Later, Bedvan compromised and gave me to a family in the deep mountains. It was an existence built on a cliff, and there was no way up and down. The villagers had to use ropes to climb down more than 800 meters to go down the mountain. The cliff is very steep, and women and children in the village are not allowed to leave the village, it is too dangerous."

"Bedwang refused to tell my mother where she left me, but my mother tried everything possible to find me, took you with me, and finally saw me. It was when I was one and a half years old. I had very little understanding of my mother. light."

Bei Jiale took another sip of water. The water she asked for was iced. Only in this way could she calm down her inner anger.

"The people in the village were moved by my mother's persistence and promised that my mother could see me once a month. That's when I knew the truth of the matter. My mother told me everything and told me that if Bei Dewang came to look for me, so don't go with him, my mother is afraid that Dewang will take me out and kill me."

Bejiale smiled sarcastically, "My biological mother told me that my biological father would kill me. I was only three years old when she told me the truth!"

"Why did he do that?" Bessie asked.

Bei Jiale twitched the corner of his mouth, "That's a good question, I don't know why, I don't even know why he chose me, so you will hate me, but I have been thinking, why did he throw away I?"

Bessie couldn't answer this question, she was also waiting for the answer.

"Do you know that there is a disease in Bedvan's family history? This kind of disease can be infected even in every generation, which leads to the birth of a pair of twins in each generation, identical twins!"

Bessian held her breath immediately, she knew what Bejale said next had a direct relationship with her two daughters.

"As long as such identical twins are born, they must have inherited this disease."

Bessie asked anxiously, "What's the disease?"

Bei Jiale shook his head, "There has never been such a disease in the world. It has no name, and even now there are still many symptoms that have not been fully discovered. New symptoms will be discovered every generation."

"What are the symptoms?" Bessie asked.

Bei Jiale smiled, and instead of answering Bei Sitian directly, she asked, "There is one thing you probably won't forget. When you were treating Luo Xudong, my brother-in-law, the phenomenon of repelling signs appeared, didn't you find it strange?" ?”

Beth Tian's face changed, "You did it?"

Bei Jiale nodded, "I'm right, but I didn't do it, it just has something to do with me, or something to do with you and me."

"What the hell do you mean!"

"I used the talisman water I made to heal my brother-in-law, so within a certain period of time, when you are healing, there will definitely be a phenomenon of repelling talismans. The repulsion phenomenon, this is a new discovery!"

(End of this chapter)

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