Chapter 678 Fair competition for your husband
After the woman finished talking on her own, her eyes became condensed, she looked back past Luo Xudong, and said in a cold voice, "You have been standing there since just now, and the topic between us is so attractive to you?"

Luo Xudong was not surprised when he turned around and saw Bei Sitian. He didn't need to look with his naked eyes at all. As long as Bei Sitian was within ten meters of him, he could tell it was her just by hearing the footsteps.

Bei Sitian came over, stood beside Luo Xudong, gently took Luo Xudong's arm, and said with a feeling of laziness and leisure that was different from the past: "It's very attractive, after all, I am a yellow-faced woman who wants to I know how my man provoked the rotten love."

Luo Xudong: "..."

she is angry...

That woman not only had a gentle voice, but also looked a little gentle, with fair skin, delicate red lips, and a straight nose bridge, and even the single eyelid did not destroy her gentleness.

It's just that under such a skin, there is such a rotten mind, which really makes Beth Tian feel that people are really not to be judged by appearances!

The woman was also very surprised. She didn't expect to meet the real master here, and she didn't expect that the other party was not only a yellow-faced woman, but also an extremely beautiful woman. Didn't she just give birth?

She looked at Bei Sitian's waist. How could this look like she had just given birth to three children? Was the news wrong?
She has been staring at this man for three days. Ever since she lost her way and met Luo Xudong on the first day, she has never forgotten this man. Very energetic!

Such a man is really the best for her, and for any female mysterious doctor, it means that the offspring born will be born with a lot of energy!
Yes, men may only be enjoyed in bed, and offspring are the main purpose.

If she had a very energetic child in the family, her status would be very different.


"Are you a mysterious doctor?" The woman asked uncertainly, because she felt that Beth Tian's energy was more energetic than that of ordinary people, but it didn't seem too much.

Bei Sitian's face was gloomy, "If I'm not a mysterious doctor, can you steal someone's husband openly?"

The woman stared at Bessian for a while, then asked, "Which school do you belong to?"

If it wasn't a big deal, even if she was a mysterious doctor, she would definitely grab it!

Such a high-quality man is not so easy to find. Not only can he satisfy his vision, but he can also be used as a bodyguard. A man with such a physique is generally quite brave in the bed, not to mention that he can give birth to energetic offspring. She Of course, it is impossible to give up just because the other party is a mysterious doctor.

"Green Feather School." Beth Tian narrowed her eyes slightly, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth.

What is the Qingyu school, I have never heard of it.

The woman made up her mind and said, "In this case, why don't we compete fairly."

Beth's sweet face darkened slightly, "Fair competition for my husband?"

The corner of the woman's mouth twitched, she ignored the sentence, and said: "Whoever gets the highest ranking in this exchange meeting will get this man, how about it? Don't shirk, I saw that you got the qualification token for the competition."

Generally, those who are going to exchange tables are not people from big families or schools. Even so, she asked one more question. To be on the safe side, one man should not cause conflicts between the two families. It would not be worth the candle.

"My name is Wen Xin, a direct member of the Wen family. I'll be waiting for you on the field." After Wen Xin finished speaking, without waiting for Bei Sitian to say anything, she missed Luo Xudong and walked towards the old warehouse.

From the beginning to the end, this woman has been talking to herself without giving anyone a chance to respond. It seems that she is a very controlling person.

Seeing this woman walking away with such a shameless face, Bei Sitian felt that her bottom line had been refreshed again.

Luo Xudong's whole body exuded bursts of air-conditioning. This woman's audacity and such remarks that broke the lower limit really turned off his appetite.

But the coldness all over his body disappeared without a trace when he felt Bethtian's unkind eyes looking over him.

Or coax the daughter-in-law first...

Luo Xudong is not a talkative person, and at this time he explained the whole thing in a few words, and the daughter-in-law won't be angry if she understands what happened.

"So, you just guided a lost lamb, and you came back with a rotten peach blossom?" Bei Sitian said with a glance.

Luo Xudong: "..." It seemed to be different from what I thought.

Bei Sitian didn't seem to calm down in the slightest. Luo Xudong remained silent, thinking carefully about why Bei Sitian was so angry, but no matter how he thought about it, he didn't seem to be at fault in this matter.

Bei Sitian was not really angry, but was disgusted by that woman. After hearing what happened, she got along with her. That woman must have been eyeing Luo Xudong on the first day.

Men like Luo Xudong are indeed golden among female mysterious doctors. After all, the genes of the next generation depend largely on their parents. Now let alone each family, even the competition within the family is very fierce, so the next generation is very important to them. Mysterious doctors, especially for female mysterious doctors, are very important.

It's just that Bei Sitian never imagined that there would be people who have no lower limit to this point. Bei Sitian has been a mysterious doctor for two lifetimes, and she is so proud. It's hard to imagine that there would be a mysterious doctor who is so shameless!

Such a person only wants to fight for power and profit, and doesn't even think about what the job of a doctor is.

"I'm going back first." Beth said sweetly without looking back, she was going to clean up the woman.

As soon as he took two steps, he felt a tight wrist, and was immediately pulled into a generous embrace.

"In the future, I won't guide people. Let them fend for themselves." Luo Xudong promised earnestly.

Beth Tian: "..." There's no need to be so desperate.

She lay on Luo Xudong's chest for a moment, then got up quickly, gave him a blank look and said, "I'm leaving."

This time Luo Xudong didn't stop her, he seemed to be not angry anymore, he was very sensitive to Bei Sitian's mood changes.

After Bei Sitian left, Luo Xudong also left the old warehouse in a flash, and continued to hide around. The reason why he showed up today was because of what Bei Sitian said that day, that he didn't see him.

As soon as Bei Sitian stepped into the gate of the old warehouse, a small figure filled her arms.

"Sister, please help me!" Xiao Yuzhu burst into tears.

She has been looking for Bei Sitian since yesterday, but she has never been able to find it. Today, she finally saw Bei Sitian, who knew that she would disappear in a blink of an eye.

Xiao Yuzhu is young, and the only guard of honor is the Liu family. Now that the Liu family is about to change, the only thing she can think of is this elder sister who has shown kindness to her.

(End of this chapter)

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